University of California, Davis
Department of Entomology and Nematology
One Shields Avenue
Davis CA 95616
Davis CA 95616
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Analytische Untersuchungen zur umfassenden Charakterisierung von Metaboliten - Metabolomics - in Körperflüssigkeiten zur Diagnose von Krankheiten am Beispiel des Autismus
Dettmer-Wilde, Katja
Determination of Leukotoxin and its metabolites by HPLC/MS and immunochemical methods
Zurek, Gabriela
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Innovative integration of high-throughput DNA barcoding, transcriptome-based constrained phylogenetics, hyperspectral imaging, and morphology to assess and characterize a poorly known fauna
Pauls, Steffen U.