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Universitätsklinikum Essen
Institut für Physiologische Chemie
Hufelandstraße 55
45147 Essen
This institution in GERiT
45147 Essen
Research Grants
Completed projects
Biofunctionalization and biological evaluation of newly designed biomimetic organic/inorganic multilayer composites as bone replacement materials
Jennissen, Herbert
Liefeith, Klaus
Free radicals in mechanical trauma to the muscle. Identification of the contributing species, mechanisms of their formation, and their effects on metabolic and immunologic functions
de Groot, Herbert
Individuelle rechnergestützt hergestellte Implantate aus gradierten, resorbierbaren und osteoinduktiven Kompositmaterialien zur Rekonstruktion von Hirn- und Gesichtsschädel
Eufinger, Harald
Resorbable multimodal hybrid materials for regenerative medicine especially for reconstructive jaw and facial surgery
Jennissen, Herbert
Kirkpatrick, Ph.D., Charles James
Michler, Goerg H.
Studies of the mechanism of cold-induced apoptosis
Rauen, Ursula
The role of nitric oxide in modulating the hypoxic tumor response
Fandrey, Joachim
The role of polo-like kinases1/2 as mediators of hedgehog survival signaling in cholangiocarcinoma cells
Fingas, Christian Dominik
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Free radicals in mechanical trauma to the muscle. Identification of the contributing species, mechanisms of their formation, and their effects on metabolic and immunologic functions
de Groot, Herbert
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Improvement of the quality of a living donor liver graft and enhancement of regeneration by mechanism-targeted inhibition of preservation injury
Rauen, Ursula
KFO 117: Optimisation of Living Related Liver Transplantation
Gerken, Guido G.H.
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Enzym-Modelle, Replikatoren und artifiziell funktionalisierte Biomoleküle auf der Basis molekularer Pinzetten (Kurzbezeichnung: Pinzetten-Enzyme und -Replikatoren)
(Project Heads
von Kiedrowski, Günter
Klärner, Frank-Gerrit
Petrat, Frank
Künstliche Enzyme als katalaseartige Antioxidantien (Kurzbezeichnung: Katalasemimetika)
(Project Heads
de Groot, Herbert
Sustmann, Reiner
Supramolecular specific inhibitors of intestinal proteases against ischemia/reperfusion in-jury
(Project Heads
de Groot, Herbert
Kirsch, Michael
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 689: Reactivity in the Surface Region
Jennissen, Herbert
Rehage, Heinz
Additional Information
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