Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Biologie
Lehrstuhl für Zoologie - funktionelle Morphology der Tiere
Großhaderner Straße 2
82152 Planegg
This institution in GERiT
82152 Planegg
Research Grants
Current projects
Reconstructing the evolutionary history of tadpole shrimps and their closer relatives, important components of ephemeral freshwater habitats
Haug, Carolin
Completed projects
Development of an integrated forest carbon monitoring system with field sampling and remote sensing for tropical forests in Indonesia
Kleinn, Christoph
Experimente zur Phototaxis von Schleimpilzen (Dictyostelium discoideum)
Siegert, Ph.D., Florian
The evolution and development of functional units in chelicerates
Haug, Carolin
Virtual Palaeontology of Chengjiang Arthropods
Melzer, Roland
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
In vivo Funktionsanalyse von Profilin in Dictyostelium discoideum
(Project Head
Siegert, Ph.D., Florian
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 267: Sensory Interaction in Biological and Technical Systems
Büttner, Ulrich