Hiob Ludolf Zentrum für Äthiopistik
Alsterterrasse 1
20354 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20354 Hamburg
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
Aethiopica. International Journal of Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies
Bausi, Alessandro
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Encyclopaedia Aethiopica (EAE) Band 5
Bausi, Alessandro
Research Grants
Current projects
Demarginalizing Medieval Africa: Images, Texts, and Identity in Early Solomonic Ethiopia (1270-1527)
Butts, Aaron
The Chronicle of King Śarḍa Dǝngǝl (r.1563‒1597): A Critical Edition with annotated English Translation
Beyene, Ph.D., Solomon Gebreyes
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Beyond the Late Antique Heritage – The Highpoint and Revival of Ethiopian Hagiographic Manuscript Culture
(Project Head
Bausi, Alessandro
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5138: Spiritual Intermediality in the Early Modern Period
Steiger, Johann Anselm
The medial status of the body – the body as an image and images of the body: King Kāleb and other Ethiopian saints depicted in Portugal and Brazil in the 18th century
Kern, Margit
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2176: Understanding Written Artefacts
Bausi, Alessandro
Butts, Aaron
Friedrich, Michael
Harter-Uibopuu, Kaja
Hirschler, Ph.D., Konrad
Schroer, Christian