Technische Universität München (TUM)
Department Chemie
Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie
Lichtenbergstraße 4
85748 Garching
This institution in GERiT
85748 Garching
Research Grants
Current projects
Blue-Green Light Harvesting in the Ocean: Theory meets Experiment
Hauer, Jürgen
Hofmann, Eckhard
Chiral laser desorption
Kartouzian, Aras
Kienberger, Reinhard
Connect – Catch – Couple: Metal-Molecule Interactions in Catalytic Coupling
Esch, Friedrich
Hydration, adsorption, and reaction on small aerosol particles
Lengyel, Jozef
Spectroscopic and Mechanistic Understanding of MOF-based Photocatalysts for Solar Fuels Generation.
Fischer, Roland A.
Hauer, Jürgen
Ultrafast Multidimensional Fluorescence-Excitation Spectroscopy – 2D-FLEX
Hauer, Jürgen
Completed projects
Chemical functionalities of size-selected clusters on surfaces with sizes in the non-scalable size regime
Heiz, Ulrich
Chemische und photochemische Reaktionen an größenselektierten, deponierten Clustern: Nanokatalyse
Heiz, Ulrich
Compressed Sensing in Ptychography and Transmission Electron Microscopy
van den Broek, Ph.D., Wouter
Dynamics of monodisperse clusters under the fast Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Esch, Friedrich
Heiz, Ulrich
Erzeugung von B,C,N-Verbindungen durch Laserverdampfung - Matrixisolationspektroskopie von massenselektierten BiCjNk-Clustern
Bondybey, Vladimir E.
Femtosekunden - Spektroskopie in hohen Magnetfeldern - Eine Methode zum Studium der Photodynamik von Übergangsmetall - Komplexen
Michel-Beyerle, Maria Elisabeth
Highly sensitive infrared studies on supported metal cluster adsorbates by infrared cavity ringdown spectroscopy
Heiz, Ulrich
Interaction of clusters with chiral surfaces
Heiz, Ulrich
Massenselektive Anionen-Photoelektronenspektroskopie an Schwefel-Wasserstoff-Verbindungen SxHy und schwach gebundenen Molekülkomplexen SxHy - M
Boesl-von Grafenstein, Ulrich
Massenselektive Laserspektroskopie chiraler Moleküle: Enantiomeren-spezifische Multiphotonenanregung mit zirkularpolarisiertem Laserlicht
Boesl-von Grafenstein, Ulrich
Methane activation and selective hydrogenation on sub-nanometer-sized clusters
Esch, Friedrich
Heiz, Ulrich
Microcalorimetric studies on monodisperse cluster materials
Heiz, Ulrich
Nanomanipulation of Metallic Clusters on Insulating Substrates
Heiz, Ulrich
Photochemistry of metal cluster - GaN semiconductor hybrid materials
Heiz, Ulrich
Stutzmann, Martin
Reaction Pathways and Properties of Charged Tantalum and Gold Clusters in the Oxidation of Methane under Multi-Collision Conditions
Tschurl, Ph.D., Martin
Spectroscopy of intermediates important in atmospheric chemistry: radicals, molecular ions and molecular clusters in the isolated gas phase
Boesl-von Grafenstein, Ulrich
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Surface-NMR with quantum sensors
Bucher, Dominik Benjamin
Completed projects
Multi-collisional conditions in ion traps as a novel tool towards a molecular understanding of atmospheric aerosol nucleation
Lengyel, Jozef
Vibrational Coupling as a Probe of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamic
Steinel, Tobias
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
A metal route to graphene synthesis for electronic devices
Wintterlin, Joost
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy on size-selected, supported clusters
Heiz, Ulrich
Metal catalyzed synthesis of graphene for the preparation of membranes with highest perfection at the atomic scale
Günther, Sebastian
MIES-studies on size-selected clusters deposited on oxide surfaces
Heiz, Ulrich
Schnelle Dynamik an großen, linearen Molekülen und Molekülclustern: Ladungstransfer in multifunktionalen Modellsystemen
Schlag, Edward William
Topology Guided Design of Multi-Photon Absorption in Crystalline Coordination Networks
Fischer, Roland A.
Hauer, Jürgen
WBP Position
Current projects
NV Diamond NMR as a new method for the analysis of microdroplets in biotechnology
Singh, Ph.D., Dileep
Completed projects
Hyperpolarization and NMR dtection on a diamond quantum chip
Rizzato, Ph.D., Roberto
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Reactivity and Sintering of Size- and Composition-Selected Clusters on Supports
(Project Heads
Kappes, Manfred
Lechner, Barbara
Structure and Chemical Reactivity of Size-Selected Clusters in Gas Phase
(Project Heads
Heiz, Ulrich
Schooß, Detlef
Completed projects
Charge Transfer and Transport in Organized Molecular Systems
(Project Heads
Bixon, Mordechai
Jortner, Joshua
Michel-Beyerle, Maria Elisabeth
Ionisation und Elektrontransfer in großen Molekülen und Clustern
(Project Heads
Schlag, Edward William
Selzle, Heinrich L.
Ionisation und Elektrontransfer in schwach gebundenen Clustern
(Project Head
Selzle, Heinrich L.
Konformations- und Faltungsdynamik in Proteinen und Peptiden
(Project Heads
Michel-Beyerle, Maria Elisabeth
Ogrodnik, Alexander
Ladungslokalisation, Ladungstrennung und Ladungsrekombination in der Gasphase
(Project Heads
Schlag, Edward William
Weinkauf, Rainer
Lichtinduzierte Dynamik in Chromophor/Protein-Systemen
(Project Heads
Bach, Thorsten
Michel-Beyerle, Maria Elisabeth
Skerra, Ph.D., Arne
Lichtinduzierte Dynamik von Protein und Chromophor in der Bindungsstelle gezielt veränderter Lipocalinproteine (Anticaline)
(Project Heads
Bach, Thorsten
Michel-Beyerle, Maria Elisabeth
Skerra, Ph.D., Arne
Photochemische Eigenschaften von monodispersen Nanosystemen
(Project Head
Heiz, Ulrich
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Bringing diamond quantum sensors into application in biology and chemistry
Bucher, Dominik Benjamin
Reaction intermediates in the heterogeneous catalysis of metal clusters studied by using a novel method of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS)
Tschurl, Ph.D., Martin
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hochleistungs-Nd:YAG mit variabler Repetitionsrate von 100 Hz - 300 Hz
Current projects
Transient Absorption on Multiple Timescales – from Ultrafast Relaxation to Charge Transfer Processes
(Project Head
Hauer, Jürgen
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2022: Alberta/Technical University of Munich International Graduate School for Environmentally Responsible Functional Hybrid Materials (ATUMS)
Rieger, Bernhard
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 328: Molecular Organisation and Dynamics at Interfaces
Kolb, Dieter M.
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2089: e-conversion
Bein, Thomas
Heiz, Ulrich
Reuter, Karsten