Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Seminar für Kunstgeschichte und Filmwissenschaft
Fürstengraben 18
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Research Grants
Current projects
Beyond the Limits of Representation. Artistic Artifacts of Concentration Camp Inmates as Visual Interpretation of the Camp Reality
Krieger, Verena
'...mes taules d’ivoire entailliés' – Late medieval secular ivories
Janzen, Svea
Completed projects
Edition der Briefe Carl Ludwig Fernows (1763-1808)
Wegner, Reinhard
Family pictures and dynastic representation of civic families in late medieval Nuremberg (14th -16th century)
Schuster, Peter
Garten-Räume, politische Räume. Der Wandel in der Gartenkunst in Thüringen 1750-1900
Wegner, Reinhard
Giorgio de Chiricos construction of artistic identity. His autobiographical writings and art theory in the context of Valori Plastici
Krieger, Verena
Johann-Heinrich Meyer - Kunst und Wissen im klassischen Weimar
Valk, Thorsten
Wegner, Reinhard
Oriental Luxury Cloths in Late Medieval Europe. Transfer - Adaption - Reception
von Fircks, Ph.D., Juliane
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Kunst als Neuschöpfung der Wirklichkeit - ein Paradigma der russischen Moderne
Krieger, Verena
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Picture - perception - time. reception aesthetics and its temporality
Grave, Johannes
Wegner, Reinhard
Time and Rhythm in Pictures. An aesthetic concept and its implications from the point of view of reception aesthetics
Grave, Johannes
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Historicizing Comparisons
(Project Heads
Deile, Lars
Grave, Johannes
Herrmann, Berenike
Hochkirchen, Britta
Konczal, Kornelia
Ronzheimer, Elisa
Schwandt, Silke
Completed projects
Aesthetic visions of the world
(Project Head
Wegner, Reinhard
Comparative Viewing of Pictures: Practices of Incomparability and the Theory of the Sublime
(Project Heads
Grave, Johannes
Hochkirchen, Britta
Making of: Communities of Practice: Humanities and Society in Relation
(Project Heads
Büschenfeld, Jürgen
Deile, Lars
Grave, Johannes
Hochkirchen, Britta
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2041: The Romantic Model. Variation - Scope - Relevance
Matuschek, Stefan