Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Institut für Organische Chemie und Makromolekulare Chemie
Humboldtstraße 10
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Research Grants
Current projects
Conformational dynamics of an ABC exporter investigated by NMR spectroscopy and PET fluorescence quenching
Hellmich, Ute
Neuweiler, Hannes
Functional metallo-supramolecular polyelectrolyte systems: Synthesis, structure and properties in solution
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Latent nucleophiles in Lewis base catalysis: Enantioselective allylation of nitrogen nucleophiles
Vilotijevic, Ph.D., Ivan
Light-triggered metal-ligand coordination in polymers – from fundamental studies to photoresponsive polymer networks
Dietzek-Ivansic, Benjamin
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Multifunctional poly(2-oxazoline)-based macromonomers for the preparation of ECM-analogous multi-compartment cell support structures and biogels for tumor tissue engineering (TTE)
Liefeith, Klaus
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Single-Chain Nanoparticle Complexation at Interfaces
Plamper, Felix
Schacher, Felix H.
Structure and dynamics of a folding intermediate of a spidroin C-terminal domain
Hellmich, Ute
Neuweiler, Hannes
Synthesis, characterization and self-assembly behavior of metallopolymers using metal complexes with special ligand design
Schubert, Ulrich S.
The oxidoreductase Tpx: dissection of an unusual inhibitor binding mode and structural basis for its function in the hydroperoxide clearance cascade in trypanosomatids
Hellmich, Ute
Completed projects
1,4,5,8-Tetraazafulvalene - eine neue Klasse funktioneller Farbstoffe
Beckert, Rainer
Benzotriazinyl radical containing polymers as bipolar active electrode material in organic secondary batteries
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Bis-annelierte Azecine und Heterohomologe - Design, Synthese und pharmakologische Charakterisierung selektiver Liganden am Dopamin D5 Rezeptor
Enzensperger, Christoph
Block copolymer based hybrid materials for direct electrochemical biosensing of nucleic acids and hemoproteins
Schacher, Felix H.
Bone cements with tailored solubility from intermediate oxide-containing glasses and branched polycarboxylates
Brauer, Delia
Schacher, Felix H.
Charakterisierung des molekularen Ursprungs von Raman-Signaturen komplexer biologischer Proben durch Korrelation mit bildgebenden proteomischen Verfahren
von Eggeling, Ferdinand
Popp, Jürgen
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Defined halogen bond receptors for polymeric architectures: Adaption of behavior in solution as tool to create new functional materials
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Development of photo-cleavable adhesive systems
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Sigusch, Bernd W.
Dynamic surface coatings through the hierarchical self-assembly of responsive colloidal building blocks
Fery, Andreas
Müller, Martin
Schacher, Felix H.
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung neuer Flüssigelektrolyte für Lithium- Hochleistungsbatterien
Winter, Martin
Entwicklung von thermisch aktiven Verbundschichten auf der Basis von Nanoprintschichten zum Fügen von mikrosystemtechnischen Komponenten bei Raumtemperatur
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Wielage, Bernhard
Homogeneous synthesis and nano-structuring of novel zwitterionic polysaccharid carbamates
Heinze, Thomas
Winter, Martin
Maßgeschneiderte Polymere mit spezifischen Metall-Bindungsstellen durch lebende Polymerisation von 2-Oxazolinen mittels metallo-supramolekularer Initiatoren
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Mechanophores in self-healing polymers: Influence of mechanical bond activation on the self-healing performance of polymers
Hager, Martin
Metallkomplexe neuartiger Chromophore als Antennenmoleküle für lichtgetriebene Katalysen
Beckert, Rainer
Metallopolymers as multifunctional and multistimuli-responsive shape-memory materials
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Mimicking the function of DNA: A novel approach for the synthesis of well-defined metallopolymers
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Modular artificial photosystems based on polymers
Jäger, Michael
Monitoring diffusion processes in nanoporous block copolymer membranes with high spatial and temporal resolution
Köhler, Jürgen
Schacher, Felix H.
Multivalent targeting of GLUT5-transporters through wormlike micelles with controlled size, stability, and ligand density
Gottschaldt, Michael
Schacher, Felix H.
