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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Lehrstuhl für beobachtende und experimentelle Astrophysik
Scheinerstraße 1
81679 München
This institution in GERiT
81679 München
Research Grants
Current projects
LOcal Clusters And supercLuster In sZ: Adding Thermal, kInetic and relativistic cOrrectioNs
Dolag, Klaus
The morphology-density relation, ram-pressure stripping and ultra-diffuse galaxies in extra high resolution galaxy cluster zoom-in simulations
Dolag, Klaus
Completed projects
1. Alter der extremen turnoff-Feldsterne, 2. Die Hauptreihe des offenen Sternhaufens Melotte 111
Gehren, Thomas
Alter der extremsten Turnoff-Feldsterne
Gehren, Thomas
Baryon Census from Galaxy Clusters down to Galaxies
Dolag, Klaus
Chemische Homogenität offener Sternhaufen und die Hauptreihe des Bärenstroms
Gehren, Thomas
Disk constructing in Low Mass X-Ray Binaries
Barwig, Heinz
Entwicklung und Konstruktion eines hochauflösenden Echelle-Spektrographen für das LAMOST mit begleitendem stellarastronomischen Projekt
Gehren, Thomas
Environmental effects at early cosmic times: galaxy evolution in the first massive clusters
Mohr, Joseph
Gasdynamik im äußeren galaktischen Halo, HVCs als Testobjekte für den physikalischen Zustand des Halo-Plasmas
Lesch, Harald
Hauptreihe der Plejaden
Gehren, Thomas
High-resolution calibration of the Lick standard system
Gehren, Thomas
Hochauflösende Spektroskopie von metallarmen Sternen des Galaktischen Halo und die chemische Entwicklung der Galaxis
Gehren, Thomas
Magnetfelder der Sternentstehung als Heizmechanismus für diffus ionisiertes Gas im Interstellaren Medium
Lesch, Harald
Measuring H2 spin temperature in molecular cloud by near-infrared absorption spectroscopy
Goto, Ph.D., Miwa
Nonlinar radiation processes in anisotropic cosmic plasmas
Lesch, Harald
Search for variable stars in northern dwarf galaxies applying dedicated image convolution
Hopp, Ulrich
Simultaneous spectrophotometry of the new cataclysmic variable TmzV85
Barwig, Heinz
Sodium and Aluminium in different Galactic populations
Gehren, Thomas
Sodium and Aluminium in different Galactic populations
Gehren, Thomas
Sodium and Aluminium in different Galactic populations
Gehren, Thomas
Sodium and Aluminium in different Galactic populations
Gehren, Thomas
Spectrophotometry of the deeply eclipsing dwarf nova HS 0728+6738
Barwig, Heinz
Studie der Entstehung, des Aufbaus und der chemischen Entwicklung von Frühtypgalaxien anhand ihrer Kugelhaufensysteme
Bender, Ralf
Studying the dynamical and thermal structure of the hot gaseous component in galaxy clusters by means of unprecedentedly detailed synthetic observations of advanced cosmological, hydrodynamical simulations
Dolag, Klaus
The early-type dwarf galaxy population in nearby galaxy clusters
Bender, Ralf
The hierarchy of structure in the early Universe and its role in the formation, growth and suppression of galaxies as traced with KMOS
Wilman, David
Unveiling the nature of radio relics using cosmological simulations and observations
Nuza, Ph.D., Sebastian
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Adsorption line Survey of H+3 in the Galactic Center: The Warm and Diffuse Gas in the Central Molecular Zone
Goto, Ph.D., Miwa
Black holes in high and low mass bulges and bulge-less galaxies
Bender, Ralf
Dark and luminous matter in the outer halos of elliptical galaxies
Gerhard, Ortwin
Galactic Winds and Turbulence in High Redshift Galaxies
Krause, Martin
Intra cluster MAGnetic fields origiNATing from star formatION processes
Dolag, Klaus
Magnetische Aktivität und die Entstehung von Röntgenstrahlung in protostellaren Objekten
Lesch, Harald
Photometrisches Monitoring bei spektroskopischen T Tauri Doppel-Sternen zwecks direkter Bestimmung ihrer Massen und Rotationsperioden
Morfill, Gregor
The Martian Atmosphere: Observation and Modeling
Elbern, Ph.D., Hendrik
Hartogh, Paul
The Maturing of Galaxies by Feedback from Jets
Khochfar, Sadegh
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Turbulenzkühlung in extragalaktischen Jets und der Alignment-Effekt
Krause, Martin
Research Units
Completed projects
Dynamos with wind
Elstner, Detlef
Lesch, Harald
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Kosmologie und dunkle Materie: Dynamik-Beobachtungen
(Project Heads
Bender, Ralf
Saglia, Roberto P.
Kosmologie und dunkle Materie: Gravitationslinsen
(Project Heads
Bender, Ralf
Seitz, Stella
Completed projects
Analysis and forecasts for large-scale Dark Energy surveys
(Project Heads
Amendola, Luca
Porciani, Cristiano
Weller, Jochen
Central Tasks
(Project Heads
Amendola, Luca
Bender, Ralf
Wetterich, Christof
Wolschin, Georg
Galaxy Power Spectrum and Dark Energy
(Project Heads
Bender, Ralf
Phleps, Stefanie
Schuecker, Peter
Large-scale structure and Dark Energy
(Project Heads
Bender, Ralf
Porciani, Cristiano
Sanchez, Ariel G.
Probing Dark Matter and Dark Energy with observations of the evolution and spatial distribution of galaxy clusters
(Project Heads
Bertoldi, Frank
Dolag, Klaus
Mohr, Joseph
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 153: Origin and Structure of the Universe - The Cluster of Excellence for Fundamental Physics
Paul, Stephan
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2094: ORIGINS: From the Origin of the Universe to the First Building Blocks of Life
Burkert, Andreas
Paul, Stephan
Additional Information
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