Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Fachbereich Neuere Philologien
Institut für England- und Amerikastudien
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main
This institution in GERiT
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Research Grants
Current projects
A frame-based approach to implicit arguments
Webelhuth, Gert
Game|Experience: Art and (Post-)Critique in Transmedial Contexts Between Games and Literature
Lanzendörfer, Tim
Completed projects
American Literature and the Transformation of Privacy
Völz, Johannes
Armed Self-Defense in Recent America: Intersectional Perspectives
Lüthi, Barbara
Martschukat, Jürgen
Wendt, Simon
Content and Language Integrated Learning in Primary School - Impact on achievements in science
Frisch, Stefanie
Den Hof machen. Zur Konstitution des höfischen Raums im England der Frühen Neuzeit
Scholz, Susanne
Gender across languages: The linguistic representation of women and men
Hellinger, Marlis
Imaginationswelten: Modellierungen der Imagination und Textualisierungen der Welt in der englischen Literatur 1580-1750
Lobsien, Eckard
Literature at Work: The Framing of Work as Action in Contemporary Anglophone Literatures
Meinig, Sigrun
Marginalized Masculinities and the American Nation: African American and Native American Military Heroism, 1941-1978
Wendt, Simon
Medium Mensch - Medialisierungen des Humanen: Konstitutionen des Menschseins in der spätviktorianischen Literatur und Kultur
Scholz, Susanne
Migration and transcultural memory: literature, film and the social life of media
Erll, Astrid
Negative polarity Items: Between syntactic and pragmatic licensing
Eckardt, Regine
Towards Post-Terrorism: Necro-Nationalism and Cultures of Violence in Insurgency Literature
Malreddy, Pavan Kumar
Typifying the Human. Visual Anthropology and Its Late- and Neo-Victorian Critiques
Scholz, Susanne
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Science as a Profession in an Emerging Nation-State: A Comparative Study of William Barton Rogers and Alexander Dallas Bache
Jansen, Axel
Vom `Geister-Sehen` oder Die Analytikerin analysieren - Vernon Lee als Kulturwissenschaftlerin avant la lettre
Mieszkowski, Sylvia
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Die Unsichtbare Imagination oder Literarisches Denken im 16. Jahrhundert
Lobsien, Verena
Objekte und Erzählungen. Subjektivität und kultureller Dingegebrauch im England des frühen 18. Jahrhunderts
Scholz, Susanne
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
American Studies, Democracy, and Aesthetics
Völz, Johannes
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
American Studies
Lanzendörfer, Tim
Completed projects
American Studies, Democracy, and Aesthetics
Völz, Johannes
WBP Position
Completed projects
Imagining Intergenerational Justice: Reassessing Generational Crisis in Transcultural Anglophone Literature and Film from the 20th to the 21st century
Bartha-Mitchell, Ph.D., Kathrin
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Negation at the interfaces: Negation and existential quantification in German
(Project Heads
Bader, Markus
Bargmann, Sascha
Webelhuth, Gert
Negative Polarity Items in non-negative contexts
(Project Heads
Richter, Frank
Sailer, Manfred
Resolving the Neg-Raising paradox
(Project Heads
Sailer, Manfred
Zeijlstra, Ph.D., Hedde
Scientific services and data management
(Project Heads
Lago, Ph.D., Sol
Mehler, Alexander
Sailer, Manfred
Completed projects
Distributionsidiosynkrasien in der logischen Form
(Project Head
Richter, Frank
Research Units
Completed projects
Constraintbasierte Analyse von Relativsätzen im Englischen und Deutschen
Holler, Anke
Sailer, Manfred
Imagination und Kultur
Behrens, Rudolf
Räume der Imagination - Imagination der Räume (im Roman des 18. Jahrhunderts in Frankreich)
Behrens, Rudolf
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2279: Konfigurationen des Films
Hediger, Vinzenz
Completed projects
GRK 249: History of Art, Psychology, Psychoanalysis
Kirchner, Thomas
GRK 468: Experience of Time and Aesthetical Perception
Lehmann, Hans-Thies
Lindner, Burkhardt
GRK 563: Public Spheres and Gender Relations. Dimensions of Experience
Brinker-von der Heyde, Claudia
Friebertshäuser, Barbara
GRK 2016: Nominal Modification
Rinke, Esther