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Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Fakultät für Biowissenschaften
Institut für Ernährungswissenschaften
Dornburger Straße 29
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Research Grants
Current projects
Assessment of functional overlaps between human DNA repair pathways for 8-oxoguanine
Khobta, Andriy
Completed projects
Anticarcinogene Wirkung von spezifischen CLA-Isomeren und -Formulierungen
Jahreis, Gerhard
Assessing the balance of genotoxic and protective effects by flavonoids in human cells and development of a novel protein nanochip to monitor protection
Pool-Zobel, Beatrice L.
Bedeutung einer Eisen-Schwefel-Cluster-Defizienz in der Entstehung von Lebertumoren der Maus
Thierbach, René
Bioverfügbarkeit von Phytosterolen aus neuen Formulierungen
Keller, Sylvia
Cellular repair and toxicity determinants of the major oxidative DNA lesion thymine glycol
Khobta, Andriy
Effect of position and clustering of the oxidative DNA base lesion 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine on gene expression and repair in mammalian cells
Khobta, Andriy
Epigenetic effects of single DNA base modifications
Khobta, Andriy
Erfassung der Bioverfügbarkeit von Nahrungsfolaten durch Stabilisotopenverdünnungsanalysen
Netzel, Michael
Funktion der GPx2 im gesunden Darm, während entzündlicher Prozesse und der colorektalen Kanzerogenese
Kipp, Anna Patricia
Gen-Umwelt-Interaktionen durch Wasserproben aus der WISMUT-Region an Humanzellen
Pool-Zobel, Beatrice L.
Influence of modulators of chromatin structure and dynamics on the generation and repair of oxidative DNA damage
Epe, Bernd
Mechanismen des Schwermetalltransports bei Pflanzen
Oelmüller, Ralf
Molecular mechanisms of colon cancer chemoprevention: Studies on the potential of intestinal fermentation products to induce glutathione S-transferases in colonic epithelium cells
Glei, Michael
Molecular Mechanisms of Insulin Signaling in the Malignant Cell Transformation
Thierbach, René
Structure elucidation and metabolism of PSP toxins in muscles (NASTUM)
Luckas, Bernd
Structure elucidation of cyanobacterial hepatotoxins
Hummert, Christian
Struktur und toxikologische Relevanz von Spiroliden in marinen Ökosystemen
Luckas, Bernd
Toxikologische Relevanz des Vorkommens von Desmethyl-Varianten der Mikrocystine und des Nodularins in Gewässern und Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln
Oelmüller, Ralf
Schrenk, Dieter
Veränderung der Fettsäurenverteilung im Milchfett und in Gewebeproben durch gestaffelte CLA-Supplemente und Auswirkungen auf Peroxidation und Genexpression
Jahreis, Gerhard
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
The fate of structurally defined DNA lesions in human cells: repair and impact on gene transcription.
Khobta, Andriy
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2558: Interactions of essential trace elements in healthy and diseased elderly (TraceAge)
Schwerdtle, Tanja
Interactions of trace elements in modulating the immune response during acute and chronic inflammation in mice
Kipp, Anna Patricia
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
The fate of structurally defined DNA lesions in human cells: repair and impact on gene transcription.
Khobta, Andriy
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Research platform for the synthesis, formulation, and advanced physicochemical characterisation of polymers and nanoparticles
(Project Heads
Eggeling, Christian
Figge, Marc Thilo
Guerrero Sanchez, Ph.D., Carlos Antioco
Höppener, Stephanie
Lorkowski, Stefan
Nischang, Ivo
Completed projects
Co-transcriptional repair and transcriptional bypass of bulky DNA adducts
(Project Head
Khobta, Andriy
Completed projects
Modulation of monocytes and B cell functions by humoral immunity in response to Candida albicans
(Project Heads
Jungnickel, Berit
Lorkowski, Stefan
Skerka, Christine
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 266: Analysis of the Functioning and Regeneration of Degraded Ecosystems
Halle, Ph.D., Stefan
GRK 1715: Molecular Signatures of Adaptive Stress Responses
Heinzel, Thorsten
Wetzker, Reinhard
Additional Information
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