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Universität Hamburg
Fachbereich Chemie
Institut für Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie
Bundesstraße 45
20146 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20146 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Combined impact of pH, catalyst, and strongly non-ideal solvent mixtures (SNISMs) towards boosting acid-catalyzed reactions
Albert, Jakob
Held, Christoph
Completed projects
Biologisch abbaubare Catena-Netzwerke
Kricheldorf, Hans R.
Development of a sustainable process for the selective catalytic conversion of biogenic humin-model substrates and biomass-derived humins to carboxylic acids by the help of tailor-made polyoxometalate catalysts
Albert, Jakob
Influence of N- and O-containing heteroatoms on the continuous desulfurization of heavy oils and liquid fuels using catalytic oxidation of organic compounds with aqueous polyoxometalate solutions
Albert, Jakob
Jess, Andreas
Mathematical modelling and experimental investigation of the pilot scaled pyrolysis of wastes in a fluidized bed and a rotary kiln
Kaminsky, Walter
Nanostruktur und Materialeigenschaften polymerer Werkstoffe. Aufklärung der Mechanismen beim Schmelzen, Kristallisieren und Belasten mit in-situ Röntgenstreuexperimenten
Stribeck, Norbert
Synthese und Eigenschaften von Hydrozirkonierungsreagenzien mit schwach koordinierenden Anionen
Luinstra, Gerrit A.
Synthesis of new polyolefines with tailored microstructures by metallocene catalysis
Kaminsky, Walter
Untersuchungen zu Ringschlußreaktionen bei Polykondensationen und Polyadditionen
Kricheldorf, Hans R.
Untersuchung flüssigkristalliner Phasen in überkritischem CO2 mittels Kernresonanzspektroskopie
Wutz, Christoph
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Generation of polyethylene powder for the fiber laser based Direct Energy Deposition process: Parametric studies, microstructure and mechanical properties
Luinstra, Gerrit A.
Ostendorf, Andreas
Completed projects
Bestimmung der Lösungs- sowie komplexer Überstrukturen von Cellulosederivaten in verdünnten bis mäßig konzentrierten Lösungen
Kulicke, Werner-Michael
Bestimmung der Lösungs- sowie komplexer Überstrukturen von Cellulosederivaten in verdünnten bis mäßig konzentrierten Lösungen
Kulicke, Werner-Michael
Disentangled UHMWPE composites for warp-free SLS parts
Imgrund, Philipp
Luinstra, Gerrit A.
Experimental investigations of the morphology and the morphology formation of levitated single-particles as a model system for reactive and non-reactive spray processes
Moritz, Hans-Ulrich
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Development of novel, highly active, and selective multifunctional carbon nanotube-supported catalysts for the chemical hydrogenolysis of glycerol to 1,2 propanediol
(Project Heads
Albert, Jakob
Fiedler, Bodo
SMART multiphase reactor for the catalytic hydrogenolysis of glycerol
(Project Heads
Albert, Jakob
Horn, Raimund
Stimuli-responsive polymers for self-regulating reactors: From basic phenomena to reactor design
(Project Heads
Luinstra, Gerrit A.
Smirnova, Irina
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