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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Baustoffe
Appelstraße 9a
30167 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30167 Hannover
Research Grants
Current projects
Degradation processes in high-strength concrete due to multistage compressive fatigue loading
Oneschkow, Nadja
Experimentally-validated stochastic model for freeze-thaw microstructural degradation and damage of hardened cement paste
Beer, Michael
Broggi, Matteo
Haist, Michael
Completed projects
Creep and shrinkage at variable hygric exposures
Haist, Michael
Investigation and modelling of the deformation mechanisms of hardened cement paste based on novel small angle X-ray scattering investigations
Haist, Michael
Linear and Non-Linear Cyclic-Creep of Concrete with defined Moisture Contents
Anders, Steffen
Lohaus, Ludger
Specimen heating as damage indicator for fatigue tests of concrete
Lohaus, Ludger
Untersuchung des Gefrierverhaltens und der Strukturänderung hochfester Zementsteine und hochfester Feinsandmörtel infolge der Temperatur- und Feuchteänderung
Lohaus, Ludger
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Component additive approach to predict Cement paste Rheology considering Secondary Cementitious Materials and their special effect on thixotropy and concrete de-airing behaviour
Haist, Michael
Ludwig, Horst-Michael
Schäfer, Ph.D., Thorsten
Coordination Funds
Lohaus, Ludger
Open channel flow behaviour of concrete in the presence of obstacles and mechanisms of flow blockage (OCF-Blockage)
Haist, Michael
R-ClinkerControl: AI augmented control model for coping with fluctuating recycling waste in carbonate-melt clinkering for recycling-cement
Haist, Michael
Stemmermann, Peter
SPP 2020: Cyclic deterioration of High-Performance Concrete in an experimental-virtual lab
Lohaus, Ludger
Completed projects
Component additive approach to predict cement paste rheology considering mineral and particle heterogeneity on different scales (CONCERT)
Haist, Michael
Ludwig, Horst-Michael
Schäfer, Ph.D., Thorsten
Ermüdung von UHPC unter ein- und mehraxialer Beanspruchung (Experimentelle Untersuchung und Entwicklung eines mechanischen Modells)
Grünberg, Jürgen
Lohaus, Ludger
Material composition influenced damage development in high-strength concrete under cyclic loading
Löhnert, Stefan
Oneschkow, Nadja
Quality assured flow production of light UHPC bar elements using artificial neural networks
Lohaus, Ludger
Rolfes, Raimund
Stability of concrete subjected to vibration – Analysis of the nano- and microscopic structural build-up and structural breakdown behavior of cementitious suspensions
Lohaus, Ludger
UHPC-Rohre mit Stahlblechummantelung für großformatige Stabwerke
Grünberg, Jürgen
Lohaus, Ludger
Water-induced damage mechanisms of cyclic loaded high-performance concretes
Haist, Michael
Lohaus, Ludger
Wriggers, Peter
Wrapped Hybrid Tubes
Lohaus, Ludger
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Schädigungsinduzierte Veränderung von Baustoffeigenschaften zur Modellierung und Quantifizierung zeitabhängiger Stoffgesetze
(Project Head
Lohaus, Ludger
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Micromechanical Laboratory
Servohydraulische Universalprüfmaschine
Surface spectroscopy laboratory
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Micromechanical mechanisms of the time dependent deformation behavior of early-age concrete
Haist, Michael
Additional Information
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