Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt
Klinik für Orthopädie (Friedrichsheim)
Marienburgstraße 2
60528 Frankfurt am Main
This institution in GERiT
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Zur Kontrolle des Aktivitätszustandes von Mikrogliazellen: Intrinsische Modulation durch Astrozyten -extrinsische Deaktivierung durch Immunsuppressiva
Hailer, Nils
Research Grants
Current projects
Improving surgical treatment outcomes in Hip Osteoarthritis based on Biomechanical and BIomarker Discoveries (HOBBID)
van Drongelen, Ph.D., Stefan
Sell, Stefan
Stein, Thorsten
Completed projects
Role of perifibrillar proteins in collagen fibril assembly, fibril interactions and matrix remodelling
Zaucke, Frank
Structure-function relationships in the collagen-specific chaperone Hsp47: Crystal structure, in-vivo and invitro studies and development of antifibrotic agents.
Baumann, Ulrich
Research Units
Current projects
Disease mechanisms and therapeutic interventions in non-classical osteogenesis imperfecta
Semler, Jörg Oliver
Zaucke, Frank
FOR 2722: Novel molecular determinants for musculoskeletal extracellular matrix homeostasis – a systemic approach (M2)
Brachvogel, Bent
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Structure-function relationships of Hsp47/SERPINH1 and its role in skin fibrosis
(Project Heads
Baumann, Ulrich
Sengle, Gerhard
Zaucke, Frank