Neue Zweielektronen-Redoxsysteme
Beckert, Rainer
Redox-active ionic liquids in redox-flow-batteries
Balducci, Andrea
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Self-assembling Polysaccharide Polyelectrolytes
Heinze, Thomas
Structure design of highly engineered polysaccharide esters for innovative membranes and separation materials
Heinze, Thomas
Synthese, Charakterisierung und Metallkomplexierung von Polyenolen
Klemm, Elisabeth
Synthese und Charakterisierung von metallorganischen -konjugierten Polymeren
Klemm, Elisabeth
Topo-chemical characterisation of dissolution processes of phosphate glasses
Brauer, Delia
Wondraczek, Lothar
Towards Photoactive Membranes for Artificial Photosynthesis
Dietzek-Ivansic, Benjamin
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Turchanin, Andrey
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Physikalische Chemie von Polymeren
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Biomechanical forces and cellular responses in platyhelminths and host cells
Grevelding, Christoph G.
Häberlein, Simone
Mosig, Alexander
Schacher, Felix H.
Coordination Funds
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Development of active materials for organic batteries based on electropolymerized polymers equipped with stable organic radicals
Friebe, Christian
Kupfer, Stephan
Development of novel redox-active polymers based on benzimidazole, benzoxazole and benzothiazole
Mollenhauer, Doreen
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Heteroleptic bis-tridentate Fe(II)-NHC complexes as photobases
Dietzek-Ivansic, Benjamin
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Influence of the electrolyte composition on the stability of polymeric materials for organic radical batteries (ElectroPoly)
Balducci, Andrea
Schubert, Ulrich S.
SPP 2248: Polymer-based batteries
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Understanding the interaction of organic molecules and metal ions by robot-based high-throughput experimentation and molecular machine-learning
Gräfe, Stefanie
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Completed projects
Coordination and administration of the priority programme "Design and Generic Principles of Self-healing Materials" (SPP 1568)
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Development of Polymer Electrolytes Complementary to Model Active Systems for Polymer-based Batteries
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Uhlmann, Ph.D., Petra
Excited-State Properties of Multiply-Excited Oligonuclear Coordination Compounds
Dietzek-Ivansic, Benjamin
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Improved healing potential of polymers containing double reversible non-covalent interactions: Linking molecular reversibility and macroscale healing
Popp, Jürgen
Schubert, Ulrich S.
van der Zwaag, Sybrand
Meltable Biopolymers with magnetic micro segments
Heinze, Thomas
Müller, Robert
Self-healing block copolymer films - from mechanistic understanding towards applications in coatings and membranes
Schacher, Felix H.
Self-healing coatings by reversible crosslinking: Mechanistic investigations of defined model systems on the molecular level using linear and non-linear Raman microspectroscopy
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Self-Healing Inspired by Nature: Exocytosis-Like Recovering of Morphology and Optical Properties of Membranes and Interfaces Composed of Self-Assembled Luminescent Dyes
Presselt, Martin
Self-healing metallopolymers: From the biological model to synthetic materials
Harrington, Matthew
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Self-healing of conjugated polymers - Synthesis, Mechanistic Studies and Photophysical Properties
Dietzek-Ivansic, Benjamin
Hager, Martin
SPP 1568: Design and Generic Principles of Self-Healing Materials
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Structuring of magnetic particle doped biopolymers by magnetica
Heinze, Thomas
Müller, Robert
Unkonventionelle Celluloseester: Synthese, Charakterisierung und Struktur-Eigenschafts-Relationen
Heinze, Thomas
Unraveling Degradation Mechanisms in Polymer-Based Dual-Ion Batteries and Development of Countermeasures for Performance Optimization
Placke, Tobias
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Chemoproteomic strategies for probing outer membrane vesicles and their role in gut microbial interactions
Lakemeyer, Markus
Completed projects
Stereoselektive Synthese und Evaluierung von Thiopeptiden als ribosomale Liganden
Arndt, Hans-Dieter
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Schubert, Ulrich S.
FOR 2811: Adaptive Polymer Gels with Controlled Network Structure
Seiffert, Ph.D., Sebastian
FOR 5301: The next generation of functional self-healing materials – Restoration of optoelectronic and transport properties in flexible energy storage and conversion materials (FuncHeal)
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Nanostructured block copolymer gel electrolytes based on polyethers
Schacher, Felix H.
P1 - Self-healing electrodes for electro(chemical) energy storage
Balducci, Andrea
Schubert, Ulrich S.
P3 - Reversible photoactive materials for flexible bulk-heterojunction solar cells
Hager, Martin
Peneva, Ph.D., Kalina
Reversible electrostatically crosslinked amphiphilic conetworks from star-shaped block copolymers
Schacher, Felix H.
