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Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Physik, Geographie
Mathematisches Institut
Arndtstraße 2
35392 Gießen
This institution in GERiT
35392 Gießen
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Geometric invariants of discrete and locally compact groups
Bux, Kai-Uwe
Witzel, Stefan
Completed projects
At Infinity of Symmetric Spaces
Köhl, Ralf
Entwicklung einer digitalen Geldbörse mit Observer-Funktion. Sicherheitsanalyse, Zusatzfunktionalitäten und Anwendungen
Beutelspacher, Albrecht
Parabolics and Invariants
Bux, Kai-Uwe
Kielak, Dawid
Witzel, Stefan
Research Grants
Current projects
Asymptotic fluctuations of supercritical general branching processes
Meiners, Matthias
Finiteness properties of Kac--Moody groups
Witzel, Stefan
Multivariate smoothing equations with coefficients from the general linear group
Meiners, Matthias
Mentemeier, Sebastian
Non-Malthusian supercritical Crump-Mode-Jagers processes
Meiners, Matthias
On the origins and nature of representation of social and non-social relations in adults, infants, and autism
Kaiser, Ph.D., Daniel
Probing prefrontal influences on the emergence of visual category representations
Kaiser, Ph.D., Daniel
Resolving the neural dynamics underlying aesthetic visual experiences
Kaiser, Ph.D., Daniel
Root Graded Groups
Mühlherr, Bernhard
The Allen-Cahn equation and minimal surfaces
Rizzi, Ph.D., Matteo
Vortex dynamics and blow-up phenomena in two dimensions
Ahmedou, Mohameden
Bartsch, Thomas
Completed projects
Algebraische Gruppen und Kac-Moody-Gruppen sowie deren Gitter
Köhl, Ralf
Mühlherr, Bernhard
Fixed points of multivariate smoothing transformations
Meiners, Matthias
Fourth-order uniformization type theorems for 4-dimensional Riemannian manifolds
Ould Ahmedou, Mohameden
Schätzle, Reiner
Functional Itô-calculus for superprocesses and application of superprocesses to counterparty risk
Overbeck, Ludger
Groups and buildings
Witzel, Stefan
Kryptografische Protokolle mit Observer-Funktion
Beutelspacher, Albrecht
Modelling the Risk of CDO dynamics
Härdle, Wolfgang Karl
Objects in Scenes - How scene structure shapes visual object representations
Kaiser, Ph.D., Daniel
Pseudo-reductive Galois descent in Bruhat-Tits buildings
Mühlherr, Bernhard
Stationäre und heterokline Orbits von Reaktions-Diffusionsgleichungen
Bartsch, Thomas
Struktur und Klassifikation von Lie-Typ-Gruppen über beliebigen Körpern
Timmesfeld, Franz Georg
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Coarse geometry of simple groups and buildings
Witzel, Stefan
WBP Position
Current projects
Root groups in totally disconnected locally compact groups
Bischof, Sebastian
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Stochastische Fixpunktgleichungen und ihre Anwendungen
Meiners, Matthias
Current projects
Spatiotemporal prediction in the cortical processing of natural visual information
(Project Head
Kaiser, Ph.D., Daniel
Completed projects
Conformal metrics of constant Q-curvature on 4-dimensional manifolds
(Project Heads
Ahmedou, Mohameden
Schätzle, Reiner
Additional Information
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