Philipps-Universität Marburg
Fachbereich 09: Germanistik und Kunstwissenschaften
Kunstgeschichtliches Institut
Biegenstraße 11
35037 Marburg
This institution in GERiT
35037 Marburg
Research Grants
Completed projects
Architektur, Hof und Staat - Der Schloß- und Residenzbau in Thüringen 1600 - 1800
Schütte, Ulrich
ARCHITRAVE - Art and Architecture in German Travel Accounts to Paris and Versailles in the Baroque Era
Horstmann, Wolfram
Kirchner, Thomas
Augsburger Architektur- und Ornamentstichwerke. Der Anteil der Kunsthandlungen an der Formierung und Verbreitung ästhetischer Modelle während des 18. Jahrhunderts
Krause, Katharina
Das illustrierte Kunstbuch (ca. 1750-1914)
Krause, Katharina
Media and transfer processes of the Court Culture in the Holy Roman Empire around 1700
Seeger, Ulrike
Medieval altarpieces in Hessen
Niehr, Klaus
Sander, Jochen
Schütte, Ulrich
Medieval Christian art in 19th century . Research and reception
Brinkmann, Inga
Peter Grund (1892-1966) - Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Darmstadt A German architect under three political systems
Kastorff-Viehmann, Renate
Sonne, Wolfgang
Stabenow, Jörg
Printmaking theory from the beginning of printmaking until its establishment within the academic arts in the 18th. century
Stoltz, Barbara
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Ludwig XIV. in der Kritik. Untersuchungen zur Wirkungsgeschichte des Herrscherbildes im absolutistischen Frankreich.
Ziegler, Hendrik
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Reformarchitektur 1900-1918. Deutsche Baukünstler auf der Suche nach dem nationalen Stil
Hofer, Sigrid
Current projects
Architectural and visual concepts of security: The street as place and opportunity for social, economic, and political insecurity (c. 1770 - c. 1900)
(Project Heads
Krause, Katharina
Schütte, Ulrich
Completed projects
The „House“ as Security and Gender (In-)Security
(Project Heads
Krause, Katharina
Ruby, Sigrid
Schmidt-Voges, Inken
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Image Synthesis as an Epistemic Method Towards Understanding Art
Bell, Peter
Ommer, Björn
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5406: Antigypsyism and Ambivalence in Europe (1850-1950)
Patrut, Iulia-Karin
Pictorial Narratives and Visual Staging of Antiziganist Motifs (1848-1930)
Bell, Peter
Ulz, Melanie