Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik
Standort Hannover
Callinstraße 38
30167 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30167 Hannover
Research Grants
Completed projects
Optical design and optimized readout of a light shining through a wall experiment in particle physics
Willke, Benno
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Optical Control of a Torsion Balance as a Low-Noise Test Platform
(Project Heads
Danzmann, Karsten
Mehmet, Moritz
Sustainable Scientific Results in TerraQ
(Project Heads
Hewitson, Ph.D., Martin
Schnitger, Axel
Completed projects
Data analysis challenges for the GRACE Follow-On community
(Project Heads
Flury, Jakob
Hewitson, Ph.D., Martin
List, Meike
Naeimi, Majid
High performance satellite formation flight simulator
(Project Heads
Hewitson, Ph.D., Martin
List, Meike
Rievers, Benny
Korrelation von Frequenz-, Amplituden- und Strahlgeometriefluktuationen von Laseroszillatoren in der Nähe des Quantenlimits
(Project Heads
Danzmann, Karsten
Willke, Benno
Messung von Leistungsfluktuationenam Quantenlimit
(Project Heads
Danzmann, Karsten
Willke, Benno
Modenkontrolle nichtklassischer Felder
(Project Heads
Danzmann, Karsten
Schnabel, Roman
Willke, Benno
Observation of spurious forces
(Project Heads
Danzmann, Karsten
Mehmet, Moritz
Optical Design Methods for Low-Noise Interferometry
(Project Heads
Heinzel, Gerhard
Wanner, Gudrun
Optical noise sources of low Earth orbiter links
(Project Heads
Heinzel, Gerhard
Wanner, Gudrun
Sustainable scientific results in geo-Q
(Project Head
Hewitson, Ph.D., Martin
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 201: QUEST - Centre for Quantum Engineering and Space-Time Research
Ertmer, Wolfgang
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2123: QuantumFrontiers - Light and Matter at the Quantum Frontier
Ospelkaus, Silke
Schmidt, Piet Oliver
Waag, Andreas