Universität Bremen
Fachbereich 02 - Biologie / Chemie
Institut für Hirnforschung
Abteilung Theoretische Neurobiologie
Hochschulring 16a
28359 Bremen
This institution in GERiT
28359 Bremen
Research Grants
Completed projects
Following neuronal signals of multiple visual stimuli through cortical pathways to identify attentional gating mechanisms
Kreiter, Andreas K.
Neuronale Mechanismen verhaltensabhängiger visueller Verarbeitung in den kortikalen Arealen MT und V1/2 des Makaken
Kreiter, Andreas K.
Neuronal mechanisms of attention-dependent bahavioral performance: On the interaction of the fine temporal structure of neuronal activity, neuronal variability and latency, and reaction times
Wegener, Detlef
Neurophysiological investigations for the clinical usability of endogeneously modulated ECoG signals from striate and extrastriate visual cortex by estimating the focus of attention at the level single trials
Wegener, Detlef
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Evolving to be flexible - optimizing task-dependent information processing in the visual system
Ernst, Udo A.
Kreiter, Andreas K.
Completed projects
Interareal phase coherence as a mechanism for attention-dependent neuronal signal routing: A model-guided causal analysis using new, multi-contact floating silicon probes for intracortical chronic stimulation and recording in primates
Ernst, Udo A.
Kreiter, Andreas K.
Lang, Walter
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Der Einfluss selektiver visueller Aufmerksamkeit auf die zeitliche Koordination neuronaler Antworten
(Project Head
Kreiter, Andreas K.