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Universität Leipzig
Institut für Biologie
AG Molekulare Evolution & Systematik der Tiere
Talstraße 33
04103 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04103 Leipzig
Research Grants
Current projects
Footprints of speciation and hybridization in the genomes of Galápagos iguanas
Hofreiter, Michael
Steinfartz, Sebastian
Completed projects
Analysis o f a terrestrial salamander population (Salamandra salamandra) as a model for studying mechanisms of adaptive speciation
Steinfartz, Sebastian
A new phylogeographic perspective on a classical refugial area - colonization patterns and geneflow of spectacled salamanders (genus Salamandrina) in Italy
Hauswaldt, Ph.D., Susanne
Are all amphibian populations demed as metapopulations - a case study on crested newts (Triturus cristatus)
Steinfartz, Sebastian
Molekulare und morphologische Analyse räumlicher und zeitlicher Biodiversitätsmuster von Ciliaten in Pflanzenkläranlagen
Schlegel, Martin
Phylogenetic investigation of Staphyliniformia (Cloleoptera, Insecta), especially Hydrophiloidea, with molecular and morphological data
Bernhard, Detlef
Venom evolution in glycerid polychaetes (Annelida, Glyceridae) with special emphasis on alpha-glycerotoxin
Schlegel, Martin
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Genetic analysis of the microevolution of marine Galápagos iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus): towards an advanced conservation strategy
Steinfartz, Sebastian
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Adaptation to environmental warming? Microevolution in the protists Paramecium and Coleps
Berendonk, Thomas U.
Continuing the deep molecular characterization of eukaryotic microorganisms´ diversity and community composition in forest soils and the canopy region using a metatranscriptomics approach (micDiv II)
Bonkowski, Michael
Schlegel, Martin
Deep molecular characterization of eukaryotic microorganisms´ diversity and community composition in forest soils and the canopy region across biomes using a multiple barcoding approach - micDiv
Bonkowski, Michael
Schlegel, Martin
Molecular Evolution and Deep Phylogeny of Deuterostomia
Schlegel, Martin
Refined Methods for Inference of Metazoan Phylogeny Using Mitochondrial Genome Arrangement Data
Schierwater, Bernd
Refined Methods for Inference of Metazoan Phylogeny Using Mitochondrial Genome Arrangement Data
Schierwater, Bernd
Stadler, Peter Florian
DIP Programme
Completed projects
Ecological genomics: Analysis of gene expression underlying parallel habitat adaptation in distinct salamander species
Blaustein, Leon
Steinfartz, Sebastian
DFG Research Centres
Completed projects
Biodiversity Processes
(Project Heads
Buscot, Francois
van Dam, Nicole M.
Harpole, William Stanley
Schlegel, Martin
Evolution and Adaptation, and Physiological Diversity
(Project Heads
Moritz, Robin F. A.
Schlegel, Martin
Wilhelm, Christian
Additional Information
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