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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Statik und Dynamik
Appelstraße 9a
30167 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30167 Hannover
Research Grants
Current projects
Abstract modelling of the nonlinear mechanical response of joints in fiber reinforced composite assemblies
Rolfes, Raimund
Efficient modelling of wind turbines in time-domain considering uncertain parameters
Rolfes, Raimund
Multi-scale strain energy-based fatigue damage modeling of fibre reinforced polymers
Lüders, Caroline
Rolfes, Raimund
Reactive coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of nanoparticle/polymer nanocomposites
Rolfes, Raimund
Completed projects
CISM-Kurs "Dynamical Inverse Problems - Theory and Applications" (25.-29.05.09 in Udine/Italien)
Pahn, Thomas
CISM-Kurs "Dynamic Methods For Damage Detection in Structures"
Zerbst, Stephan
CISM-Kurs "Semi-active Vibration Suppression - The Best from Active and Passive Technologies"
Wieczorek, Nina
Development and validation of a virtual process chain for composite structural components considering imperfections with application to a rotor blade component
Herrmann, Axel
Ohlendorf, Jan-Hendrik
Rolfes, Raimund
Thoben, Klaus-Dieter
Entwicklung von Materialmodellen zur Alterung von Elastomerwerkstoffen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Sauerstoffeinflusses
Rothert, Heinrich
Evaluation and modelling of the fatigue damage behaviour of polymer composites at reversed cyclic loading
Fiedler, Bodo
Gude, Maik
Hopmann, Christian
Rolfes, Raimund
Experimental analysis and numerical modelling of microcrack induced delaminations under cyclic loading with load reversals
Gude, Maik
Rolfes, Raimund
Gesamtsystem-Optimierung durch simultane Subsystem-Optimierung anhand des Beispiels Körperschallminimierung von Oberbau und Tunnelkonstruktion in Schienenverkehrstunneln
Gerasch, Wolf-Jürgen
Multiscale thermo-mechanical fracture analysis of polycrystalline silicon shells in photovoltaic modules by a combined phasefield – continuum damage approach.
De Lorenzis, Laura
Rolfes, Raimund
Phasenfehler und Fehlerschätzung mit Hilfe des Energieflusses bei dynamischen FD- und FE-Modellen
Cottin, Norbert
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Development of a finite 3D element for three-dimensional analysis of displacements and stresses in thick-walled textile composites with non-linear material behaviour
Breitbach, Elmar
Rolfes, Raimund
Experimental and numerical investigation of very high cycle fatigue of high performance fibre-reinforced plastics
Horst, Peter
Rolfes, Raimund
Sinapius, Michael
Finite element analyses and simulation of the failure of short-fiber reinforced thermoplastics and aluminium blanks by clinching
Behrens, Bernd-Arno
Rolfes, Raimund
Gesamtsystem-Optimierung durch simultane Subsystem-Optimierung anhand des Beispiels Körperschallminimierung von Oberbau und Tunnelkonstruktion in Schienenverkehrstunneln
Natke, Hans Günther
Quality assured flow production of light UHPC bar elements using artificial neural networks
Lohaus, Ludger
Rolfes, Raimund
SPP 1640: Joining by Plastic Deformation
Groche, Peter
Research Units
Completed projects
Analysis of the failure behaviour of fibre reinforced nanocomposites
Rolfes, Raimund
Sinapius, Michael
FOR 2021: Acting Principles of Nano-Scaled Matrix Additives for Composite Structures
Sinapius, Michael
Nano- and micromechanical modeling of nanoparticle reinforced epoxy resin
Rolfes, Raimund
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Calibration station for innovative measurement techniques in dynamics and acoustics
Servohydraulische Prüfmaschine
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Rolfes, Raimund
Data-based structural health monitoring via AI-driven transfer learning
(Project Head
Rolfes, Raimund
Fully coupled mid fidelity digital twin of a megastructure
(Project Heads
Gebhardt, Cristian Guillermo
Rolfes, Raimund
SFB 1463: Integrated Design and Operation Methodology for Offshore Megastructures
Rolfes, Raimund
Support in administration, application and development of the digital twin
(Project Head
Rolfes, Raimund
Completed projects
Dynamical Behavior and Strength of Structural Elements with Regeneration Induced Imperfections and Residual Stresses
(Project Head
Rolfes, Raimund
Modellgestützte Bauwerksüberwachung und Schadensdiagnose anhand eines online an den jeweiligen Zustand anzupassenden dynamischen Rechenmodells
(Project Head
Natke, Hans Günther
Wissensbasiertes System "Meßtechnik im Bauwesen" zur Meßdatenerfassung und Auswertung innerhalb der Bauwerksüberwachung
(Project Head
Natke, Hans Günther
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2657: Computational Mechanics Techniques in High Dimensions
Nackenhorst, Udo
Completed projects
GRK 1627: Virtual Materials and Structures and their Validation
Wriggers, Peter
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2163: Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation – SE²A
Friedrichs, Jens
Radespiel, Rolf
Additional Information
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