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Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)
Department 1
Sektion 1.3: Erdsystem-Modellierung
14473 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14473 Potsdam
Research Grants
Current projects
Disentangling Climatic Signals in Earth Orientation Parameters
Dobslaw, Henryk
Schindelegger, Michael
Improving prediction of Earth Orientation Parameters for real-time geodesy
Saynisch-Wagner, Jan
Joint inversion of gravimetric and electromagnetic satellite observations to infer global time series of oceanic volume transport (GREMLIN)
Saynisch-Wagner, Jan
Pro- and Retrospective highly accurate and consistent Earth Orientation parameters for Geodetic Research within the Earth System Sciences (PROGRESS)
Bloßfeld, Mathis
Dill, Robert
Hugentobler, Urs
Completed projects
Atmosphere-Induced Short Period Variations of Earth Rotation (ASPIRE)
Dobslaw, Henryk
Entwicklung eines physikalisch konsistenten Systemmodells zur Untersuchung von Rotation, Oberflächengestalt und Schwerefeld der Erde
Drewes, Hermann
Hense, Andreas N.
Sündermann, Jürgen
Thomas, Maik
Entwicklung eines physikalisch konsistenten Systemmodells zur Untersuchung von Rotation, Oberflächengestalt und Schwerefeld der Erde
Thomas, Maik
Linking the deep structures of the cratons of Africa and South America by integrated geophysical modelling
Ebbing, Jörg
Kaban, Mikhail
Modellrechnungen zu den Gezeiten früherer Ozeane und zur Geschichte des Erde-Mond-Systems
Ludwig, Thomas
Ozeanographische Modelldaten zur Interpretation und Korrektur von Satellitendaten
Thomas, Maik
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Constraint on Tien Shan structure and dynamics from integrative modelling of new satellite gravity-, GNSS-, SAR- and seismic data
Hellwich, Olaf
Kaban, Mikhail
Development and application of a three-dimensional viscoelastic lithosphere and mantle model for reducing GRACE-gravity data (VILMA)
Thomas, Maik
Dynamic model of a coupled system of the convecting mantle, lithosphere and ice shield of Antarctica (MANTIS-II).
Kaban, Mikhail
Global modelling of the lithosphere and mantle and explaning geoid signal by merging of tomography derived mantle flow models with full thermal convection models including lateral viscosity variations
Kaban, Mikhail
Schmeling, Harro
Improved modelling of non-tidal mass variations for optimized gravity field analysis
Dobslaw, Henryk
Gruber, Thomas
Güntner, Andreas
Ocean signals in Earth's magnetic field (OceanMag-II)
Saynisch-Wagner, Jan
Reconstruction of atmosphere-ocean circulation patterns for geological time slices by self-consistent coupled model simulations
Matthes, Katja
Thomas, Maik
Research Units
Current projects
Combination of Space Geodetic Techniques with Clock Ties and Atmospheric Ties (COCAT)
Balidakis, Kyriakos
Schuh, Harald
FOR 2736: New Refined Observations of Climate Change from Spaceborne Gravity Missions (NEROGRAV)
Flechtner, Frank
FOR 5456: Clock Metrology: A Novel Approach to TIME in Geodesy
Schreiber, Ulrich
Improved Tidal Dynamics and Uncertainty Estimation for Satellite Gravimetry (TIDUS-2)
Dettmering, Denise
Thomas, Maik
Completed projects
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Inferences from Satellite Gravimetry and Numerical Ocean Models for North Atlantic Deep Water Transports (AMOCING)
Dobslaw, Henryk
Schindelegger, Michael
Earth rotation and the ocean's circulation
Schröter, Jens
Thomas, Maik
Interconnections between combined Length-of-Day and polar motion parameters concerning joint atmosphere-ocean-hydrosphere modes
Thomas, Maik
Ulbrich, Uwe
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Gravity field determination with HALO (GRAV-HALO)
Barthelmes, Franz
Scheinert, Mirko
Innovative calibration methods for strapdown airborne vector gravimetry aboard HALO
Becker, Matthias
Transport, Removal and Accumulation of sediments Numerically Simulated for Paleo-Oceans and Reconstructed from cores of The Eirik Drift (TRANSPORTED)
Saynisch-Wagner, Jan
Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Atmosphere-Ocean Background Modelling for Terrestrial Gravimetry
(Project Heads
Dobslaw, Henryk
Timmen, Ludger
Additional Information
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