Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin
Institut für Virologie
BFS Schubertstraße 81
35392 Gießen
This institution in GERiT
35392 Gießen
Research Grants
Current projects
Elicitation of antibodies broadly neutralizing the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) using reverse vaccinology
Krey, Thomas
Lamp, Benjamin
Completed projects
Degradation of the antiviral interferon-effector PKR by the virulence factor NSs of Rift Valley fever virus
Weber, Friedemann
Funktion des Nichtstrukturproteins NSs der Bunyaviren als Virulenzfaktor
Weber, Friedemann
Interaction of the SARS-Coronavirus with the interferon system
Weber, Friedemann
Interferon-antagonistische Wirkung des Nichtstrukturproteins NSs des Rift-Valley-Fever-Virus
Haller, Otto Albrecht
Molekularer Mechanismus des La Crosse-Virus-induzierten Abbaus der zellulären RNA-Polymerase II
Kochs, Georg
Untersuchungen zur Molekularbiologie der Alpha-Togaviren Sindbis Virus und Semliki Forest Virus
Wengler, Gerd
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Disturbance of the nuclear and nucleolar compartments by a viral interferon antagonist
(Project Head
Weber, Friedemann
Functional comparison of the NSs virulence factors from the genus Phlebovirus
(Project Head
Weber, Friedemann
Immunpathologisch bedingte Dysfunktion neuroendokriner Systeme nach Infektion mit dem neurotropen Borna Disease Virus (BDV)
(Project Heads
Herzog, Sibylle
Richt, Jürgen Albrecht
Molecular basis for the virulence of Deformed wing virus (DWV) infections in honey bees
(Project Head
Lamp, Benjamin
Pathogenesis of feline infectious peritonitis
(Project Heads
Tekes, Gergely
Thiel, Heinz-Jürgen
Ziebuhr, John
Rolle des Nichtstrukturproteins 3 (NS3) und des Coreproteins (C) in der Morphogenese von Pestviren
(Project Heads
Rümenapf, Tillmann Hans
Thiel, Heinz-Jürgen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Antivirally active factors of the type I interferon systems of small mammals
Kochs, Georg
Weber, Friedemann
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
KFO 309: Virus-induced Lung Injury: Pathobiology and Novel Therapeutic Strategies
Seeger, Werner
Profiling anti-influenza activities of the pathogen recognition receptor RIG-I: Novel targets for antiviral intervention strategies
Bauer, Stefan
Weber, Friedemann
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Immunorecognition of viral nucleic acids in the cytosol
Barchet, Winfried
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2355: Regulatory networks in the mRNA life cycle: from coding to noncoding RNAs
Sträßer, Katja
Completed projects
GRK 370: Biochemistry of Nucloeprotein Complexes
Pingoud, Alfred
GRK 455: Molecular Veterinary Medicine
Petzinger, Ernst