University of Pennsylvania
School of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biology
Leidy Laboratories of Biology
3740 Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia PA 19104
Philadelphia PA 19104
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Cognitive underpinnings of competition in chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus).
Wittig, Roman
Deciphering the Roles of Glycosylation in Prokaryotic Biofilm Formation
Schulze, Stefan
Etablierung und Durchführung genetischer Selektionsstrategie zur Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von Komponenten des Sec-abhängigen Proteintransports in Archaeen
Storf, Stefanie
The Role of Exo 70 in Epithelia Morphogenesis and Renal Tubulogenesis
Knödler, Andreas