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Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Physikalisch-Astronomische Fakultät
Astrophysikalisches Institut und Universitätssternwarte
Schillergäßchen 2-3
07745 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07745 Jena
Research Grants
Current projects
Folding and boudinage of oblique single layers under non-plane conditions
Zulauf, Gernold
Identification of recent (few Myr) nearby (within 160 pc) supernovae from high-mass X-ray binaries in connection to the 60-Fe found in the Earth crust
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Infrared emission spectroscopy of nanograins in the laboratory for understanding hot exozodiacal dust
Mutschke, Harald
Completed projects
2nd epoch imaging - confirmation of sub-stellar companions
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Architecture of Selected Planetary Systems: III. Direct Imaging Search for Outer Planets
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Architecture of selected planetary systems: I. Stars, Planets, Planetesimals and Dust
Krivov, Alexander
CCS in Bok Globules - A Possible Age Indicator?
Schreyer, Katharina
Close stellar and sub-stellar companions of young stars
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Competence inversion in high-grade metamorphic rocks: Insights from mullions
Zulauf, Gernold
Confirmation of periodic variations in transit timing of Wasp-3b
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Confirmation of sub-stellar companion candidates
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Confirmation of sub-stellar companion candidates
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Confirmation of sub-stellar companion candidates
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Confirmation of sub-stellar companion candidates
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Confirmation of sub-stellar companion candidates
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Debris disks as tracers of small body populations
Krivov, Alexander
Direct detection of sub-stellar companions around young stars and integral-field infrared spectroscopy
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Doppler follow-up of the first young planetary transit candidate
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Eine Suche nach massereichen protostellaren Molekülwolkenkernen in der Umgebung von hellen Infrarot-(IRAS)-Objekten
Schreyer, Katharina
Experimental Study of Diamond Formation in Astrophysical Environments
Jäger, Cornelia
Exposure of details of the formation of massive stars
Schreyer, Katharina
Ground-based astrometric planet detection and confirmations
Neuhäuser, Ralph
High-precision follow-up of transit-timing variation of WASP-10b
Neuhäuser, Ralph
HIgh-precision transit timing of exoplanet WASP-12b
Neuhäuser, Ralph
High-precision transit timing of exoplanet WASP-14b
Neuhäuser, Ralph
High-Signal-to-Noise Spectroscopy of UMa Stream Members
Neuhäuser, Ralph
High-Signal-to-Noise Spectroscopy of UMa Stream Members
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Identification of runaway stars and neutron stars from supernovae and dynamical ejection
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Infrared specroscopy of free-flying dust particles
Mutschke, Harald
Infrarot-Matrixisolationsspektroskopie an Siliziumkarbid- und Siliziumnitrid-Nanoteilchen
Mutschke, Harald
Interpretation of Herschel's "cold" debris disks
Krivov, Alexander
Magnetic fields of low-mass pre-main-sequence stars and Brown Dwarfs
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Reiners, Ansgar
Modeling of radial and azimuthal structure in debris disks
Krivov, Alexander
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Multiplicity Study of Exoplanet Host Stars
Mugrauer, Markus
Photometric follow-up of the first young planetary transit candidate
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Polycrystalline materials - comparison between theory and experiment
Höfer, Sonja
Search for OB runaway stars in supernova remnants
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Search for OB runaway stars in supernova remnants
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Search for sub-stellar companions of T-Tauri stars in the Lupus star-forming region
Mugrauer, Markus
Solving SB orbits of new young eclipsing spectroscopic binaries in Tr-37
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Spectroscopy of new eclipsing binaries in young Tr-37 cluster
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Statistical study of extrasolar Kuiper belts with Herschel/DUNES
Löhne, Torsten
Sub-millimagnitude photometry of WASP-10b transits
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Supernovae in binaries, runaway stars, neutron star kicks and kinematic ages
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Synthesis, processing, and spectroscopic characterization of nanometer-sized polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with astrophysical impact
Huisken, Friedrich
Transit timing of exoplanet WASP-12b
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Untersuchung der protoplanetaren Scheibe von GQ Lupi A, b
Schreyer, Katharina
Research Units
Completed projects
Agglomerate und Lichtstreuung
Dorschner, Johann
Coordination Funds
Krivov, Alexander
FOR 2285: Debris Disks in Planetary Systems
Krivov, Alexander
Gasphasen-Kondensation von Kohlenstoff-Nanopartikeln und ihre strukturelle Charakterisierung
Mutschke, Harald
Infrarot-Spektroskopie und -Lichtstreuung von Teilchenagglomeraten
Mutschke, Harald
Project P1: Masses and stirring of debris disks
Krivov, Alexander
Project P2: Sculpturing of debris disks by planets and companions
Löhne, Torsten
Project P3: Origin of warm and hot debris disks and planetary system architecture
Krivov, Alexander
Project P5: Dust opacity measurements for debris disks
Mutschke, Harald
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Development and physical reason of IR spectral features during condensation and solid phase reactions of Fe-Mg silicate systems: IR studies focused on non-stoichiometric silicates
Dohmen, Ralf
Gail, Hans-Peter
Pucci, Annemarie
Tamanai, Akemi
Direct detection of Jovian planets around young solar analogs and their atmospheres
Neuhäuser, Ralph
FIR-Spektroskopie von Laboranalogprodukten des kosmischen Staubes
Dorschner, Johann
Laboratory measurements of the far-infrared to millimeter dust opacity at low temperatures
Lewen, Frank
Mutschke, Harald
Measurement of high-temperature optical constants of solar-nebula minerals
Mutschke, Harald
Observing and modeling young transiting planets
Mugrauer, Markus
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Redmer, Ronald
Präparation von Analogmaterialien des kosmischen Staubes über Sol-Gel-Synthese
Dorschner, Johann
Staubtori um Mars
Krivov, Alexander
The formation zone of Jupiter-like planets - full young planetary systems
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Ultrakompakte HII-Gebiete als Indikatoren für den Entstehungsprozeß massereicher Sterne
Pfau, Werner
Young transiting planets
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Redmer, Ronald
Completed projects
Interpretation of Gravitational Wave Signals
(Project Heads
Allen, Bruce
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Papa, Maria Alessandra
(Project Heads
Kokkotas, Ph.D., Kostas
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Populations of Astrophysical Sources
(Project Heads
Neuhäuser, Ralph
Werner, Klaus
Additional Information
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