Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Institut für Mathematische Stochastik
Goldschmidtstraße 7
37077 Göttingen
This institution in GERiT
37077 Göttingen
Research Grants
Current projects
Bayesian Asymptotic Theory for Manifold Data and Bayesian Smeariness of Location Statistics
Eltzner, Benjamin
Completed projects
Ergodic theory and hyperbolic geometry
Denker, Manfred
Geodätische Hauptkomponentenanalyse in der Formenstochastik und ihre Anwendungen bei der Auswertung forstlich-biometrischer Objekte sowie deren Wachstumsmodellierungen
Munk, Axel
Grenzwertsatz für lineare Regressionsmodelle - multiple Testtheorie im Zusammenhang mit parametrischem Äquivalenztest
Munk, Axel
Smeary Limit Theorems for Generalized Fréchet Means on Non-Euclidean Spaces
Huckemann, Stephan
Statistik Riemann'scher Metriken und biomechanische Ganganalyse
Huckemann, Stephan
Statistische Methoden der Modellwahl in der Regressionsanalyse
Munk, Axel
Verfahren zum Nachweis von Therapeutischer Äquivalenz
Trampisch, Hans Joachim
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5381: Mathematical Statistics in the Information Age - Statistical Efficiency and Computational Tractability
Rohde, Angelika
Sublinear time methods with statistical guarantees
Dette, Holger
Munk, Axel
Completed projects
Administration/Data Management
Munk, Axel
Ergodentheoretische Methoden in der hyperbolischen Geometrie
Denker, Manfred
FOR 916: Statistical Regularisation and Qualitative Constraints - Inference, Algorithms, Asymptotics and Applications
Dümbgen, Lutz
Munk, Axel
Statistical Inference in Inverse Problems with Qualitative Prior Information
Munk, Axel
Statistical Multiscale Parameter Selection Strategies
Munk, Axel
Transfer-Operatoren in der Theorie der dynamischen Zetafunktionen
Denker, Manfred
Zetafunktionen und lokal symmetrische Räume
Mayer, Dieter
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Genealogies of populations with competition and large variation in the offspring distribution in multi locus and spatially structured settings
Sturm, Anja
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Collective dynamics of ion channels: statistical modeling and analysis
(Project Heads
Li, Housen
Steinem, Claudia
Dynamics of cytoskeletal networks: From geometric structure to cell mechanics
(Project Heads
Köster, Sarah
Munk, Axel
Geometry and Bayesian statistics to reconstruct protein radical structures from ENDOR spectroscopy
(Project Heads
Bennati, Marina
Huckemann, Stephan
Geometry of bio-polymer conformational dynamics
(Project Heads
Enderlein, Jörg
Sturm, Anja
Wardetzky, Max
Optimal transport based colocalization
(Project Heads
Jakobs, Stefan
Munk, Axel
Schmitzer, Bernhard
Completed projects
Formation of stress fibers in adult stem cells
(Project Heads
Huckemann, Stephan
Krivobokova, Tatyana
Rehfeldt, Florian
Statistical inference for molecules: How many, when and where?
(Project Heads
Hell, Stefan W.
Munk, Axel
Statistical methods for time-varying electrophysiological data and for protein-membrane interactions
(Project Head
Munk, Axel
Statistical multi-scale analysis for photonic imaging: from modeling to algorithms
(Project Heads
Luke, David Russell
Munk, Axel
Statistical reconstruction methods for time varying nanoscale imaging problems
(Project Heads
Egner, Alexander
Munk, Axel
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 140: Flow Instabilities and Turbulence
Ronneberger, Dirk
GRK 535: Groups and Geometry
Schick, Thomas
GRK 1023: Identification in Mathematical Models: Synergy of Stochastic and Numerical Methods
Hohage, Thorsten
GRK 2088: Discovering structure in complex data: Statistics meets Optimization and Inverse Problems
Plonka-Hoch, Gerlind
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Analyzing convolutional neural networks with multiscale statistics
del Alamo, Miguel
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Nicht-euklidischen Statistik mit Anwendungen in der Stammzelldifferenzierung, forensischen Biometrie, botanischen Physiologie sowie in der medizinischen Diagnostik von Bewegungsabläufen
Huckemann, Stephan
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Göttingen MINFLUX
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2067: Multiscale Bioimaging: from Molecular Machines to Networks of Excitable Cells (MBExC)
Cramer, Patrick
Moser, Tobias
Steinem, Claudia