Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP)
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Straße 2
91058 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91058 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
Development of a two-interferometer-scanner for non-destructive analysis of microstructures in metallic components using X-ray dark-field imaging
Funk, Stefan
Ludwig, Veronika
Extending the high-energy cosmic ray electron spectrum with deep learning
Funk, Stefan
Multi-class classification and population studies of unassociated Fermi-LAT gamma-ray sources with machine learning
Malyshev, Dmitry
Completed projects
Active dosimetry in pulsed photon fields using photon counting pixel detectors
Hupe, Oliver
Michel, Thilo
Erstmaliger Einsatz und Optimierung von Halbleiter-Pixeldetektoren zum Nachweis extrem seltener Kernzerfälle insbesondere des doppelten Elektroneneinfangs von 58Ni
Michel, Thilo
Zuber, Kai
Improving Energy Reconstruction and Background Rejection of EXO-200
Michel, Thilo
Optical intensity interferometry with the H.E.S.S. gamma-ray telescopes
Funk, Stefan
Optimising the design of water-Cherenkov detectors for gamma-ray astronomy
Funk, Stefan
Schoorlemmer, Harm
Origin of the Fermi bubbles from multi-wavelength and multi-messenger observations
Malyshev, Dmitry
Probing tau neutrino appearance with ORCA and determination of the leptonic CP-phase with Super-ORCA
Eberl, Thomas
Single-shot X-ray phase-contrast imaging of dense plasmas
Funk, Stefan
Neumayer, Paul
Towards Standards for Three-dimensional Non-invasive Digitisation of Manuscripts
Funk, Stefan
Hausotte, Tino
Maier, Andreas
Schür, Jan
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Unveiling the Origin of Galactic Cosmic Rays: Exploring Pulsar Environments at the Highest Energies
Mitchell, Alison
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Cosmic neutrino sources: Optimization strategies for P-ONE
(Project Heads
Heinrich, Lukas
Kopper, Claudio
Resconi, Elisa