Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Fachbereich Geowissenschafen / Geographie
Institut für Physische Geographie
Altenhöferallee 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main
This institution in GERiT
60438 Frankfurt am Main
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Landschaftsgenese und Paläoklima in Zentralafrika
Runge, Jürgen
Research Grants
Current projects
Carbon4D: A landscape-scale model of soil organic carbon mineralization in space, depth, and time
Meyer, Hanna
Meyer, Nele
Confronting 'Green Colonialism' - Indigenous-led Action and Solutions for Food-Water-Energy Sustainability
Runge, Jürgen
el-Sur - ELevation-diversity relationships along a latitudinal gradient in southern SoUth AmeRica
Irl, Severin
Fire and herbivores as long-term drivers of grass-dominated systems in Central and Eastern Europe
Feurdean, Angelica Nicoleta
Quartz Islands II - Cross-scale determinants of plant diversity and endemism in quartz island archipelagos in southern Africa
Irl, Severin
Schmiedel, Ute
Towards a sustainable utilization of the global hydrological modelling software WaterGAP
Döll, Petra
Flörke, Martina
Completed projects
Abschließende Auswertung von Befunden zur Umweltveränderung in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
Andres, Wolfgang
Alluvionen, Hang- und Dolinensedimente im tropischen Regenwald des südwestlichen Zentralafrikas (Foret de Ngotto, Zentralafrikanische Republik, ZAR) und ihre Aussagen für die spätquartäre (LGM, JD, Holozän) Klima- und Landschaftsentwicklung
Runge, Jürgen
Altitudinal variation in the biotic response to recurrent climate fluctuations and human impact during the past 15,000 years in the Carpathian region
Feurdean, Angelica Nicoleta
Assessing the spatiotemporal dynamics of water volumes in large wetlands and lakes by combining remote sensing with macro-scale hydrological modelling (WLDYN)
Döll, Petra
Güntner, Andreas
Seitz, Florian
Consistent assessment of global green, blue and virtual water fluxes in the context of food production: regional stresses and worldwide teleconnections
Döll, Petra
Gerten, Dieter
Consistent assessment of global green, blue and virtual water fluxes in the context of food production: regional stresses and worldwide teleconnections
Döll, Petra
Environment, Culture and Society of the Southern Urals in the Bronze Age: A Multidisciplinary Investigation in the Karagaily-Ayat Microregion, Russia
Krause, Rüdiger
Stobbe, Astrid
Thiemeyer, Heinrich
Erosion processes in degraded argan-tree populations in South Morocco
Marzolff, Irene
Ries, Johannes Bernhard
Everyday life in the ancient city of Elephantine, southern Egypt - Microanalytical exploration of archaeosediments
Fritzsch, Dagmar
Fire as a key driver for long term ecosystem structure, functioning and biodiversity in central-eastern Europe.
Feurdean, Angelica Nicoleta
Fire regimes in a warming world: the role of plant traits in the resilience to fire of Eurasian boreal forests
Feurdean, Angelica Nicoleta
Gully-Erosion in agro-industriell genutzten Landschaften zwischen Hohem und Anti-Atlas
Marzolff, Irene
Ries, Johannes Bernhard
Holocene sediment budgets in the Northern upper Rhine area
Thiemeyer, Heinrich
Landnutzung und holozäner Landschaftswandel in der westlichen Hocheifel
Dambeck, Rainer
Kühl, Norbert
Large-scale gully monitoring in semi-arid landscapes (MOGul)
Ries, Johannes Bernhard
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Analyse der globalen Wasserressourcen sowie Regionales Wassermanagement
Döll, Petra
Research Units
Current projects
Advancing global-scale hydrological modeling and the understanding of the global freshwater system by model development and calibration/data assimilation
Döll, Petra
FOR 2630: Understanding the global freshwater system by combining geodetic and remote sensing information with modelling using a calibration/data assimilation approach (GlobalCDA)
Kusche, Jürgen
Completed projects
Rain forest-Savanna-Contact (ReSaKo) - Late Pleistocene, Holocene and recent landscape sensitivity of the rain forest-savanna boundary in equatorial Africa and its influence on human and cultural changes.
Runge, Jürgen
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Landschaftsentwicklung und rezente Morphodynamik in semiariden Teilräumen Burkina Fasos
(Project Head
Andres, Wolfgang
Naturraumpotenital und Landschaftsentwicklung in der Sudan-Zone Westafrikas
(Project Head
Nagel, Günter
Naturraumpotential und Landnutzung im südlichen Tschadbecken und in Teilräumen Benins
(Project Head
Thiemeyer, Heinrich
Naturraumpotential und Landschaftsentwicklung im Mossi-Gebiet von Tenkodogo und im Fulbe-Gebiet von Dori
(Project Head
Semmel, Arno
Naturraumpotential und Landschaftsentwicklung im Tschadbecken, in Nordost-Nigeria und Benin
(Project Head
Fuchs, Friderun
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Combined Hydrological Modelling and Regional Geodetic Estimation of Water Storage Variations in Large River Basins Using GRACE Data
Döll, Petra
Holschneider, Matthias
Kusche, Jürgen
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 323: Archaeological Analysis
Meyer, Jan-Waalke