Technische Universität Dresden
B CUBE - Center for Molecular Bioengineering
Tatzberg 41
01307 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01307 Dresden
Research Grants
Current projects
Conformational dynamics of OMPs, periplasmic chaperones and BamA
Schlierf, Michael
Custom-Shaped Multifunctional Bio-Inspired Composite (CheMBIC)
Zhang, Yixin
Deciphering the role of actomyosin remodeling and mechanotransduction in sea urchin skeletogenesis
Politi, Ph.D., Yael
Geometric Frustration Controlled Morphogenesis of Protein Superstructures in Demospongiae
Zlotnikov, Igor
Investigating the role of bacterial sterol analogues in surface membrane properties and acclimation to environmental stress
Saenz, James
Mechanical and structural characterization of the relaxase and relaxosome of bacterial conjugation systems
Schlierf, Michael
Morphogenesis of hierarchically patterned diatom biosilica: theory and experiment
Friedrich, Benjamin M.
Kröger, Nils
Multi-scale mechanical analysis of biomineralized structures using acoustic and light scattering methods
Sotnikov, Andrey
Zlotnikov, Igor
Proximate and ultimate reasons for cuticular fibre orientation in insects
Dirks, Jan-Henning
Jürgens, Gerd
Politi, Ph.D., Yael
Reconstitution of Mineral Morphogenesis in Membrane-enclosed Compartments
Diez, Stefan
Steinem, Claudia
Replication initiation of the second bacterial chromosome of Vibrio cholerae
Schlierf, Michael
The Locust Ovipositor: A Form Follows Function Study of a Unique Digging Apparatus
Politi, Ph.D., Yael
Three-dimensional motion and torque generation of mitotic motors
Diez, Stefan
Towards mechanical characterization of nano-scale interfaces in biocomposite materials.
Zlotnikov, Igor
Wearable sensor-actuator microsystems for the continuous monitoring of reproductive hormones during assisted fertilization - WEREPRO
Cuniberti, Gianaurelio
Medina Sánchez, Mariana
Completed projects
Bilayer-Insertion Mechanisms of Self-Inserting Membrane Proteins by Combined Ensemble and Single-Molecule Spectroscopy
Keller, Sandro
Schlierf, Michael
Biogenese und Funktion Biomineral-assoziierter Proteine
Kröger, Nils
Elucidating the biomineralization pathway of calcite in coccolithophores
Faivre, Damien
Scheffel, André
Elucidating the natural fabrication process of a high performance biopolymeric fiber
Bertinetti, Ph.D., Luca
In vitro reconstitution of motor-driven nuclear oscillations
Diez, Stefan
Tolic, Ph.D., Iva Marija
Materials World Network: Structural design and micromechanical properties of mechanotransducing biological materials
Politi, Ph.D., Yael
Mechanical tunability of biological materials via protein-metal cross-linking
Harrington, Matthew
Micro-mechanics and Structure-function relationships in spider mechano-sensors; a key to understanding organ- performance
Politi, Ph.D., Yael
Structural flexibility in the optical design of the arthopod cornea
Scholtz, Gerhard
Wagermaier, Ph.D., Wolfgang
The Molecular Basis of Diatom Adhesion and Motility
Kröger, Nils
Poulsen, Ph.D., Nicole
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Biogenesis of chitin matrices across scales in yeast and insect
Bertinetti, Ph.D., Luca
Mattei, Simone
Function of microtubule inner proteins (MIPs) in Plasmodium morphology and mechanics throughout its life cycle
Diez, Stefan
Reber, Simone
Completed projects
Broadband reflecting fibers with tailored structures inspired by desert ants
Fabritius, Helge-Otto
Tiemann, Michael
Diatom Nanobiotechnology: Design Principles for Enhancing the Catalytic Activities of Enzymes and Metal Nanoparticles immobilized on Diatom Biosilica
Brunner, Eike
Kröger, Nils
Imaging the dynamics of actin-associated proteins in motile cells using ultra-fast, multi-spectral TIRF microscopy
Diez, Stefan
Lab-in-a-tube: non-linear dielectric spectroscopy for multiparametric bioanalysis
Karnaushenko, Daniil
Medina Sánchez, Mariana
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Molecular Transport in Cell Biology and Nanotechnology
Diez, Stefan
Research Units
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Kröger, Nils
FOR 2038: Nanopatterned Organic Matrices in Biological Silica Mineralisation
Kröger, Nils
Generation of Directed Motion: How Random Steps in Cytoskeletal Systems can lead to Processive Movement
Diez, Stefan
Käs, Josef Alfons
Proteins and Membrane Compartments involved in Silica Biogenesis
Kröger, Nils
Shevchenko, Andrej
SP-5: Single-Molecule Analysis of Biomolecule Assemblies
Schlierf, Michael
Structural and Functional Analysis of Silica Forming Organic Matrices
Kröger, Nils
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Einzelmolekülstudie der hexameren DNA Helikase E1 des Papillomavirus
Schlierf, Michael
Genetic Mainpulation of Silica Morphogenesis in the Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana
Scheffel, André
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hochauflösendes Massenspektrometer mit UPLC
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Motor-driven transport of intracellular cargo: cooperativity and control
(Project Heads
Diez, Stefan
Santen, Ludger
Silikat-Biomineralisation in Diatomeen
(Project Heads
Kröger, Nils
Sumper, Manfred
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2767: Supracolloidal Structures: From Materials to Optical and Electronic Devices
Fery, Andreas
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 97: Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB)
Rödel, Gerhard
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2068: Physics of Life - The Dynamic Organization of Living Matter (PoL)
Campas, Otger
Eaton, Suzanne
Grill, Stephan Wolfgang
Schiessel, Helmut
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 168: Regenerative Therapies - From Cells to Tissues to Therapies: Engineering the Cellular Basis of Regeneration
Bonifacio, Ph.D., Ezio
Brand, Michael
Calegari, Ph.D., Federico
Tanaka, Ph.D., Elly Margaret
EXC 1056: Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfAED)
Fettweis, Gerhard P.
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4BIOIMAGE - National research data infrastructure for microscopy and bioimage analysis
Weidtkamp-Peters, Stefanie