Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Institut für Forstwissenschaften
Professur für Waldwachstum und Dendroökologie
Tennenbacher Straße 4
79106 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79106 Freiburg
Research Grants
Current projects
The effects of fructification on the diameter growth of forest trees subject to drought stress.
Seifert, Thomas
Completed projects
Accurate time scales for climate archives from European tree-ring chronologies in the Late Glacial - Extension and consolidation of Swiss and German pine chronologies back to 14000 BP
Helle, Gerhard
Kromer, Bernd
Tegel, Willy
Adaptation of Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) provenances to extreme climate events
Spiecker, Heinrich
ATP - Automated Intra-Annual Tree-Ring Profiling for Dendroecological Research
Backofen, Rolf
Spiecker, Heinrich
Climate, Famine, and Plague: A Pilot Study of the 14th-century Mass Graves of Erfurt from an Interdisciplinary Perspective
Bauch, Martin
Werban, Ulrike
Zielhofer, Christoph
Comparison of inter- and intra-annual growth dynamics and drought response of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) along an altitudinal gradient
Spiecker, Heinrich
Development and analyses of tree-ring chronologies to reconstruct prehistoric environmental conditions in West and Central Europe
Tegel, Willy
Drought resistance, climate-sensitive growth dynamics, and associated management-relevant phenotype characteristics of Douglas-fir provenances, provision of material & monitoring data to partner projects
Kohnle, Ulrich
Spiecker, Heinrich
Dynamik des Dickenwachstums und hochaufgelöster radialer Schaftveränderungen bei Buchen (Fagus sylvatica L.) unter dem Einfluß von Klima, Witterung und Bewirtschaftung
Spiecker, Heinrich
Entwicklung von Mikrosensoren zur impedanzspektroskopischen Untersuchung der Kambialaktivität von Fichte (Picea abies)
Spiecker, Heinrich
Long-term trends in European tree growth over the past 1000 years - an interspecies comparison
Seim, Andrea
Making the direct link between light regime and forest biodiversity – a 3D spatially explicit modelling approach based on TLS, CNNs and ray tracing.
Frey, Julian
Rekonstruktion hydro-klimatischer Schwankungen in Mitteleuropa (Nordfrankreich und Südwestdeutschland)während der letzten 3000 Jahre anhand dendroklimatologischer Untersuchungen historischer und rezenter Jahrringdaten
Spiecker, Heinrich
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Phosphorus concentrations in growth rings of trees as indicators of P availability and recycling efficiency in forest ecosystems
Bauhus, Jürgen