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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften
Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft und Europäische Ethnologie
Oettingenstraße 67
80538 München
This institution in GERiT
80538 München
Research Grants
Current projects
Actors - Narratives - Strategies. Constellations of Transnational Folklore Research, 1875-1905
Schwab, Christiane
Ambivalent Gender Knowledge: Negotiations of Cultural Difference in Feminist Initiatives of the Postmigrant Society
Gutekunst, Miriam
Playing "in the Loop". New Human-Software Relations in Human Computation Systems and Their Impact on Spheres of Everyday Life
Moser, Johannes
Who owns the street? Urban negotiations around mobility and space usage in the context of the "Verkehrswende" (mobility transition) as a process of social transformation
Schwab, Christiane
Completed projects
Alltagskultur im sozialistischen Dorf. Kultureller Wandel im Alltagsleben der dörflichen Bevölkerung in der Folge der Kollektivierung
Roth, Klaus
Commodification of Motherhood. An ethnographic study about aesthetical practices from professional Mombloggers
Götz, Irene
Confidence as a means of labor. An ethnographic study on the role of aesthetics and practices of the banking business in Germany and Switzerland
Götz, Irene
Geteiltes Land, geteilte Familien? Die Ausreise aus der DDR in die BRD im familialen Gedächtnis von Übersiedler/innen und Zurück-Gebliebenen
Wehr, Laura
Ländlicher Alltag auf dem Weg in die Moderne. Sächsische und oberlausitzische Agrargesellschaften zwischen Rétablissement und Erstem Weltkrieg (1763-1914)
Schattkowsky, Martina
Precarious Retirement. Work and the Conduct of Life of Elderly Women
Götz, Irene
Research Units
Completed projects
Charity. A praxeological approach to practices of help under urban conditions
Moser, Johannes
Coordination Funds
Moser, Johannes
FOR 2101: Urban Ethics: Conflicts about the good and proper conduct of life in 20th and 21st century cities
Moser, Johannes
Habitation and Habitation Politics in Munich. Urban Ethics in the Context of Civic Involvement and Urban Governing
Moser, Johannes
`Imagining Europe`: Europa-Vorstellungen und ihre Inszenierung in Theater und städtischer Popularkultur an der südosteuropäischen Peripherie Europas (im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert, am Beispiel Bulgariens)
Roth, Klaus
Moser, Johannes
Bayerdörfer, Hans-Peter
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Die Ordnung der Jahreszeiten. Saisonalität im Wirkungsgefüge von medialen Leitbildern und Alltagspraxis
Köck, Christoph
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Mobilität und Mobilisierung. Arbeit im soziokulturellen, ökonomischen und politischen Wandel
Götz, Irene
Sevilla. Texturen der Stadt
Schwab, Christiane
Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Contestations of ‘the Social’ – Towards a Movement-based Ethnographic Social (State) Regime Analysis
Riedner, Lisa
Completed projects
Dissecting Society. Social Sketches and the Formation of Ethnographic and Sociological Knowledge (1830-1860)
Schwab, Christiane
From Oriental to the Cool City: Changing Imaginations of Istanbul, Cultural Production and the Production of Urban Space
Özkan, Derya
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Urban Gatekeepers - Folklore Studies and Society - History in Pictures
Wietschorke, Jens
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
"Common People" / Lifetime in Pictures
Wietschorke, Jens
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
The reunification of spouses and immigration from third countries with visa requirement into the European Union. Spaces of observation in the case of Russian marriage migration to Germany.
(Project Head
Götz, Irene
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