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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Technische Fakultät
Department Werkstoffwissenschaften
Martensstraße 5-7
91058 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91058 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
A universal approach to create non-wettable surfaces by UV-grafting of PDMS with various functional groups to form liquid-infused slippery surfaces on solid substrates
Tesler, Alexander
Development of high-strength, damage-tolerant CVD-diamond-foil compounds
Durst, Karsten
Rosiwal, Stefan
Microscale investigation of composition and mechanics of cement lines in cortical bone as a function of age and health
Wurmshuber, Michael
Completed projects
Anfangsstadien der Hochtemperaturoxidation mit Hilfe der In-situ-Raster-Tunnelmikroskopie
Stratmann, Martin
A novel multistage strategy for non-toxic anti-biofouling coatings by combining antifouling photocatalytic doped TiO2 nanostructured films with fouling release slippery liquid-infused porous surfaces (SLIPS) approaches.
Fabry, Ben
Schmuki, Patrik
Applicability of Thin Coated Diamond Electrode Systems for Micro Die-sinking EDM
Rosiwal, Stefan
Uhlmann, Eckart
Basic studies on solution growth of SiC crystals with the definite polytype structure.
Winnacker, Albrecht
Biomorphic ceramics for engineering applications
Sieber, Heino
Computerprogramme für Hochleistungsrechner und deren Anwendung zur Optimierung von Kristallzüchtungsprozessen
Schäfer, Michael
Computerprogramme für Hochleistungsrechner und deren Anwendung zur Optimierung von Kristallzüchtungsprozessen
Durst, Franz
Der Verschleißmechanismus von CVD-Diamant in flächigen Tribokontakten im Trockenlauf
Rosiwal, Stefan
Einkristalline Diamant-Volumenkristalle im Hot-Filament CVD Verfahren
Rosiwal, Stefan
Herstellung von AlN-Volumenkristallen als Substrate für das Wachstum defektarmer(Al,Ga)N MBE-Schichten
Winnacker, Albrecht
In-situ-Verformung von Superlegierungen im Höchstspannungs-Elektronenmikroskop bei hoher Temperatur
Reppich, Bernd
Manufacturing and Characterisation of a Thermoelectric Materials based on Boron Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Foils
Rosiwal, Stefan
Reduction of residual stresses in CVD diamond layers on steel parts through creation of hierarchically structured surface topographies by applying cutting processes
Rosiwal, Stefan
Schubert, Andreas
Robocasting of 3D-ceramic macrocellular structures with tubular filaments
Travitzky, Nahum A.
Robocasting of ceramic 3D-structures: experimental investigation and numerical simulation of micro- and macrostructures
Kraft, Torsten
Travitzky, Nahum A.
Verformungs- und Sinterverhalten verstärkter präkeramischer Papiere
Kollenberg, Wolfgang
Travitzky, Nahum A.
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Coupled experimental and theoretical investigation of the process parameters controlling the perovskite structure formation: towards thick defect-free layers
Du, Ph.D., Tian
Harting, Jens
Completed projects
Anreicherung und Aktivierung zellulärer Strukturen durch biokompatible Gradientenwerkstoffe
Grellner, Frank
Gefüge- und Eigenschaftsänderungen von FeCr-Legierungen durch hohe Aufheiz- und Abkühlraten mittels Excimerlaser-Bestrahlung
Wendler-Kalsch, Elsbeth
Nanostrukturierung von Legierungsoberflächen
Dakkouri-Baldauf, Andrea S.
SPP 1676: Dry Metal Forming - Sustainable Production through Dry Processing in Metal Forming
Vollertsen, Frank
Structural optimization of biomorphic cellular silicon carbide ceramics with microstructures by homogenization modeling
Hoppe, Ronald H.W.
Research Units
Completed projects
Herstellung von polytypreinen defektarmen SiC-Volumenkristallen aus der flüssigen Phase
Hofmann, Dieter
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Fast 4D-STEM direct electron detection system
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Oxygen tracer exchange experiments combined with atom probe tomography to understand internal oxidation of advanced Ni-base alloys in high-temperature water
Weiser, Martin
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Scale-bridging 3D characterisation of hierarchical stationary phase materials
(Project Heads
Apeleo Zubiri, Benjamin
Spiecker, Erdmann
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
FAIRmat – FAIR Data Infrastructure for Condensed-Matter Physics and the Chemical Physics of Solids
Draxl, Claudia
Additional Information
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