Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Philosophische Fakultät
Seminar für Orientalistik
Leibnizstraße 10
24118 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24118 Kiel
Publication Grants
Completed projects
"Circulating Passions: Knowing and doing emotions in 17th century China"
Messner, Angelika
Medizinische Diskurse zu Irresein in China (1600-1930)
Messner, Angelika
Nachrichtenblatt, Informationsbörse und Diskussionsforum: Ahtar-e Estanbul (1876-1896) - Anstöße zur frühen persischen Moderne
Pistor-Hatam, Anja
Official Gazette, vilayet gazetesi and independend journal: The beginning of the Near and Middle East press
Pistor-Hatam, Anja
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Modern Muslim Subjectivities
Elsässer, Sebastian
Research Grants
Current projects
Generations of Islamic Activism: cultural and ideological change within the Arab Muslim Brotherhood (ca. 1970-today)
Elsässer, Sebastian
Completed projects
Materialities of Medical Culture In/Between Europe and East Asia
Messner, Angelika
Wahrig, Bettina
Research Units
Current projects
Collective Identities in Modern Iran: Revolutions as Historical Crystallisation Points of Categorisation, Radicalisation and Tolerance
Pistor-Hatam, Anja
FOR 5472: The Difficulty and Possibility of Tolerance: The Multifaceted Challenges of the Concept and Practice of Tolerance
Simon, Bernd