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Forschungszentrum Jülich
Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung
Stratosphäre (IEK-7)
52425 Jülich
This institution in GERiT
52425 Jülich
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Gravitiy wave coupling processes and their decadal variation
Ern, Manfred
Gravity wave Ray tracing Parameterization and its Effects in Solar cycle modeling (GRAPES)
Preuße, Peter
Gravity Waves - Experimental Constraints, Intercomparison and Effects of the Sun
Ern, Manfred
Middle Atmosphere NOx variations and solar UV VAriability: Examples to study mesospheric/stratospheric coupling and the impact of solar variability on stratospheric ozone
Konopka, Paul
Response of Atomic Hydrogen and Oxygen to Solar Radiation Changes: Measurements and Simulations
Riese, Martin
Satellite and model studies of galactic cosmic rays and clouds, modulated by solar activity
Schiller, Cornelius
Stratospheric Ozone Loss in Mid-latitudes in Summer - a Potential Risk of Climate Engineering? (CE-O3)
Vogel, Bärbel
Thermosphere/Ionosphere Gravity wave Effects Resulting from Upward Coupling (TigerUC)
Ern, Manfred
Research Grants
Current projects
Interannual variability and formation mechanism of the Asian tropopause aerosol layer and its global impact
Borrmann, Stephan
Vogel, Bärbel
modellinG-sateLlite-Aircraft approaCh for cIrrus Advanced characTErization
Miltenberger, Annette
Rolf, Christian
QUANTifying stratospheric circulation Impacts on Tropospheric Emission Estimates (QUANTITEE)
Plöger, Felix
Understanding tropical cirrus by combining laboratory cloud simulation and field experiments with process and circulation modelling
Krämer, Martina
Möhler, Ottmar
Voigt, Aiko
Completed projects
Climate variability in the upper troposphere and stratosphere over Asia and its representation in modern reanalysis products
Konopka, Paul
How are natural variability and anthropogenic forcings affecting the variability and trends in the Brewer-Dobson circulation and downward ozone flux?
Diallo, Ph.D., Mohamadou
Stratospheric Water Vapor Simulations: From Polar Regions to the Tropical Tropopause
Tritscher, Ines
Upper troposphere and lower stratosphere transport pathways of aerosol and tracers associated with the Asian monsoon circulation (AeroTrac)
Hoffmann, Lars
Hoor, Peter
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Air mass export from the Asian monsoon into the extratropical stratosphere: impact on chemistry and radiation (AirExam)
Vogel, Bärbel
Completed projects
Air Mass Origin in the Lower Stratosphere using HALO Measurements and CLaMS Simulations (AMOS)
Vogel, Bärbel
Cirrus clouds in the extratropical tropopause and lowermost stratosphere region
Spang, Ph.D., Reinhold
Impact of upper tropospheric jet-front systems on the mesoscale structure of the tropopause inversion layer and cross-tropopause transport [MESO-TIL]
Kunkel, Daniel
Lagrangian Support of Stratospheric Operations of HALO (LASSO)
Grooß, Jens-Uwe
Mission Support System (MSS) development
Ungermann, Joern
Non-stationary Gravity Wave retrievals for GLORIA
Preuße, Peter
Ungermann, Joern
Quality assessment of an open-path tuneable diode laser spectrometer for water vapour measurement and scientific studies during first HALO demo missions
Ebert, Volker
Krämer, Martina
WISE: Wave driven isentropic exchange
Hoor, Peter
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Analyzing composition and trends of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer
Kloss, Corinna
Examining the extra-tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere using remote sensing limb-sounder measurements of unprecedented vertical resolution
Ungermann, Joern
Interaction of gravity waves and Madden-Julian Oscillation
Kalisch, Silvio
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 1898: Multiscale Dynamics of Gravity Waves (MS-GWaves)
Achatz, Ulrich
Spatio-Temporal Gravity-Wave-Source Variability (SV)
Achatz, Ulrich
Bölöni, Ph.D., Gergely
Ern, Manfred
Preuße, Peter
Current projects
Large scale variations of water vapour and ice supersaturated regions
(Project Heads
Krämer, Martina
Reutter, Philipp
Rolf, Christian
Additional Information
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