Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Biotechnologie
Fachgebiet Angewandte Biochemie
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
13355 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
13355 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Treatment of pancreatic cancer by combination therapy with oncolytic coxsackie B3 virus PD-H-375TS, focal adhesion kinase inhibitors and checkpoint inhibitors
Fechner, Henry
Klopfleisch, Robert
van Linthout, Ph.D., Sophie
Completed projects
Bedeutung der Parvovirus B19 (PVB19)-Rezeptoren für die kardio-endotheliale PVB19-Infektion
Fechner, Henry
Chemo-enzymatic synthesis of selenium-modified nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids
Neubauer, Peter
Indentification of RNA G-quadruplex binding proteins and analysis of the biological relevance of the protein-RNA G-quadruplex interaction
Kurreck, Jens
Inhibition des Herz-pathogenen Coxsackievirus B3 durch lösliche Virusrezeptor- und RNA Interferenz-basierte Kombinationstherapien
Fechner, Henry
Kurreck, Jens
Inhibition of picornavirus replication by modified antisense oligonucleotides and DNA enzymes
Kurreck, Jens
Investigation of the translational potential of the ISG15 system for treatment of virus-induced inflammatory cardiomyopathy.
Beling, Antje
Regulation der Bildung von Quino(hämo)protein-Alkoholdehydrogenasen in Pseudomonaden
Görisch, Helmut
Regulation of the PQQ-dependent quinoprotein enzyme systems in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Görisch, Helmut
RNA interference based therapies for treatment of adenovirus infections in immunosuppressed host
Fechner, Henry
Therapeutic efficiency of vector-expressed soluble virus receptor proteins in cardiac enterovirus infections
Fechner, Henry
Tschöpe, Carsten
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Isolierung und Charakterisierung Hexahydrotriazin- und Chlorisocyansaeure-eliminierender Mikroorganismen
(Project Head
Görisch, Helmut
Mikrobiologie und Enzymatik des anaeroben Chlorbenzolabbaus und der mikrobiellen Eliminierung von Dichlordiisopropylether
(Project Head
Görisch, Helmut
Reinigung von Abwaessern aus der Zellstoffindustrie: Einsatz von Pilzen zur Eliminierung von Abwasserligninen
(Project Head
Kraepelin, Gunda
Completed projects
Relevance of Parvovirus B19 (B19) Receptors and B19 Latency in the Pathogenesis of Cardioendothelial B19 Infections
(Project Heads
Fechner, Henry
Weger, Stefan
RNA Interference-Mediated Silencing of Negative SERCA2a Regulators for the Improvement of Ca2+ Homeostasis in DCMi
(Project Heads
Erdmann, Volker A.
Fechner, Henry
Vetter, Roland