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Universität Hamburg
Fachbereich Chemie
Institut für Physikalische Chemie
Grindelallee 117
20146 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20146 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Synthesis of complex two-dimensional heterostructures with tailored optoelectronic properties
Kipp, Tobias
Mews, Alf
Synthesis of Heterogels from Metal and Metal Oxide Nanocrystals by Means of Cryogelation Method for Application in Electrocatalysis
Bigall, Nadja-Carola
Completed projects
Aluminium-Passivierung hochreaktiver Al-Pulvermischungen durch Adsorption von organischen Molekülen an reaktiven Zentren
Weller, Horst
Bubble-Pen Lithography for Directed Hierarchical Assembly of Anisotropic Nanomaterials
Hill, Ph.D., Eric Harris
Cation Exchange in Single Nanowires
Mews, Alf
Einfluss der Verhinderung der Kollagen-Degradation durch MMPs auf den Dentin-Klebeverbund
Abetz, Volker
Faupel, Franz
Kern, Matthias
Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Freestanding Membranes Consisting of Organically Cross-Linked Metal Nanoparticles: The Effect of Order and Disorder
Vossmeyer, Tobias
Electrical and optical properties of individual semiconductor nanowires with diameters in the strong quantization regime
Kipp, Tobias
Mews, Alf
Entwicklung einer empirischen pseudopotential Methode zur Behandlung magnetischer Halbleiter-Nanostrukturen
Bester, Gabriel
Fluoreszenzspektroskopie an einzelnen Halbleiternanokristallen mit definierten Ladungszuständen
Mews, Alf
Haftungsverbesserung von DLC-Schichten durch metallische Zwischenschichten
Benndorf, Carsten
Haftungsverbesserung von DLC-Schichten durch metallische Zwischenschichten
Dimigen, Heinz
Highly structured optical materials based on protein containers and plasmonic nanoparticles for the manipulation of light at the nanoscale
Beck, Tobias
Korrelation der strukturellen und optischen Eigenschaften von Halbleiternanostrukturen
Mews, Alf
Localized surface plasmon resonances in heavily doped (degenerated) semiconductor and oxide nanocrystals prepared by colloid chemistry
Dorfs, Dirk
Multifunctional membranes of graphene oxide and titania nanocrystals: Electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical properties tuned via photocatalytic reduction
Vossmeyer, Tobias
Optische Mikroröllchen-Resonatoren
Kipp, Tobias
Photochemically-induced electronic switching in carbon nanotubes
Mews, Alf
Photovoltaic materials and cells
Benndorf, Carsten
Plasmonic nanocrystals and multi-component nanocrystals for activation of chemical reactions using ultra-short temperature pulses
Dorfs, Dirk
Resonant Raman spectroscopy as tool to investigate colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals
Bester, Gabriel
Lange, Holger
Maultzsch, Janina
Weller, Horst
Rolled-up metamaterials
Kipp, Tobias
Abetz, Volker
Tschierske, Carsten
Synthese, schwingungsspektroskopische Charakterisierung, Berechnungen und katalytische Testreaktionen an mesoporösen Materialien vom Typ MCM-41
Lechert, Hans
Synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites based on nanoparticles attached to carbon nanotubes
Klinke, Christian
Taylor made multi-component nanocrystals with plasmon-exciton interactions for fluorescence enhancement and sensing
Dorfs, Dirk
The anomalous velocity in its ultrafast regime
Bieler, Mark
Meier, Torsten
Research Units
Completed projects
Supramolekulare Strukturen aus Halbleiternanokristallen und Metallkomplexliganden für die optische Sensorik in Mikrokompartimenten
Mews, Alf
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Atomistic theory of excited states in van-der-Waals heterostructures: Moiré confinement, strain and electric field effects.
Bester, Gabriel
Completed projects
Analysis of Time-variant Nano- and Microscopic Mechanisms for Modelling the Meso- and Macroscopic Segregation Stability of Concrete Subject to Vibration
Bigall, Nadja-Carola
How particles enter the body: investigating particle-barrier interactions in the digestive tract (PARENTRY)
Frey, Andreas
Gebert, Andreas
Hüttmann, Gereon
Weller, Horst
Oberflächendifferenzierte Mikroemulsionen auf der Basis von amphiphilen ABC-Blockcopolyelektrolyten
Müller, Axel
Stability of concrete subjected to vibration – Analysis of the nano- and microscopic structural build-up and structural breakdown behavior of cementitious suspensions
Lohaus, Ludger
Synthesis and characterization of multifunctional hybrid materials: Tuning the mechanical and magnetic properties of hydrogels
Hankiewicz, Birgit
Überstrukturbildung ligandstabilisierter Halbleiter- und Metallnanocluster durch elektrostatische und kovalente Verknüpfung
Weller, Horst
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Ceramic microparticles: Building blocks for high temperature photonic materials
(Project Heads
Vossmeyer, Tobias
Weller, Horst
Copolymers and linkers as building blocks for hierarchical materials
(Project Heads
Abetz, Volker
Handge, Ulrich Alexander
Ladungstransport in selbstorganisierten Nanoclusterkristallen
(Project Head
Weller, Horst
Raman- und PHotolumineszenz-Spektroskopie an Quantenpunkten
(Project Heads
Heitmann, Detlef
Kipp, Tobias
Spektroskopie mit weicher Röntgenstrahlung an Clustern und Nanokristallen
(Project Heads
Möller, Thomas
Weller, Horst
Surface-modified nanocrystals: Building blocks for hierarchically structured high performance materials
(Project Heads
Vossmeyer, Tobias
Weller, Horst
Synthese und Spektroskopie von III-V-Halbleiter-Nanoclustern
(Project Head
Weller, Horst
Übergitter in Blockcopolymeren
(Project Head
Abetz, Volker
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konsole für 400 MHz NMR-Spektrometer
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 611: Design and Characterisation of Functional Materials
Fröba, Michael
GRK 2536: Hybrid structures on the nanoscale: Chemical concepts to prepare heterogeneous nanostructures with anisotropic material properties (NANOHYBRID)
Mews, Alf
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1074: The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging (CUI): Structure, Dynamics and Control of Matter at the Atomic Scale
Sengstock, Klaus
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2056: CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter
Chapman, Ph.D., Henry N.
Sengstock, Klaus
Weller, Horst
EXC 2122: PhoenixD: Photonics, Optics, and Engineering – Innovation Across Disciplines
Kowalsky, Wolfgang
Morgner, Uwe
Overmeyer, Ludger
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