Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Ammerländer Heerstraße 114
26129 Oldenburg
This institution in GERiT
26129 Oldenburg
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Edition of Avar texts
Boeder, Winfried
Ernst Lewy: Avar Texts with a German translation. Edited by Winfried Boeder with comments, corrections and contributions provided by Johannes Bechert, M.-K. M. Gimbatov, Aina Kazimagomedova, P. A. Saidova und S. Saxtamanov
Boeder, Winfried
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Attributive Verbalkonstruktionen in einem sprachlichen Areal: Türkei und Transkaukasien
Boeder, Winfried
Research Grants
Current projects
A Poetics of Ventriloquism: Verse, Voice, and Mediation from Walt Whitman to Kendrick Lamar
Greve, Julius
Completed projects
Bilingual Language Development: Children with typical language development and children with language impairment
Chilla, Solveig
Hamann, Cornelia
Rothweiler, Monika
BiliSAT: Bilingual Language Development in School-age Children with/without Language Impairment with Arabic and Turkish as first languages
Chilla, Solveig
Hamann, Cornelia
Sprachverstehen und Sprachverarbeitung in akustisch schwierigen Bedingungen aus AUdiologischer und psychoLINguistischer Sicht (AULIN)
Brand, Thomas
Ruigendijk, Esther
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Diagnosing (in) Modernity
Alkemeyer, Thomas