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Universität Zürich
Geographisches Institut
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zürich
8057 Zürich
Research Grants
Completed projects
Advancing the Understanding of Hydrologic Connectivity between Kettle Holes and Adjoining Groundwater System using a Hybrid Modelling Approach
Taie Semiromi, Ph.D., Majid
Assessment of the ocean contribution to mass loss of Greenland’s peripheral glaciers – a scale-transitioning approach
Marzeion, Ben
Effect of climate on coarse woody debris decay dynamics and incorporation into the soils of forested Alpine areas (DecAlp)
Broll, Gabriele
Field Observations and Modelling of the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Snow Processes in the Intermittent and Transitional Snow Zone
Pohl, Stefan
HILLSCAPE (HILLSlope Chronosequence And Process Evolution)
Blume, Theresa
Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael
Weiler, Markus
Identitäten im Kontext territorialer und nicht-territorialer Raumbezüge: Das Beispiel von Arbeitsmigranten im mexikanisch-US-amerikanischen Grenzgebiet
Berndt, Christian
Kreativpolitik - zur Entstehung und Ausdifferenzierung eines politischen Gestaltungsfeldes unter neoliberalen Vorzeichen
Lindner, Peter
Lipid and PAH composition as indicators for conditions of thermal degradation
Wiesenberg, Guido L.B.
Monitoring and process analysis of permafrost creep and failure in changing temperature regimes
Gärtner-Roer, Isabelle
Quantifizierung von postsedimentärem wurzelbürtigen Kohlenstoff in Löss mit molekularen Proxies zur Präzisierung von Paläoumweltrekonstruktionen
Wiesenberg, Guido L.B.
Space-time exploration of COVID-19 data and local risk factors in Berlin: the example of the district of Neukölln
Lakes, Tobia
Savaskan, Nicolai
The effect of severe drought on CO2 uptake by plants and carbon dynamics in the plant-soil system
Glaser, Bruno
Jentsch, Anke
Tracing Trends and Changes of Drought in Hydrosystems (TrenDHy)
Stahl, Kerstin
Veränderungen der Lipidzusammensetzung und der Isotopie von Lipiden in Pflanzen und Böden unter erhöhter atmosphärischer CO2-Konzentration (FACE)
Wiesenberg, Guido L.B.
Priority Programmes
Current projects
UAV-based Imaging of Far-red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
Bendig, Juliane
Completed projects
Bodenlipide: strukturelle und isotopische ( 13C) Charakterisierung
Schwark, Lorenz
Bodenlipide: strukturelle und isotopische ( 13C) Charakterisierung
Schmidt, Michael W.I.
Geovisual analysis of VGI for understanding people's behaviour in relation to multi-faceted context
Burghardt, Dirk
Wrobel, Stefan
Research Units
Current projects
Monitoring the generation and transformation of subsurface stormflow from hillslopes through the riparian zone
Blume, Theresa
Hopp, Luisa
Project E CONNECT - Longitudinal Patterns of SSF-Stream Connections
Blume, Theresa
Hopp, Luisa
SSF ANGLE - Comparing dynamics and pathways of subsurface stormflow among hillslopes
Chifflard, Peter
Weiler, Markus
SSF Model Benchmarking: Towards a robust parameterization of subsurface stormflow in hydrological models at the catchment scale
Hartmann, Andreas
Reinhardt-Imjela, Christian
Completed projects
Rhizodeposition is the main source of carbon and energy for nutrient mobilization in subsoil (RhizoCNP)
Kuzyakov, Yakov
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Urban Public Health in the context of Geography - Understanding the link between human health and the urban socio-ecological environment
Grübner, Oliver
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
The biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter in hydrothermal Guaymas Basin sediments
Seidel, Michael
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