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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Geographie
Wetterkreuz 15
91058 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91058 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
A modular and versatile open-source Unoccupied Aerial System for lower atmospheric soundings and photogrammetric surveys in glacierised high-mountain environments
Groos, Alexander Raphael
Growth-based resilience indices for drought responses of Persian oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.) along humidity gradients in the Zagros Mountains, western Iran
Arsalani, Mohsen
Ice thickness, remote sensing and sensitivity experiments using ice-flow modelling for major outlet glaciers of the Southern Patagonian Icefield (ITERATE)
Braun, Matthias Holger
Fürst, Johannes
Implementing climate proxy data from coralline algae in climate model evaluation: a Southern Hemisphere case study of New Zealand
Mölg, Thomas
Teichert, Sebastian
Large-scale Automatic Calving Front Segmentation and Frontal Ablation Analysis of Arctic Glaciers using Synthetic-Aperture Radar Image Sequences
Christlein, Vincent
Seehaus, Thorsten
Networked through Sound: Listening to 20th Century Wildlife Sound Archives
Jasper, Sandra
Open geospatial data at the intersection of digital commoning, digital humanitarianism, and digital capitalism: Transformations and tensions in OpenStreetMap
Glasze, Georg
Michel, Boris
Reconstruction of past hydroclimate variability in Iran from a multi-centennial and multi-parameter juniper tree-ring network
Bräuning, Achim
Foroozan, Zeynab
Regional-scale ice-flow modelling in Patagonia since the Little Ice Age (RESPONSE)
Fürst, Johannes
Regional Value Creation in Border Regions - the Example of the Agri-Food Sector
Chilla, Tobias
The Mountain Glacier forecast framework
Fürst, Johannes
The Normalization of Right-wing Populist and New Right Discourses in Japan and Germany
Evert, Stephanie
Schäfer, Fabian
Completed projects
Analyses of wood density and stable isotopes in tree rings for the reconstruction of the climate history in High Asia
Bräuning, Achim
Analysis of the discourses on security-related governance patterns in neighbourhoods in the US and Europe
Pütz, Robert
Balancing regulating and provisioning ecosystem services: Comprehensive land-use concepts for effective conservation
Knoke, Thomas
Business Improvement Districts: Globale Verbreitung und Kontextualisierung eines neuen Modells subkommunaler Steuerung
Glasze, Georg
Climate response of tree growth in Ethiopia along an altitudinal transect and implications on local climate and regional atmospheric circulation dynamics
Bräuning, Achim
Climatic impact on functional wood anatomy, seasonal wood formation, and tree growth along altitudinal gradients on Corsica
Bräuning, Achim
Configurations of Islam and Muslims in Germany on a local level
Glasze, Georg
Pott, Andreas
Cultures of Resilience and Adherence: Adaptation and Coping in the Context of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic in Botswana
Krüger, Fred
Dendrochronological studies on climate variability and glacier history in Southwest China (Gongga Shan, Minya Gonkar)
Bräuning, Achim
Dendrochronologische und radiometrische Untersuchungen zur Bau- und Siedlungsgeschichte Nepals und Tibets
Bräuning, Achim
Dendroklimatologische Untersuchungen zur Monsunvariabilität und Dendrochronologie historischer Bauwerke in Zentralnepal und Südtibet
Bräuning, Achim
Detection and Attribution of climate change for the glaciers on Kilimanjaro: Targeting the processes at regional and local scales
Mölg, Thomas
Didactic and methodological analysis of textbooks for use in US High School Geography instruction.
Böhn, Dieter
Die HIV/Aids-Krise in Botswana - Soziale und ökonomische Auswirkungen und gesellschaftliche Handlungsoptionen
Krüger, Fred
Environmental and climatic variability during the Middle Würmian in the northern Alps
Mayr, Christoph
Exclusions in volunteered geographic information (VGI) - renewal proposal: Geodata from local experts? An examination of the assumption of localness in VGI by analysing the example of OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Glasze, Georg
Extreme Niederschlagsereignisse als Ursache katastrophaler Massenbewegungen im Süden von Chiapas / Mexiko
Richter, Michael
Gegenhegemoniale Raumdiskurse am Beispiel benachteiligter Stadtteile in Deutschland und Frankreich
Pütz, Robert
Geomorphologische und dendroklimatologische Untersuchungen zur jungquartären Klima- und Landschaftsgeschichte Zentraltibets
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Historical land use and landscape change in the Decapolis region
Bäumler, Rupert
Walker, Bethany J.