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Application of the analytical ultracentrifuge for the nanotechnologies of the 21st century
Nischang, Ivo
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Bioinspired guanidinium-containing nanoparticles for gene delivery
(Project Heads
Fischer, Dagmar
Peneva, Ph.D., Kalina
Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Center
(Project Head
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Charge transfer engineering and dynamics in multidimensional systems for the tuning of their nonlinear optical properties
(Project Heads
Peneva, Ph.D., Kalina
Ronning, Carsten
Soavi, Giancarlo
Chemoproteomic profiling of hydrolases that mediate microbial interactions
(Project Head
Lakemeyer, Markus
Controlling stealth and barrier breaking behavior: Hybrid protein nanofibers and POxylation on polymeric nanoparticles with structurally tailored thermal properties
(Project Heads
Jandt, Klaus D.
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Enzymatic Modification of Chemical Mediators
(Project Heads
Hellmich, Ute
Stallforth, Pierre
Interactions of Forest Structure and Plant Functional Biodiversity as Drivers of Water, Organic Matter, and Nutrient Fluxes
(Project Heads
Crecelius, Anna C.
van Dam, Nicole M.
Michalzik, Beate
Römermann, Christine
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Investigation of cellular response to nanoparticle uptake by dual TEM and superresolution fluorescence imaging
(Project Heads
Heintzmann, Rainer
Höppener, Stephanie
Mimicking viral entry mechanisms with polymeric nanoparticles
(Project Heads
Bauer, Michael
Eggeling, Christian
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Monitoring Migration Pathways in the Subsurface Using Tailored Polymer Tracer Libraries
(Project Heads
Ritschel, Thomas
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Totsche, Kai Uwe
Multifunctional nanoparticles based on polysaccharides for targeted drug delivery with two-step release behavior
(Project Heads
Coldewey, Ph.D., Sina Maren
Heinze, Thomas
Heinzel, Thorsten
Nanoscale monitoring of surface effects, structural changes, and encapsulation in block copolymer nanostructures using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
(Project Heads
Deckert, Volker
Schacher, Felix H.
Photoacids and bases as responsive elements in block copolymer nanostructures for uptake and transport
(Project Heads
Dietzek-Ivansic, Benjamin
Jandt, Klaus D.
Schacher, Felix H.
Prevention of late phase liver damage by targeted modulation of the liver’s immune response
(Project Heads
Bauer, Michael
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Waskow, Claudia
Research platform for the synthesis, formulation, and advanced physicochemical characterisation of polymers and nanoparticles
(Project Heads
Eggeling, Christian
Figge, Marc Thilo
Guerrero Sanchez, Ph.D., Carlos Antioco
Höppener, Stephanie
Lorkowski, Stefan
Nischang, Ivo
SFB 1278: Polymer-based nanoparticle libraries for targeted anti-inflammatory strategies
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Spatial and temporal targeting of membrane-bound mPGES-1 and FLAP / 5-LO by dual inhibitors employing polymer-based nanocarriers
(Project Heads
Eggeling, Christian
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Werz, Oliver
Structure and dynamics of the TRPV4 ion channel as a cellular signaling hub
(Project Head
Hellmich, Ute
Tailor-made multifunctional polymers and nanoparticles with optimised compatibility between biodegradable core and encapsulated drug
(Project Heads
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Sierka, Marek
Targeting renal phosphoinositide 3-kinase γ (PI3Kγ) by dye-tagged nanoparticles
(Project Heads
Bauer, Michael
Coldewey, Ph.D., Sina Maren
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Thallusin Function, Homeostasis, and Metabolism in Cross-kingdom Interactions of Ulva (Chlorophyta) and its Associated Bacteria
(Project Heads
Arndt, Hans-Dieter
Wichard, Thomas
The mechanism and the immunomodulatory consequences of protein adsorption on stealth nanoparticles
(Project Heads
Hellmich, Ute
Press, Adrian
Completed projects
1- und 2-Dimensionale metallo-suptramolekulare Architekturen im Nanometerbereich
(Project Head
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Aufbau supramolekularer Strukturen durch Wechselwirkungen von Metallen mit Stickstoffheterocyclen
(Project Head
Beckert, Rainer
Chirale Katalysatoren auf der Basis von Metallkomplexen natürlicher und synthetischer Nucleoside
(Project Head
Gottschaldt, Michael
Experimentelle und Mo-theoretische Untersuchungen Heterocumulene-erkennender Metallkomplexe aus der Zink- und Lithiumreihe
(Project Head
Anders, Ernst
Mechanistische Aspekte der synergetischen Wechselwirkung beider Metallionen in Zweizentren-Katalysatoren
(Project Head
Weston, Jennie
Selbstorganisierende (amphiphile) supramolekulare Blockcopolymere mit spezifischen Metallbindungsstellen an Oberflächen
(Project Head
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Selective targeting of hepatocytes using multifunctional block copolymer micelles to restore critical cellular signaling functions
(Project Heads
Bauer, Michael
Qualmann, Britta
Schacher, Felix H.
