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Universitätsklinikum Essen
Institut für Medizinische Informatik,
Biometrie und Epidemiologie (IMIBE)
Hufelandstraße 55
45147 Essen
This institution in GERiT
45147 Essen
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Clinical Coordination Unit
Jöckel, Karl-Heinz
Fall-Kontroll-Studie zu Mobiltelefonen und Augenmelanomen
Stang, Andreas
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Genetic predisposition to pathologic inflammation in trauma patients with respect to the ISS based on data from cooperating centers
Jöckel, Karl-Heinz
Research Grants
Current projects
Data quality indicators of empirical research projects in medicine 3.0
Stausberg, Jürgen
Statistical quantification and modelling of changes in gene expression and biological processes in stem cell differentiation
Hellwig, Birte
The normed mortality rate - a new measure for more valid comparisons of disease specific mortality rates
Stolpe, Ph.D., Susanne
The relevance of allostatic load in explaining health inequalities in cardiovascular disease
Pförtner, Timo-Kolja
Schmidt, Börge
Completed projects
Air pollution effects on inflammation, cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular events - role of source-specific PM and PM components
Hoffmann, Barbara
Moebus, Susanne
Eine neue Resampling-Methode zur Untersuchung der Stabilität von Clustern bei der Genexpressionsanalyse
Jöckel, Karl-Heinz
Frequency of imaging procedures in the follow-up of testicular cancer patients in Israel
Stang, Andreas
Genetic determinants of coronary artery calcification progression in the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study: A Genome-wide association study
Pechlivanis, Ph.D., Sonali
Health consequences after Covid-19 infection: Are there persistent health impairments? An epidemiological study at the University Hospital of Essen
Jöckel, Karl-Heinz
Kowall, Bernd
Schmidt, Börge
Stang, Andreas
Hypersensitivity as a biopsychological disposition in migraineurs
Kröner-Herwig, Birgit
Long-term follow-up after cerebro-vascular events of different aetiology
Diener, Hans-Christoph
Long-term follow-up after cerebro-vascular events of different aetiology
Diener, Hans-Christoph
Population-based Hormone Receptor-specific Incidence Trends of Breast Cancer in Germany
Bandemer-Greulich, Ulrike
Engel, Jutta
Stang, Andreas
Stegmaier, Christa
Prognostische Bedeutung der Progression der subklinischen Atherosklerose zur Prädiktion kardiovaskulärer Ereignisse - Langzeituntersuchungen auf Basis der Heinz Nixdorf Recall Studie
Erbel, Raimund
Record linkage based on Bloom filters in health care
Schnell, Rainer
Stausberg, Jürgen
Wissens- und datenbasierte Personalisierung von Medizin am Point of Care
Böckmann, Britta
Clinical Trials
Current projects
COlchicine for prevention of Vascular Inflammation in Non-CardioEmbolic stroke - a randomised clinical trial (CONVINCE). German Extension
Jöckel, Karl-Heinz
Weimar, Christian
Prevention of medication overuse headache (MOH)
Diener, Hans-Christoph
Research Units
Completed projects
Determinanten der Biomeythylierung/-hydrierung von Metall(oiden) beim Menschen
Rettenmeier, Albert
Genotoxic potential of environmental metal(oid) organic compounds in vitro and in vivo
Hartwig, Andrea
Mechanismen der direkten und indirekten Genotoxizität umweltrelevanter metall(oid)organischer Verbindungen
Dopp, Elke
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2535: Knowledge- and data-driven personalization of medicine at the point of care
Nensa, Felix
Additional Information
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