Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Hydromechanik (IfH)
Kaiserstraße 12
76131 Karlsruhe
This institution in GERiT
76131 Karlsruhe
Research Grants
Current projects
A study of local scouring near wall-mounted cylinders with the aid of particle-resolved direct numerical simulations
Uhlmann, Markus
Finite-size particles interacting with non-homogeneous turbulence
Uhlmann, Markus
Investigating turbulent particulate flows with the aid of invariant solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations
Uhlmann, Markus
The Integrated Impacts of Street Trees on Air Quality, Human Thermal Comfort and Building Energy Consumption in the Urban Environment
Gromke, Christof-Bernhard
Completed projects
CISM-Kurs "Dispersion of Particles in Turbulent Flows"
Gromke, Christof-Bernhard
CISM-Kurs "Environmental Stratified Flows"
Negretti, Maria Eletta
CISM-Kurs "Vortices and Turbulences at low Temperature" (02.-06.07.2007 in Udine/Italien)
Rasheduzzaman, Muhammad
CISM-Kurs "Wind Effects on Buildings and Design of Wind-Sensitive Structures" (18.-22.09.2006 in Udine/Italien)
Gromke, Christof-Bernhard
Direct numerical simulation of buoyant-convectively driven gas transfer across gas-liquid interfaces
Uhlmann, Markus
Direct numerical simulation of gas transfer through the air-water interface in a turbulent flow environment
Herlina, Herlina
Direct numerical simulation of pattern formation in subaqueous sediment
Uhlmann, Markus
Direkte Numerische Simulation des Einflusses von Freistromturbulenz auf den Wärmeübergang in laminaren und transitionalen Grenzschichten an Turbinenschaufeln
Rodi, Wolfgang
Dreidimensionales Modell zur Berechnung des Sedimenttransports bei Ungleichgewicht in Flüssen
Rodi, Wolfgang
Experimentelle Untersuchung des Stofftransports in der Umgebung umströmter Hindernisse
Rodi, Wolfgang
Finite-size particles in homogeneous turbulence: a numerical study
Uhlmann, Markus
Flachwasserwirbel: Strömungs- und Transportdynamik von Einzelwirbeln bzw. Wirbelpaaren mit vorwiegend zwei-dimensionalem Verhalten induziert durch Flachwassergeometrie bzw. Dichteschichtung. Experimentelle Untersuchungen mit PIV-LIF Techniken, analytische Modelle und numerische Simulationen.
Jirka, Ph.D., Gerhard H.
Gasaustausch an der Wasseroberfläche: Experimente mit Rüttelgitterturbulenz und kombinierter Particle-Image-Velocimetry / Laser-Induced Fluorescence (PIV/LIF) Meßtechnik sowie Modellentwicklung zur Vorhersage von Gasaustauschprozessen an natürlichen Gewässeroberflächen
Jirka, Ph.D., Gerhard H.
Gas transfer at the water surface with buyoant convective turbulence
Jirka, Ph.D., Gerhard H.
Gravity-induced settling of many non-spherical particles at intermediate Galileo numbers: a DNS study
Uhlmann, Markus
Großräumige Strukturen in Flachwasserströmungen: Experimente, Stabilitätsanalysen und numerische Simulation des Strömungsverhaltens in flachen Oberflächengewässern induziert durch diskrete geometrische Elemente (Inseln, Vorländer), verteilte Rauheitselemente und instationären Abfluß
Jirka, Ph.D., Gerhard H.
High-resolution numerical analysis of turbulent secondary motion in open duct flow
Uhlmann, Markus
High resolution numerical and experimental studies of turbulence-induced sediment erosion and near-bed transport
Fröhlich, Jochen
Uhlmann, Markus
Hydrodynamic instabilities and entrainment processes in density-stratified two-layer exchange flows over a submerged sill: theoretical analysis, numerical and physical experiments
Jirka, Ph.D., Gerhard H.
Laboratory experiments on interfacial heat and gas exchange promoted by surface cooling: novel simultaneous thermal imaging and optical oxygen-concentration measurement
Herlina, Herlina
Large eddy simulation of flows over channel beds in the transition between surface and porewater flow regions
Jirka, Ph.D., Gerhard H.
Large-Eddy-Simulation von durch-, und überströmter Vegetation
Rodi, Wolfgang
Large-Eddy-Simulation von Strömungen um runde zylinderförmige Körper
Rodi, Wolfgang
Secondary flow and longitudinal sediment patterns in open channel flow over a bed of mobile particles
Uhlmann, Markus
Shallow dead zone dynamics: Experimental description and analysis of the three-dimensional flow structure of single dead zones and dead zone sequences, with special focus on their turbulent characteristics, coherent structures and water surface oscillations.
Jirka, Ph.D., Gerhard H.
Shock wave interaction with spherical particles: a particle-resolved numerical study of collective effects
Uhlmann, Markus
Transitions- und Turbulenzsimulierung für periodisch instationäre Strömungen in Turbomaschinen
Rodi, Wolfgang
Turbulence and transport in rivers
Jirka, Ph.D., Gerhard H.
Untersuchung und Parametrisierung der Wechselwirkungen von Skalen der Turbulenz konvektiver Grenzschichtströmungen unter Verwendung einer einheitlichen Datengrundlage aus Naturmessungen, Windkanalversuchen und numerischen Modellen
Jirka, Ph.D., Gerhard H.
Wind forces generated by passing vehicles on cyclists and development of a model to determine the necessary width of bicycle lanes
Gromke, Christof-Bernhard
Zwei- und dreidimensionale Large-Eddy-Simulation von Flachwasserströmungen in Flüssen
Rodi, Wolfgang
Research Units
Completed projects
Communication of the research unit Leaking Sewers
Winter, Josef U.
LES-RANS coupling for the simulation of complex flows
Fröhlich, Jochen
Solute transport and transformation close to leakage areas in sewer systems: Balancing with a numerical modelling tool
Jirka, Ph.D., Gerhard H.
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Kooperative Visualisierung transitionaler Strömungen
Rodi, Wolfgang
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) der oszillierenden Strömung in Brennkammern bei Konfigurationen mit pilotierten Vormischflammen
(Project Heads
Fröhlich, Jochen
Maas, Ulrich
Rodi, Wolfgang
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 450: Natural Disasters
Gehbauer, Fritz