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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Erdmessung
Schneiderberg 50
30167 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30167 Hannover
Research Grants
Current projects
MAESTRO: Understanding Multipath - Antenna - Receiver Interactions for Standardizable Calibration of Code Phase Variations of GNSS Receiving Antennas
Caizzone, Stefano
Schön, Steffen
Completed projects
A mobile absolute gravimeter based on atom interferometry for highly accurate point observations
Müller, Jürgen
Peters, Ph.D., Achim
Combination of CHAMP and regional terrestrial gravity field data
Denker, Heiner
Development and Test of a Very Precise Transportable Digital Zenith Camera for the determination of the vertical with Real Time Capacity.
Seeber, Günter
Development of an adequate variance model for GNSS carrier phase observations based on turbulence theory
Schön, Steffen
Development of the VLBI programme OCCAM for earth rotation parameter estimation in high temporal resolution
Drewes, Hermann
Improved compensation of vibrational noise in the laser interferometer with applications in absolute gravimetry
Svitlov, Ph.D., Sergiy
Integrierte Sensoranalyse am Beispiel des Satelliten CHAMP
Müller, Jürgen
Nutzung eines operationellen transportablen hochpräzisen digitalen Zenitkamerasystems für die hochauflösende Bestimmung und Validierung von physikalischen Höhenbezugsflächen
Seeber, Günter
The Fennoscandian land uplift: A test and application area for GRACE
Müller, Jürgen
Turbulence investigations from local VLBI interferometer and short range GNSS observations for improved modelling of atmospheric refraction variations
Nothnagel, Axel
Schön, Steffen
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Die Satellitengradiometriemission GOCE - Theorie, technische Realisierung und wissenschaftliche Nutzung -
Müller, Jürgen
Research Units
Current projects
Determination of Physical Heights via Time Transfer
Lisdat, Christian
Müller, Jürgen
Distribution-free Uncertainty Description for TLS-based Areal Deformation Analysis
Schön, Steffen
FOR 5455: Deformation analysis based on terrestrial laser scanner measurements (TLS-Defo)
Kuhlmann, Heiner
FOR 5456: Clock Metrology: A Novel Approach to TIME in Geodesy
Schreiber, Ulrich
Surface approximation uncertainty
Neumann, Ingo
Completed projects
Barycentric Ephemeris
Müller, Jürgen
Oberst, Jürgen
Earth Rotation and Global Dynamic Processes
Müller, Jürgen
FOR 584: Earth Rotation and Global Dynamic Processes
Müller, Jürgen
Lunar Laser Ranging: Consistent modelling for geodetic and further scientific applications
Müller, Jürgen
Lunar Reference Systems
Kusche, Jürgen
Müller, Jürgen
Oberst, Jürgen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Determination of the Fennoscandian Land Uplift and Mass Variations in Northern Europe from GRACE Data
Müller, Jürgen
Interactions of low-orbiting satellites with the surrounding thermosphere and ionosphere
Borries, Claudia
Flury, Jakob
Pail, Roland
Schlicht, Anja
Schmidt, Michael
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Advanced GRACE accelerometer sensor analysis, impact on gravity field determination and aeronomy research
Flury, Jakob
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Atomchip-basiertes Quantengravimeter
Integrated GNSS / IMU measuring unit for the flexible determination of highly accurate reference trajectories for navigation
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Atmosphere-Ocean Background Modelling for Terrestrial Gravimetry
(Project Heads
Dobslaw, Henryk
Timmen, Ludger
Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Müller, Jürgen
Interferometric Fibre Links
(Project Heads
Grosche, Gesine
Schön, Steffen
New Measurement Concepts with Laser Interferometers
(Project Heads
Müller, Jürgen
Müller, Vitali
Optical Clocks for Chronometric Levelling
(Project Heads
Denker, Heiner
Lisdat, Christian
Schmidt, Piet Oliver
Quantum Gravimetry
(Project Heads
Herr, Waldemar
Müller, Jürgen
Rasel, Ernst Maria
Relativistic Geodesy from Space Using Novel Measurement Concepts
(Project Heads
Hackmann, Eva
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Müller, Jürgen
SFB 1464: Relativistic and quantum-based geodesy (TerraQ)
Müller, Jürgen
Terrestrial Clock Networks: Fundamental Physics and Applications
(Project Heads
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Müller, Jürgen
Completed projects
Central Tasks
(Project Head
Müller, Jürgen
Clock network modeling for relativistic geodesy
(Project Heads
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Müller, Jürgen
Data analysis challenges for the GRACE Follow-On community
(Project Heads
Flury, Jakob
Hewitson, Ph.D., Martin
List, Meike
Naeimi, Majid
Disentangling gravitational signals and errors in global gravity field parameter estimation from satellite observations
(Project Head
Flury, Jakob
Fusion of ranging, accelerometry, and attitude sensing in the multi-sensor system for laserinterferometric inter-satellite ranging
(Project Heads
Flury, Jakob
Heinzel, Gerhard
Groundwater Gravimetry and QG-1
(Project Heads
Denker, Heiner
Timmen, Ludger
Regional gravity field modelling for relativistic geodesy and vertical datum definition
(Project Head
Denker, Heiner
Relativistic orbit modeling of satellite constellations
(Project Heads
Hackmann, Eva
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Müller, Jürgen
SFB 1128: Relativistic Geodesy and Gravimetry with Quantum Sensors - Modelling, Geo-Metrology and Future Technology (geo-Q)
Müller, Jürgen
Strengthening the GNSS based kinematic positioning of low Earth orbiters for gravity field determination
(Project Head
Schön, Steffen
System studies for an optical gradiometer mission
(Project Heads
Heinzel, Gerhard
Müller, Jürgen
Transportable optical clocks for relativistic geodesy
(Project Heads
Denker, Heiner
Lisdat, Christian
Schmidt, Piet Oliver
Transportable quantum gravimeter
(Project Heads
Herr, Waldemar
Müller, Jürgen
Rasel, Ernst Maria
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2159: Integrity and collaboration in dynamic sensor networks
Schön, Steffen
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 201: QUEST - Centre for Quantum Engineering and Space-Time Research
Ertmer, Wolfgang
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2123: QuantumFrontiers - Light and Matter at the Quantum Frontier
Ospelkaus, Silke
Schmidt, Piet Oliver
Waag, Andreas
Additional Information
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