Universität Wien
Department für Lithosphärenforschung
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2
1090 Wien
1090 Wien
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Spherule layers from South Africa as windows into the Paleoarchean meteorite bombardment of the Earth - Evidences from coupled Os-W isotope systematics and siderophile elements
Schulz, Toni
Research Units
Completed projects
Coordination project of the Research Unit "Nanoscale Processes and Geomaterials Properties"
Heinrich, Wilhelm
FOR 741: Nanoscale Processes and Geomaterials Properties
Heinrich, Wilhelm
Non-linear diffusion during phase separation and symplectite formation in alkali feldspar: an experimental and modelling approach (TP8)
Abart, Rainer
Heinrich, Wilhelm
Re-equilibration processes in grain-internal domains: The interrelation of mineral reactions and deformation during metamorphism (TP14)
Habler, Gerlinde
The effect of water on diffusion-controlled reaction rim growth (TP3)
Heinrich, Wilhelm
The influence of defect structures at reaction interfaces and shear-deformation on reaction rim growth kinetics in the MgO-Al2O3 system
Abart, Rainer
Habler, Gerlinde
Research Grants
Current projects
Ice nucleation activity of alkali feldspar in aerosol
Kiselev, Alexei
Completed projects
Diffusion controlled evolution of reaction microstructures: potential geospeedometers for garnet granulite xenoliths from the lower crust.
Abart, Rainer
Diffusion-diffusive phase transformations in alkali feldspar
Divinski, Sergiy
Formation of central uplift structures in large, complex impact craters: The role of pseudoachylitic in the development of the Vredefort Dome, South Africa
Reimold, Wolf Uwe
Radiotracer diffusion and conductivity of sodium and potassium in alkali feldspar
Wilde, Gerhard