SFB 436: Metal Mediated Reactions modelled after Nature
Anders, Ernst
Westerhausen, Matthias
Stimuli-Responsive Microcapsules for Transport, Controlled Delivery and Release of Metal Ions and Organic Chemical Mediators
(Project Head
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Synthese und Photophysik von Polyheteroarylene und ihrer Metallchelate
(Project Heads
Grummt, Ulrich-Walter
Klemm, Elisabeth
Synthese von neuen NLO-Polymeren
(Project Head
Hörhold, Hans-Heinrich
Thiopeptide Signals in Actinomycete Communities
(Project Heads
Arndt, Hans-Dieter
Kothe, Erika
Übergangsmetallinduzierte diastereoselektive und enantioselektive Hydroxylierungn mit chiralen stickstoffhaligen Steroidliganden
(Project Head
Schönecker, Bruno
Zentrale Geschäftsstelle des SFB
(Project Head
Anders, Ernst
Zentrale Geschäftsstelle des SFB, Gastprofessoren, Kolloquien
(Project Head
Anders, Ernst
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Application of ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) methods to transition metal catalyzed reactions combined with further development of AIMD programs
Gleich, Dieter
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
500 MHz FT-NMR-Spectrometer
500 MHz NMR-Spektrometer mit HR-MAS
Automatic high content microscope
Konfokales Lasermikroskop mit Live-Cell-Imaging und Superresolution
Ultra-high pressure liquid chromatograph
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
Functional profiling of microbial proteases that modulate host-bacterial interactions in the gut
Lakemeyer, Markus
WBP Return Grant
Completed projects
Elter, Johanna
Current projects
Core Materials Characterization
(Project Heads
Kaiser, Ute
Schacher, Felix H.
Turchanin, Andrey
Wächtler, Maria
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Pannwitz, Andrea
Peneva, Ph.D., Kalina
Schacher, Felix H.
Streb, Carsten
Ziegenbalg, Dirk
Integration of Photoredox-active Complexes in Redox-active Polymers for Light-induced Charging and Discharging by Additional Integrated Molecular Catalysts
(Project Heads
Rau, Sven
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Metal-free Photosensitizers and Their Application as Molecular Chromophore-Catalyst Systems
(Project Heads
Peneva, Ph.D., Kalina
Rau, Sven
Photocatalytic Molecular Membranes via the Langmuir-Blodgett Technique
(Project Heads
Presselt, Martin
Schubert, Ulrich S.
“POMbranes” – Incorporation of Catalytically Active Polyoxometalates into Integral Asymmetric Block Copolymer Membranes
(Project Heads
Leopold, Kerstin
Schacher, Felix H.
Streb, Carsten
Two-Photon Water Splitting as an Enabling Approach for Coupled Photocatalysis
(Project Head
Schneidewind, Jacob
Completed projects
Self-regulating Photocatalytic Materials Based on pH-responsive Block Copolymers
(Project Heads
Khokhlov, Alexei R.
Schacher, Felix H.
Structure-Property Relationships of Functional Copolymers on DNA Nanosheets
(Project Heads
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Weil, Tanja
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Improving MALDI-MSI spatial resolution and protein identification für a better characterisation of tumour cells and their environment
von Eggeling, Ferdinand
Minflux-Jena – advancing single-molecule detection in cell-biological research
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 3040: Coin – Copolymer Informatics: Blending digital technologies and copolymer chemistry – From design to application
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 214: Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC)
Brakhage, Axel
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2051: Balance of the Microverse
Brakhage, Axel
Küsel, Kirsten
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
FAIRmat – FAIR Data Infrastructure for Condensed-Matter Physics and the Chemical Physics of Solids
Draxl, Claudia