Holocene landscape change in the southern Levant in the context of dust deposition and land use
Lucke, Bernhard
Improved geodetic glacier mass balance measurements by integrating remote sensing, surface mass balance and firn compaction modelling - a case study from James Ross Island, Antarctica
Braun, Matthias Holger
Interactions of land use, climate and soil development in the context of settlement history in the Decapolis-Region (Northern Jordan)
Bäumler, Rupert
Schmidt, Michael
In the Mirror of the European Neighbourhood (Policy): Mapping Macro-Regional Imaginations
Bachmann, Veit
Glasze, Georg
Klimaveränderungen im Holozän und Spätglazial Neuseelands: Stabile Isotope lakustriner Sedimente des Lake Pupuke (Auckland-Vulkanfeld)
Lücke, Andreas
Mayr, Christoph
Modellierung der Verbreitung der wichtigsten Futter- und Brennholzpflanzen im Ostpamir (Tadschikistan)
Vanselow, Kim André
Modelling present glacier dynamics on Svalbard - from inferring surface velocities to computing a flow-consistent bedrock map
Fürst, Johannes
Möglichkeiten der Phytoindikation zur Beurteilung der hygrothermischen Verhältnisse in den Hochgebirgen der südwestlichen USA
Richter, Michael
Ökosystem-Monitoring in der El Nino-Kernregion und Impakt von Klimaschwankungen - Sechura-Wüste / NW-Peru
Richter, Michael
Rollenbeck, Rütger
Pedogeochemical studies in central and western Bhutan with regard to the landscape history and past enviromental fluctuations
Bäumler, Rupert
Plant knowledge and plant utilization among the Shuar, Saraguros and "Colonos" living in the tropical mountain forests of southern Ecuador
Pohle, Perdita
Revealing the footprint of ENSO in the mass balance of mountain glaciers
Mölg, Thomas
Snow Cover Dynamics and Mass Balance on Mountain Glaciers
Sauter, Tobias
Spatio-linguistic practices in a transnational context: Social differentiation and agency in the bateyes of the Dominican Republic
Jansen, Silke
Kordel, Stefan
Spatiotemporal high resolution reconstruction of climatic variation over the eastern Tibetan Plateau during the last 2000 years
Bräuning, Achim
The impact of the dynamic and thermodynamic flow conditions on the spatio-temporal distribution of precipitation in southern Patagonia
Sauter, Tobias
The Western Pamirs (Tajikistan) under environmental change - Assessing vegetation change and associated ecosystem functions and services in the Rushan Range
Vanselow, Kim André
Tree-ring based high-resolution temporal climate and environmental change in Corsica in the Late Holocene
Bräuning, Achim
Joachimski, Michael M.
Leuschner, Hanns Hubert
TRENCH (Tree-Ring Environmental Network for Climate Change Monitoring): Entwicklung eines Jahrring-basierten Indikatorsystems für Auswirkungen von Umweltveränderungen auf Waldökosysteme in Südecuador
Bräuning, Achim
Vegetation auf Gletschern - Ökosystemanalyse auf einem mobilen Standort
Richter, Michael
YunForest: Growth and physiological responses of forests to climate change along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients in Southwest China (Yunnan Province)
Bräuning, Achim
Grießinger, Jussi
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Die fragmentierte Stadt - Ursachen und Folgen bewachter Wohnkomplexe im Libanon
Glasze, Georg
Die orientalische Stadt im islamischen Vorderasien und Nordafrika
Wirth, Eugen
Diskurs - Hegemonie - Raum: Die Konstitution der Frankophonie als "internationale Gemeinschaft" und "geokultureller Raum"
Glasze, Georg
Jenseits vom 'Kampf der Kulturen'. Eine diskursanalytische Untersuchung imaginativer Geographien von Eigenem und Anderem in transnationalen arabischen Printmedien
Husseini de Araújo, Shadia
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2730: Environmental changes in biodiversity hotspot ecosystems of South Ecuador: RESPonse and feedback effECTs (RESPECT)
Farwig, Nina
Tree physiological and structural properties as response and effect traits of biotic-atmospheric interactions in natural and anthropogenic eco-systems in South Ecuador
Bräuning, Achim
Completed projects
Ethnoökologische Untersuchungen in den tropischen Bergwaldregionen Südecuadors - ein Beitrag zum Erhalt und zur nachhaltigen Nutzung von Biodiversität
Pohle, Perdita
Human ecological parameters and their relevance in preserving biodiversity and improving livelihoods in the Biosphere Reserve Podocarpus - El Cóndor
Pohle, Perdita
Impact of land use, natural disturbances and climate change on vascular plant diversity
Richter, Michael
Jahrringökologische Untersuchungen zur Klimageschichte der letzten Jahrhunderte in der Umgebung von Loja (Provinz Loja/Ecuador)
Bräuning, Achim
Klima- und Geoökologie der Waldgrenzökotone in der Cordillera Real/Südecuador
Richter, Michael
Tree growth and wood anatomy along elevational and nutritional gradients in tropical forests in southern Ecuador
Bräuning, Achim
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Climate sensitivity of western Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves (CSAPIS)
Braun, Matthias Holger
Rückamp, Martin
Unlocking the glaciological information of historical aerial imagery to obtain long-term glacier mass balance information and to identify drivers of glacier changes on the Antarctic Peninsula.
Seehaus, Thorsten
Completed projects
Bündelantrag PASADO-Support 2: Qualitative environmental and climatic reconstruction for the last glacial interglacial cycles in southern Patagonia - the stable isotope record of the ICDP site Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina (PASADO-Isotope)
Lücke, Andreas
Mayr, Christoph
Determination of glacier volume changes, glacier velocities fields and estimation of ice mass fluxes on the Antarctic Peninsula by means of InSAR, digital photogrammetry and field measurements
Braun, Matthias Holger
Study of the dynamic state of ice shelves on the south-western Antarctic Peninsula by an interdisciplinary approach of remote sensing, fracture mechanics and modelling of ice dynamics
Braun, Matthias Holger
Müller, Ralf
Velocities, elevation changes and mass budgets of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers
Braun, Matthias Holger
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Konzepte, Methodologie und empirische Instrumente der Diskursforschung in der Humangeographie
Glasze, Georg
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Past, present, and future glacier evolution in the Tropical Andes
Seehaus, Thorsten
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Elevation and mass change measurements for glaciers and ice caps outside the large ice sheets from TanDEM-X (SATELLITE-2)
Braun, Matthias Holger
"Festivalisation" of Urban Governance: The Production of Socio-Spatial Control in the Context of the FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa
Haferburg, Christoph
Monsoonal variations and climate change during the late Holocene derived from tree rings and glacier fluctuations
Bräuning, Achim
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Additional Information
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