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Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Strömungsmechanik (ISTM)
Kaiserstraße 10
76131 Karlsruhe
This institution in GERiT
76131 Karlsruhe
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Machine learning for design of chemical engineering unit operations - a microevaporator, leading to a 3D structured multiphase absorber
Dittmeyer, Roland
Friederich, Pascal
Stroh, Alexander
Completed projects
Einleitung der Transition auf gepfeilten Tragflügeln durch dominante Querströmungsinstabilitäten
Oertel, Herbert
Gestaltung fester Körper in flüssigen oder gasförmigen Medien
Grabowski, Hans
How do turbulent superstructures interact with skin friction drag?
Frohnapfel, Bettina
Nichtlineare Erweiterung der linearen Stabilitätstheorie lokaler Störungen basierend auf Wellenpaketanalysen
Oertel, Herbert
Numerische Simulation von Hochgeschwindigkeitskavitation in Einspritzdüsen
Schnerr, Günter H.
Turbulent superstructures in the turbulent cascade of Reynolds stresses
Gatti, Davide
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Innovative Oberflächenstrukturen zur Beeinflussung der Impulsübertragung zwischen Fluid und Feststoff
Frohnapfel, Bettina
Research Grants
Current projects
Characterisation of thermally induced fouling processes using microstructured devices
Jasch, Katharina
Stroh, Alexander
Next step towards high-fidelity numerical simulations of turbulent heat transfer to liquid metals: forced and mixed convection with non-uniform wall heat flux, conjugate heat transfer and temperature dependent thermophysical properties
Frohnapfel, Bettina
Turbulent drag of ridge-type surface structures
Frohnapfel, Bettina
Turbulent secondary motions over spanwise heterogeneous surfaces
Frohnapfel, Bettina
Completed projects
Flow Control under Constant Power Input
Frohnapfel, Bettina
Modellbildung, numerische Simulation und Optimierung der Echtzeitdynamik kavitierender Strömungen in Einspritzdüsen von Diesel- und Ottomotoren
Adams, Nikolaus Andreas
Numerical and experimental analysis of surface textures – towards a reproducible and robust design of textures in conformal contacts
Frohnapfel, Bettina
Gumbsch, Peter
Simulation und Modellbildung der Strömung im linken Ventrikel des menschlichen Herzens als Grundlage zur Therapieplanung bei terminaler Herzinsuffizienz
Liepsch, Dieter
Oertel, Herbert
Welz, Armin
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5595: Oil-refrigerant multiphase flows in gaps with moving boundaries – Novel microscopic and macroscopic approaches for experiment, modeling, and simulation
Richter, Markus
Novel experimental imaging framework for laser-optical two-phase flow analysis across thin annular rotor-stator gaps
Kriegseis, Jochen
Completed projects
FOR 2383: Assessing and Controlling Dynamic Local Process Conditions in Microreactors via Novel Integrated Microsensors
Stroh, Alexander
Modeling, sensor-based characterization and active control of vaporization processes in microchannel structures
Stroh, Alexander
Woias, Peter
Current projects
DNS of heat, momentum and mass transfer near walls
(Project Heads
Frohnapfel, Bettina
Magagnato, Franco
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
High-speed and high-resolution 4 D optical flow-diagnostics system
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Large Eddy Simulation of Direct Injection Gasonline and Diesel Engines
(Project Heads
Gabi, Martin
Magagnato, Franco
Periodic Combustion Instabilities in Combustion Chambers with Multiple-burner Arrays
(Project Heads
Gabi, Martin
Magagnato, Franco
Vorhersage des Stabilitätsverhaltens eines Vormisch-Verbrennungssystems
(Project Heads
Büchner, Horst
Gabi, Martin
Magagnato, Franco
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 259: Smart Interfaces - Understanding and Designing Fluid Boundaries
Stephan, Peter
Tropea, Cameron
Additional Information
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