Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
Sektion Mineralogie, Petrologie und Geochemie
Theresienstraße 41
80333 München
This institution in GERiT
80333 München
Research Grants
Current projects
Identification, targeted extraction and source apportionment of magnetic micro- and nanoparticles in particulate matter
Gilder, Stuart Alan
Trepmann, Claudia
PYTON: analysing PYroclast Textures to understand vOlcaNic behaviour
Küppers, Ulrich
Rapid scrubbing of sulfur dioxide during explosive volcanic eruptions
Lavallée, Yan
Vasseur, Jérémie
Completed projects
Bio-gene magnetite in organisms: its structure and putative function for orientation in the Earths magnetic field
Eder, Stephan
Correlation of major geological units between southern India and Sri Lanka and tectonic models for East Gondwana amalgamation
Kröner, Alfred
Dune bedfroms generated by pyroclastic density currents
Küppers, Ulrich
Ejection speed of pyroclasts
Küppers, Ulrich
Experimental determination of the rheology and acoustic emissions of Colima (Mexico) dome lavas
Lavallée, Yan
Exploring the conditions for occurrence of volcanic lightning
Cimarelli, Corrado
Hort, Matthias
Generation and age of early Archaean greenstone belt remnants in the southeastern Kaapvaal craton of South Africa
Rojas-Agramonte, Ph.D., Yamirka
Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic interpretation of magmatic dyke swarms on the South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica
Miller, Hubert
High resolution reconstruction of climate during the Late Quaternary - sedimentological and isotopic proxy data for the Arctic and Antarctic regions
Hegner, Ernst Josef
Identifizierung der Eisenquellen im atlantischen Sektor des Südpolarmeeres mit Hilfe der Radium- und Neodym-Isotopie
Hegner, Ernst Josef
Late Archaean high-grade metamorphism in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa
Kröner, Alfred
Lithospheric structure and evolution of the metamorphic basement of Sri Lanka and comparisons with southern India: Gondwana amalgamation in the Neoproterozoic
Hegner, Ernst Josef
Kröner, Alfred
Mit Hilfe eines neu entwickelten experimentellen Aufbaus sollen die Entstehungsmechanismen hydromagmatischer Aschen näher untersucht werden
Dingwell, Donald Bruce
Origin of island arc signatures in Icelandic rhyodacites
Hegner, Ernst Josef
Probing the 4D evolution of active magmatic systems through magnetotelluric monitoring
Cimarelli, Corrado
Moorkamp, Max
Rheology of the 2006 Plinian and effusive eruption of Tungurahua valcano, Ecuador
Lavallée, Yan
Sedimentary peels from pyroclastic density current deposits: revealing basal flow-boundary processes.
Küppers, Ulrich
Shock wave hazards during explosive volcanic eruptions: an experimental investigation
Scolamacchia, Teresa
UNcovering the role of Pyroclasts on volcanIc jet Noise – UNPIN
Küppers, Ulrich
Zeitliche Entwicklung der varistischen orogenen Wurzel in Süd- und Ost-Böhmen
Hegner, Ernst Josef
Zeitliche Entwicklung der varistischen orogenen Wurzel in Süd- und Ost-Böhmen
Kröner, Alfred
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Carbonatite metasomatism of the deep crust: Tracing melt-rock interaction dynamics during drilling the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (ICDP, "DIVE") through high-pressure experiments
Weidendorfer, Daniel
Completed projects
2D and 3D fabric quantification of conduit textures to understand eruption dynamics and mechanisms: unique in situ example of Mt Unzen
Hess, Kai-Uwe
Chemical, isotopic, and mineralogical proxy data for aeolian input into the Lake Baikal system during the last 150 ka
Hegner, Ernst Josef
Conditions for nanocrystals formation in Krafla shallow rhyolitic magma: A potential site for explosive eruptions
Cáceres Acevedo, Francisco
Decompression of Krafla magma: From immobile magma mush to explosive foaming?
Dingwell, Donald Bruce
Scheu, Bettina
Development of an ultra-high resolution neutron computed tomography system for the characterisation of drill cores.
Hess, Kai-Uwe
Permeability’s role around magma bodies: a way for gradually deforming or suddenly erupting
Montanaro, Cristian
Viscous flow of magmas from Unzen volcano, Japan - Implications for magma ascent and emplacement
Hess, Kai-Uwe
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Determination of the molar volumes of Lanthanide-bearing silicate melts
Courtial, Philippe
Die Neodym-Isotopenentwicklung des Meerwassers im Oberdevon-Unterkarbon
Hegner, Ernst Josef
Experimental determination of the physico-chemical properties of Fe-rich silicate melts relevant to mars
Courtial, Philippe
How pressure influences the magnetic properties of titanomagnetite and iron with implications for magnetic anomalies and core fields
Gilder, Stuart Alan
McCammon, Catherine
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Current projects
Magmatic enrichment of prebiotic elements
(Project Head
Weidendorfer, Daniel
Shallow geothermal systems: Physico-chemical factories for molecular evolution
(Project Head
Scheu, Bettina
Completed projects
Constraining geochemical boundary conditions of Hadean hydrothermal systems and the implications for early life
(Project Heads
Braun, Dieter
Orsi, Ph.D., William
Schwille, Petra
Weidendorfer, Daniel
Enhanced phosphate cycling in 3 phase-systems – Heat fluxes trigger the liberation and back-precipitation of phosphate, boosting prebiotic chemistry
(Project Heads
Eisenreich, Wolfgang
Mast, Christof Friedrich Bernhard
Scheu, Bettina
Fluid flows and RNA-trapping in 2D and 3D Hadean hydrothermal submarine vent models
(Project Heads
Alim, Karen
Braun, Dieter
Orsi, Ph.D., William
Scheu, Bettina
Subaerial magma-driven hydrothermal systems in the Hadean as physical and chemical factory
(Project Heads
Huber, Claudia
Scheu, Bettina
Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe
Trapp, Oliver