Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Biologie
Strukturbiologie und Biochemie
Philippstraße 13
10115 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10115 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Long Range Control of Reactivity in CO Dehydrogenases
Dobbek, Holger
Completed projects
Mechanism of Ni,Fe-containing Carbon monoxide Dehydrogenases
Dobbek, Holger
Methyltransfer reactions in the reductive acetyl-Coenzym A pathway
Dobbek, Holger
Radical catalysis in Fe/S cluster dependent dehydratases
Dobbek, Holger
Structural Enzymology of Hydroxylation Reactions on Aromatic Compounds
Dobbek, Holger
Struktur und Funktion von Metalloproteinen des anaeroben CO-Metabolismus
Dobbek, Holger
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Bioanorganische Chemie
Dobbek, Holger
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
CooC2/AcsF and Cfd1/Nbp35: maturation of complex Fe/S-clusters by MinD-type ATPases
Dobbek, Holger
Double-cubane iron-sulfur clusters: a new cofactor in biology
Dobbek, Holger
Structural biochemistry of 4-hydroxyphenylacetate decarboxylase, benzylsuccinate synthase and respective activating-enzymes
Martins, Berta
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Structural basis of proton release from the water-oxidizing complex in cyanobacterial photosystem II
(Project Heads
Dobbek, Holger
Zouni, Athina
Struktur und Dynamik von Proteinen aus Lymphoproliferation und Immundefizienz
(Project Heads
Dobbek, Holger
Rösch, Paul
Schwarzinger, Stephan
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 314: Unifying Concepts in Catalysis
Drieß, Matthias
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2008: UniSysCat
Dobbek, Holger
Drieß, Matthias
Mroginski, Ph.D., Maria Andrea
Rappsilber, Juri
Thomas, Arne