Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Zentrum für Angewandte Geowissenschaften (ZAG)
Arbeitsgruppe Geomikrobiologie
Schnarrenbergstraße 94-96
72076 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72076 Tübingen
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Geomikrobiologie des Eisens: Anaerobe Oxidation von Fe(II)-Mineralien durch phototrophe und nitratreduzierende Bakterien (Substratspezifität, Produktbildung, Biochemie der Fe(II)-Oxidation, Eisenisotopenfraktionierungen
Kappler, Andreas
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Mikrobielle Bildung reaktiver Eisen- und Huminstoffphasen
Kappler, Andreas
Research Units
Completed projects
Direct and indirect formation of organohalogens by microorganisms
Kappler, Andreas
Formation of volatile organohalogens by microbially catalyzed redox reactions of iron minerals and humic substances
Kappler, Andreas
Identification of polysulfides and their importance as intermediate sulfur species for electron transfers processes in anoxic aquifers
Planer-Friedrich, Britta
Redox activity of humic substances and their role as electron shuttles between microorganisms and Fe(III)-minerals
Kappler, Andreas
Research Grants
Current projects
Arsenic mobilization into groundwater caused by microbial iron(III) mineral reduction coupled to methane oxidation in the Red River delta in Vietnam
Kappler, Andreas
Kleindienst, Ph.D., Sara
Elucidating microbial and abiotic iron and silica mineral precipitation relevant for Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) in column experiments
Kappler, Andreas
Elucidating the role of natural organic matter in the methane producing and consuming microbial processes in northern peatlands
Kappler, Andreas
Formation of Biogenic Iron-Oxides (BIOS) and their susceptibility to microbial iron reduction and fermentation under anoxic conditions
Kappler, Andreas
Mansor, Ph.D., Muammar
Pyrite formation at ambient temperature – resolving the interplay between microbes, iron minerals, sulfur supplies and associated organics
Kappler, Andreas
Mansor, Ph.D., Muammar
Obst, Martin
Peiffer, Stefan
The role of root-soil interactions in shaping greenhouse gas dynamics from thawing permafrost soils
Kappler, Andreas
Muehe, Ph.D., E. Marie
Completed projects
Abundance, activity and interreation of phototrophic and chemotrophic microbial iron oxidation in freshwater sediments
Kappler, Andreas
Biological Origin of Precambrian Banded Iron Formations
Kappler, Andreas
Can iron-metabolizing bacteria control the fate of carbon during permafrost thaw?
Kappler, Andreas
Change of magnetic mineralogy related to groundwater fluctuation and hydrocarbon contamination
Kappler, Andreas
Chemical signatures of magnetite produced by iron-metabolizing bacteria
Kappler, Andreas
Schönberg, Ph.D., Ronny
Fe(II) oxidation by metabolically flexible phototrophs under complex geochemical conditions
Kappler, Andreas
From a modern highly mineralized spring to the Paleoproterozoic ocean: geomicrobiology and isotopic biogeochemistry of the Arvadi spring, Switzerland
Kappler, Andreas
Schönberg, Ph.D., Ronny
Strauß, Harald
Geochemical patterns and microbial contribution to iron plaque formation in the rice plant (Oryza sativa) rhizosphere
Kappler, Andreas
Schmidt, Caroline
Heterogene Oxidation von Fe(II) in wässrigen Systemen: Abhängigkeit der Produktbildung von Umweltfaktoren
Haderlein, Stefan
Hydrocarbon induced changes of magnetic properties in soil
Appel, Erwin
Immobilisation of arsenic in paddy soil by iron(II)-oxidizing bacteria
Kappler, Andreas
Inducing magnetite formation by microbial Fe(II) oxidation in the presence of mineral nucleation sites: Evaluating a novel approach to heavy metal remediation in the environment.
Kappler, Andreas
Iron cycling in freshwater sediments under oxic and anoxic conditions.
Kappler, Andreas
Mechanism of microbial humic substance electron shuttling to Fe(III) minerals
Kappler, Andreas
Microbial and diagenetic origins for BIFs mineralogy
Kappler, Andreas
Microbial Fe cycling during the genesis of Banded Iron Formations: influence on Fe mineral (trans)formation and nickel and phosphate mobility
Kappler, Andreas
Microbial Fe(II) oxidation and heavy metal co-precipitation in the Rio Tinto region, Spain
Kappler, Andreas
Microbial oxidation of Fe(II)-natural organic matter complexes
Kappler, Andreas
Microbial processes and iron-mineral formation in household sand filters used to remove arsenic from drinking water in Vietnam
Kappler, Andreas
Nitrate-reducing Fe(II)-oxidizing microorganisms in a geochemical and mineralogical Mars terrestrial analogue (Rio Tinto, Spain)
Kappler, Andreas
Kleindienst, Ph.D., Sara
Preservation of bacterial microfossils of Fe-oxidizing bacteria during diagenesis of sedimentary deposits, i.e. banded iron formations
Kappler, Andreas
Probing the reactivity of bio-engineered magnetic magnetite nanoparticles with metals and metalloids
Kappler, Andreas
Retardation and mobilization of arsenic at redox fronts under advective flow conditions - a concerted multidisciplinary approach (AdvectAs)
Cirpka, Olaf A.
Kappler, Andreas
Neumann, Thomas
Simulation of iron mineral diagenesis in ancient iron formations by P/T-treatment of biogenic and abiogenic iron minerals
Kappler, Andreas
Simultaneous minimization of arsenic mobilization and N2O emission in rice paddy soils
Kappler, Andreas
Zarfl, Christiane
Sustainable approaches to minimize arsenic in drinking water and rice in Vietnam
Kappler, Andreas
The biogeochemical coupling of Cd and Fe cycles in agricultural soils under varying redox and geochemical conditions
Kappler, Andreas
The impact of light on microbial iron(II) oxidation in freshwater sediments.
Kappler, Andreas
The importance of iron redox reactions and mineral transformations for the fate of phosphorus in the environment
Kappler, Andreas
Mansor, Ph.D., Muammar
The influence of thioarsenic species formation on arsenic complexation to natural organic matter
Planer-Friedrich, Britta
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Magnetite anodes to inhibit oxygen production and to circumvent membranes in microbial electrosynthesis
Angenent, Ph.D., Largus
Kappler, Andreas
Completed projects
DeepEarthshape: Geomicrobiology "Iron-metabolizing bacteria as a driving force in weathering of silicate minerals"
Kappler, Andreas
Neumann, Thomas
Investigating the roles of Fe(II)-silicate and Fe(III)-silicate complexes and nanoparticles in the survival of early cyanobacteria and photoferrotrophic bacteria
Kappler, Andreas
Mikrobiologisch/chemisch erzeugte adaptive Oberflächen für keramische Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe
Kappler, Andreas
Nickel, Ph.D., Klaus G.
WBP Position
Current projects
Redox properties of iron-organic matter phases: Influence of structure on biological Fe(III) reduction with implications for carbon cycling
Hudson, Ph.D., Jeffrey
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Cryogenic Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (cryo-FIB-SEM)
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Floodplain Biochemistry - Redox Buffering and Contaminant Fate in Waterlogged Sediments
(Project Heads
Griebler, Christian
Haderlein, Stefan
Huhn, Carolin
Kappler, Andreas
Orsetti, Silvia
Fractured Aquifers - Pollutant Transformations at the Groundwater - Rock Matrix Interface
(Project Heads
Grathwohl, Peter
Kappler, Andreas
Kleindienst, Ph.D., Sara
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2124: Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections (CMFI)
Brötz-Oesterhelt, Heike
Ley, Ph.D., Ruth
Peschel, Andreas