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Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Fakultät für Biowissenschaften
Institut für Zoologie und Evolutionsforschung
Erbertstraße 1
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Research Grants
Current projects
3D functional modules of the facial muscles (3D FACE)
Fischer, Martin S.
Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando
Diversity and key traits of moths along a complete elevational gradient in the Peruvian Andes
Brehm, Gunnar
Establishment of nematomorphs for comparative genomics and developmental biology
Hejnol, Andreas
Schmidt-Rhaesa, Andreas
Evolutionary morphology of the hyperdiverse Pselaphinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) and possible reasons for their ecomorphological radiation in the context of cave-dwelling, predation and association with ants
Yavorskaya, Margarita
Intraspecific communication for mate finding in insects: Neural modifications underlying its evolution in eneopterine crickets and its susceptibility to neonicotinoid insecticides
Schöneich, Stefan
NeuroNex: Communication, Coordination, and Control in Neuromechanical Systems (C3NS)
Ache, Jan M.
Blanke, Alexander
Büschges, Ansgar
Fischer, Martin S.
Ito, Kei
Skeletal and dental development of larval batrachians: The influence of developmental processes on the evolution of novelties and the evolution of neobatrachian diversity.
Lukas, Paul
Completed projects
3D Avian bipedal locomotion in even and unpredictable environments: an integrative study of locomotion control, body and leg proportions
Andrada, Emanuel
A brachiopod's eye-sight - Understanding the evolution of light sensitive organs in the phylum Brachiopoda
Lüter, Carsten
A novel approach in biological systematics: Phylogenetic analysis of Polyneoptera (Hexapoda, Insecta) based on neuropeptide sequences
Predel, Reinhard
Avian Terrestrial Locomotion: Evolution, Dynamics, and Computer Vision
Blickhan, Reinhard
Denzler, Joachim
Fischer, Martin S.
Comparative Investigations of neuronal integration processes along the auditory pathway in simple systems
Nowotny, Manuela
Cranial neural crest, head and shoulder mesoderm development in Australian lungfish and amphibians
Olsson, Lennart
Die Kiefermuskulatur der Cyprinodontiformes (Teleostei: Acanthopterygii: Atherinomorpha) unter funktionsmorphologischen und phylogenetischen Aspekten
Fischer, Martin S.
Evolution and development of evolutionary novelties during anuran ontogenesis
Lukas, Paul
Evolution and expression of genes induced in craniofacial morphogenes in amphibians and lungfish
Svensson, Mats
Evolutionary novelties in amphibian head development: The roles of FoxN3 and functionally related genes.
Olsson, Lennart
Evolution of terrestrial development in anurans
Müller, Hendrik
Experimental investigation of mechano-electrical signal transduction in a simple auditory organ [in the hearing organ of bushcrickets]
Nowotny, Manuela
Fortbewegung und funktionelle Morphologie des Bewegungsapparates vom Zweifinger-Faultier (Choloepus didactylus)
Fischer, Martin S.
From water to land: the ontogeny of Persian mudskippers
Heiss, Egon
Function, form and evolution of food processing in salamanders
Fischer, Martin S.
Funktionelle Morphologie des Rumpfes von Echsen - Integration von Bewegung, Muskelaktivität und Fasertypenverteilung
Schilling, Nadja
Scholle, Hans-Christoph
Funktionelle Peptidomanalyse am neurosekretorischen System von Insekten
Predel, Reinhard
Funktionsweise ausgewählter Rumpfmuskeln von Echsen während der Fortbewegung
Schilling, Nadja
Größenabhängige Strategien der Selbststabilisierung der Beinbewegung
Fischer, Martin S.
Influence of repeated acoustic overstimulation on the development of tinnitus in the Mongolian gerbil
Gaese, Bernhard
Nowotny, Manuela
Integrating phylogenomics, natural history collection holdings, innovative morphology and paleontological data - The phylogeny and evolution of adephagan beetles as a case study
Balke, Michael
Beutel, Rolf Georg
Misof, Ph.D., Bernhard
Niehuis, Oliver
Investigation of noise-induced degeneration of efferent nerve fibers in the mammalian inner ear as cause of hyperacusis
Nowotny, Manuela
"Ontogeny and Phylogeny" Revisited: The Road from Ernst Haeckel to EvoDevo from an International Perspective
Hoßfeld, Uwe
Patterns and causes of diversity of tropical moths along an elevational gradient in Costa Rica
Brehm, Gunnar
Phylogenetic investigation of Staphyliniformia (Coleoptera, Insecta) especially Hydrophiloidea with molecular and morphological data
Beutel, Rolf Georg
Plasticity and constraint in the evolution of development: Has the aquatic larval stage re-evolved in plethodontid salamanders?
Olsson, Lennart
Pneumotachographie bei Wirbeltieren - Kooperationsreise ins Labor von Prof. Carrier Aktive Teilnahme am 7. Internationalen Kongress für Wirbeltiermorphologie -
Schilling, Nadja
Tagma-spezifische Verteilung von Neurohormonen/Neuromodulatoren bei der Amerikanischen Schabe Periplaneta americana
Eckert, Manfred
Technical non-visual characterization of substrate contact following the biological paragon of carpal vibrissae
Schmidt, Manuela
Witte, Hartmut
Zimmermann, Klaus
The evolution of Endopterygota - reconstructing the phylogeny of the most successful lineage of organisms with phylogenomic and morphological data
Beutel, Rolf Georg
Misof, Ph.D., Bernhard
The Evolution of larval and adult features in Diptera (Insecta).
Beutel, Rolf Georg
The phylogeny and evolution of holometablolous insects (Endopterygota)
Beutel, Rolf Georg
Hörnschemeyer, Thomas
The phylogeny and evolution of the "Lower Neoptera" (Insecta)
Beutel, Rolf Georg
Hörnschemeyer, Thomas
Klass, Klaus-Dieter
The reproductive and mating strategies of the twisted-winged parasites (Insecta: Strepsiptera): novel insights in the reproductive biology of an enigmatic insect order
Beutel, Rolf Georg
Niehuis, Oliver
Pohl, Hans
Verteilung der Muskelfasertypen in der Schultermuskulatur arborealer Primaten in Relation zu Schulterbewegung und Belastung
Schmidt, Manuela
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Modell vierbeinigen, säugetierähnlichen Laufens; Kinematik; Dynamik
Fischer, Martin S.
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Comparative Investigations of neuronal integration processes along the auditory pathway in simple systems
Nowotny, Manuela
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Comparative investigations of neuronal integration processes along the auditory pathway in simple systems
Nowotny, Manuela
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Analyse von Expressionsmustern entwicklungsbiologisch relevanter Gene bei dem Acoelen Convolutriloba longifissura, einem basalen Bilaterier
Hejnol, Andreas
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
Evolution of steroid hormone signaling and size determination in Cnidaria and Xenacoelomorpha
Taubenheim, Jan
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Confocal laser scanning microscope system for live cell imaging
Research data and software
Completed projects
Extension and modification of Morph D Base producing a system for permanent storage and documentation of volume data of biological objects in high resolution
Beutel, Rolf Georg
Hoch, Hannelore
Hörnschemeyer, Thomas
Vogt, Lars
Research Units
Current projects
Plant-pollinator interactions: Diurnal and nocturnal pollinators
Keller, Alexander
Leonhardt, Sara Diana
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 768: Biomolecular Switches ? Coding of Proteins via Conformational Changes and Posttranslational Modifications
Heinemann, Stefan H.
Additional Information
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