Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Institut für Molekulare und Translationale Therapiestrategien
Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1
30625 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30625 Hannover
Research Grants
Current projects
Deciphering the role of miRNAs in Fabry disease pathology and therapy
Hoepfner, Jeannine
Functional requirement of telomere length and telomerase in the regulation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species in cardiomyocyte health and disease
Bär, Ph.D., Christian
Chatterjee, Ph.D., Shambhabi
Targeting telomere dysfunction-related immune- and organ senescence in pulmonary and cardiovascular disease
Brandenberger, Ph.D., Christina
Bär, Ph.D., Christian
The molecular role of selected circRNAs in cardiac macrophage dynamics and inflammatory response during cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction
Jung, Ph.D., Mira
Completed projects
Bedeutung Osteopontin-induzierter micro-RNAs auf die Progression der kardialen Fibrose
Lorenzen, Johan Matthes
Bedeutung von microRNAs für die Funktion endothelialer Progenitorzellen - Einfluss von asymmetrischem Dimethylarginin
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
CARDINAL - Cardiomyocyte-derived vesicular non coding RNAs and post-ischemic cardiac remodeling
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
MicroRNA-abhängige Zell-Zell-Kommunikation zwischen kardialen Fibroblasten und Kardiomyozyten bei pathologischer Herzhypertrophie
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
Noncoding RNA based strategies to treat doxorubicin induced cardiotoxicity
Gupta, Ph.D., Shashi Kumar
Regulation, Diagnostics and Therapy focusing on the mineralocorticoid receptor involved in cardiac remodelling
Bauersachs, Johann
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
Role of miRNAs in diabetic chronic wound repair
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
Role of the long intergenic non-coding (linc) RNA NRON in cardiac disease
Regalla, Ph.D., Kumarswamy
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
Significance of differentially expressed microRNAs and their target proteins in the development of autoimmune myocarditis in mouse model and patients
Kaya, Ziya
Müller, Oliver J.
Research Units
Completed projects
Testing of unwanted side effects of noncoding RNA oligonucleotide therapeutics in small and large animal models
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Impact of the long non-coding RNA meg3 on unloading and repair during cardiac remodeling
Cebotari, Serghei
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
KFO 311: Cardiac and pulmonary failure: mechanical unloading andrepair
Bauersachs, Johann
Current projects
Circular RNAs as targets to prevent cardiac damage and to induce cardiomyocyte proliferation
(Project Heads
Bär, Ph.D., Christian
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Mechanisms, therapeutics and diagnostic potential of circular RNAs in HFpEF
(Project Head
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
Completed projects
Der Methionin/Threonin-11-Polymorphismus des Surfactantprotein D und MicroRNA-abhängige Effekte auf den Verlauf von Asthma und Pneumonie
(Project Heads
Ochs, Matthias
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 62: From Regenerative Biology to Reconstructive Therapy (REBIRTH)
Haverich, Axel
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 108: Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS)
Schmidt, Reinhold Ernst