Universität Konstanz
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Sektion
Fachbereich Biologie
Limnologisches Institut
Mainaustraße 252
78464 Konstanz
This institution in GERiT
78464 Konstanz
Research Grants
Current projects
Effects of stochastic resistance and resistance-breaking on host-parasite coevolution
Lievens, Eva
Littoral and pelagic Methane sources: a thorough cross-examination of methane production, oxidation and transport in lakes (LiMeth)
Martinez-Cruz, Ph.D., Karla
The ecological and genetic drivers of divergence
Becks, Lutz
Completed projects
Acetylene hydratase: from physiology to structure to function
Kroneck, Peter M. H.
A cross-taxa assessment of the impact of climate change on population abundance
Böhning-Gaese, Katrin
Änderungen der Struktur und der Planktonkonsumtion einer Fischbiozönose durch Dezimierung der planktivoren Jungfische
Eckmann, Reiner
Anaerober Abbau von Resorcin und Naphthalin
Schink, Bernhard
Biochemie der syntrophen Oxidation von Fettsäuren und Alkoholen
Schink, Bernhard
Biotic interactions and the maintenance of a Daphnia hybrid species complex
Rothhaupt, Karl-Otto
BodenseeOnline: Modellierung von Biologie, Chemie und Sedimentation
Rothhaupt, Karl-Otto
Characterization of a novel enzyme system for activation of acetone in sulfate-reducing bacteria
Schink, Bernhard
Chemicals and eco-evolutionary dynamics shaping communities
del Arco, Ana
Development of a Copula-Based Weather Generator for Assessment of Climate Impact on the Hydrodynamic and Ecologic State of Highly Sensitive Aquatic Systems Using the Example of Lake Constance
Bárdossy, András
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in evolving communities
Becks, Lutz
Eco-evolutionary responses and feedbacks of a key herbivore to lake oligotrophication
Straile, Dietmar
Effect of lake level rise on vertical transport and mixing processes in Lake Van (Turkey)
Peeters, Ph.D., Frank
Einfluss von invertebraten Carnivoren, Bythotrephes longimanus und Leptodora kindtii auf die Populationsdynamik von herbivoren Crustaceen
Straile, Dietmar
Energetik und Biochemie syntropher Oxidationen
Schink, Bernhard
Evolutionary mechanisms: Implications of MHC-mediated behaviours on social interactions and their contribution to population divergence during speciation
Behrmann-Godel, Jasminca
Future ArcTic Ecosystems (FATE): drivers of diversity and future scenarios from ethno-ecology, contemporary ecology and ancient DNA
Epp, Laura
Genomics of eco-evolutionary dynamics in coevolving predator-prey systems
Becks, Lutz
Interplay between energy, mineral and biochemical constraints of herbivores in the pelagic food web of Lake Constance
Rothhaupt, Karl-Otto
Wacker, Alexander
Methane emissions from small lakes: Dynamics and distribution patterns (MethDyn)
Peeters, Ph.D., Frank
Molecular basis of photoperiodic adaptation in Daphnia
Schwarzenberger, Anke
Oxidation von Nitrit durch anoxygene phototrophe Bakterien
Schink, Bernhard
Planktonsukzession im oligotrophen Bodensee
Straile, Dietmar
Pockmark formation and methane emission in Lake Constance
Bussmann, Ingeborg
Schink, Bernhard
Wessels, Martin
Properties of solitary wave trains at internal fronts in Lake Constance
Peeters, Ph.D., Frank
Räumlich-zeitlliche Verteilungsmuster von Plankton in Seen: Abiotische Störungen und organische Interkationen mit dem besonderem Fokus auf Planktothrix rubescens
Hofmann, Hilmar
Response of Siberian treeline forests to historical and present climate changes - a (paleo)genetic approach
Epp, Laura
The role of littoral zones as source of methane in lakes: Dynamics, distribution patterns, and emissions
Hofmann, Hilmar
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Acetone carboxylation as a model reaction for anaerobic activation of hydrocarbons
Schink, Bernhard
Characterization of radicals in anaerobic degradation of benzoate, acytelene, and glycol ethers
Schink, Bernhard
CLIMate variability and copepod population dynamics - Do COPepod life cycle eventS match with climate driven abiotic and biotic environmental variability? (CLIMCOPS)
Straile, Dietmar
Host virus coevolution – demography versus selection in the face of multiple stressors
Becks, Lutz
Indirect response to external drivers through trait variation in predator-prey systems
Becks, Lutz
Mikrobielle Aktivitäten beim Abbau aromatischer Fremdstoffe im Aquifer mit Eisen und Mangan als Elektronenakzeptor
Schink, Bernhard
Modelling the impact of changes in the physical environment on plankton succession with special emphasis on Daphnia-algae interactions
Peeters, Ph.D., Frank
Novel multi-site enzymes in the transformation of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons
Kroneck, Peter M. H.
Seasonal and long-term phytoplankton trait dynamics during trophic change and a regime shift in phytoplankton biomass
Peeters, Ph.D., Frank
The adaptive capacity of multitrophic plankton communities in a changing ocean
Merico, Agostino
The influence of global climate change on growth and population dynamics of zooplanktivorous whitefish (Coregonus sp.)
Eckmann, Reiner
Trait heterogeneity effects on trophic interactions: the role of essential nutrients
Martin-Creuzburg, Dominik
Wacker, Alexander
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in complex systems
Becks, Lutz
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Experimental and theoretical ecology and evolution
Becks, Lutz
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Experimental and theoretical ecology and evolution
Becks, Lutz
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Becks, Lutz
Density dependence of the symbiosis in ciliate-algae systems
Becks, Lutz
FOR 5726: Density dependent symbiosis in planktonic systems – DynaSym
Becks, Lutz
Synthesis of context-dependent form of symbiosis
Becks, Lutz
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Rothhaupt, Karl-Otto
High-frequency internal waves in the littoral zone of Lake Constance
(Project Heads
Lorke, Andreas
Peeters, Ph.D., Frank
Makrozoobenthos-Lebensgemeinschaften des Bodenseeufers
(Project Head
Rothhaupt, Karl-Otto
Microbial transformations of redox intermediates in littoral sediment
(Project Head
Schink, Bernhard
Nutritional aspects in the invasive freshwater bivalve Corbicula fluminea: the role of essential lipids
(Project Head
Rothhaupt, Karl-Otto
Population dynamics of fish species under conditions of re-oligotrophication
(Project Head
Eckmann, Reiner
SFB 454: Littoral of Lake Constance
Rothhaupt, Karl-Otto
Spatial patterns and trophic interactions in the littoral zone
(Project Head
Straile, Dietmar
Suface waves and their ecological consequence
(Project Head
Peeters, Ph.D., Frank
The macroparasite community of perch (Perca fluviatilis) and ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and implications on immune parameters (MHC-variability)
(Project Head
Behrmann-Godel, Jasminca
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Bacterial Anaerobic Phosphite Oxidation
Simeonova, Diliana Dancheva
Evolutionary adaptation of natural phytoplankton populations to warming
Lohbeck, Kai
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
High Content Microscope (automated)
Research data and software
Completed projects
Database Infrastructure for Long-Term Data of German Lakes (Lake-Base)
Adrian, Ph.D., Rita
Berendonk, Thomas U.
Gaedke, Ursula
König-Ries, Birgitta
Rothhaupt, Karl-Otto
Wagner, Annekatrin
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2272: R3 - Responses to biotic and abiotic Changes, Resilience and Reversibility of Lake Ecosystems
Peeters, Ph.D., Frank
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 218: Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology (KoRS-CB)
Marx, Andreas