Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Otto Diels - Institut für Organische Chemie
Otto-Hahn-Platz 4
24118 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24118 Kiel
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Photomechanical Soft Grippers
Gorb, Stanislav N.
Staubitz, Anne
Completed projects
Concave acid/base-arrays for acid/base catalysis
Lüning, Ulrich
Dipolar Molecular Rotors in SURMOFs
Beyer, André
Herges, Rainer
Howard, Ph.D., Ian
Orthogonale Schutzgruppen für Cellulose
Lüning, Ulrich
Targeting selective host-guest interactions in functionalized MOFs - synthesis, NMR-studies and sensor design
Bein, Thomas
Lotsch, Bettina Valeska
Lüning, Ulrich
Senker, Jürgen
Stock, Norbert
Research Grants
Current projects
Molecular Flip Flops: Spin Switching by Intramolecular Feed Back
Herges, Rainer
Parahydrogen-induced hyperpolarization of 13C labeled keto carboxylic acids for medical applications: synthesis, polarization transfer, 13C-MRI
Herges, Rainer
Pravdivtsev, Ph.D., Andrey
Photoswitchable polymers via initiated chemical vapor deposition
Herges, Rainer
Schröder, Stefan
Completed projects
Development of a Direct Alkynylation of Carboxylic Acids
van Gemmeren, Manuel
Dynamisch-kombinatorische Chemie zur Synthese von Makrocyclen
Lüning, Ulrich
Exploration of the Amadori Rearrangement for Bioconjugation of Carbohydrates
Lindhorst, Thisbe K.
Sich selbst organisierende Dendrimere
Lüning, Ulrich
Synthese gürtel- und röhrenförmig konjugierter Aromaten
Herges, Rainer
Synthese Möbius-aromatischer Annulene; Moleküle mit nur einer Pi-Seite
Herges, Rainer
Synthese von ungesättigten Oxamakroliden und verwandten Verbindungen
Tochtermann, Werner
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Development of Synthetic Methods for the Late-Stage Modification of Synthetic Intermediates: The Arene-Limited Nondirected C–H Activation of Arenes and the Direct C–H Activation of Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids
van Gemmeren, Manuel
Completed projects
Inorganic main group analogues of organic aromatic rings: synthesis, reactivity, and use in semiconducting polymers and devices.
Staubitz, Anne
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Central Tasks
(Project Head
Herges, Rainer
Directed molecular switching and transport on surfaces
(Project Heads
Herges, Rainer
Magnussen, Olaf
Dynamics of H-Transfer Switches
(Project Heads
Hartke, Bernd
Lüning, Ulrich
Temps, Friedrich
Light-driven proton pump
(Project Heads
Herges, Rainer
Lüning, Ulrich
Light driven synthesis
(Project Head
Herges, Rainer
Mechanics of switching single molecules in solution
(Project Heads
Beyer, Martin K.
Hartke, Bernd
Lüning, Ulrich
Mechanophoric Composites
(Project Heads
Adelung, Rainer
Staubitz, Anne
Molecular Assemblers: Light Driven Molecular Machines for Synthesis
(Project Head
Herges, Rainer
New spin crossover complexes for spin switching in solution and on surfaces
(Project Heads
Herges, Rainer
Tuczek, Felix
Photoswitchable Adhesives
(Project Heads
Adelung, Rainer
Gorb, Stanislav N.
Staubitz, Anne
SFB 677: Function by Switching
Herges, Rainer
Switchable Cell Adhesion
(Project Heads
Lindhorst, Thisbe K.
Selhuber-Unkel, Christine
Switchable Contrast Agents for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(Project Heads
Boretius, Susann
Herges, Rainer
Tuczek, Felix
Switchable, porous inorganic-organic hybrid compounds
(Project Heads
Herges, Rainer
Stock, Norbert
Switching Adsorbate Layers Based on the Platform Concept
(Project Heads
Herges, Rainer
Magnussen, Olaf
Switching the antifreeze activity of proteins
(Project Heads
Lindhorst, Thisbe K.
Sönnichsen, Frank
Untersuchung der Bindungsstellen auf dem FimH-Protein von Typ-1-Fimbrien mit Hilfe maßgeschneiderter oligofunktioneller Glycoliganden
(Project Head
Lindhorst, Thisbe K.
Research Units
Completed projects
Liquid phase catalytic application of nanoporous gold
Wittstock, Arne
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
600 MHz NMR console with cryoprobe
Hochauflösendes ESI-Massenspektrometer
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2678: Functional pi-systems: Activation, Interaction and Applications (pi-Sys)
Studer, Armido