Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Department Biologie
Staudtstraße 5
91058 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91058 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis dynamin-related GTPases AtGBPL1 & 3
Kost, Benedikt
Heterotrophic Nutrition Strategies of the Parasitic Plant Cuscuta
Albert, Markus
Stadler, Ruth
Mechanistic diversification within the microbial NLP cytolysin family
Albert, Isabell
Nürnberger, Thorsten
Molecular functions of class II Glycine-rich proteins (GRPs) in plant parasitism and plant immunity
Albert, Markus
Completed projects
Analyse des telotrophen Ovars von Tribolium durch Enhancertrap- und RNAi-Screens
Klingler, Martin
Analysis of a putative PSI receptor domain in plant inositol transporters
Sauer, Norbert
Analysis of the physiological role of Yang-cycle enzymes
Sauer, Norbert
Analysis of the role of the B cell inhibitory receptor Siglec-G in autoimmunity and infection models
Nitschke, Lars
Biodiversität extrem säuretoleranter eukaryontischer Mikroorganismen in ausgewählten Tagebaurestseen in Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Mikroalgenflora
Huss, Volker
Characterization of two putative polyol transporter gene families from Arabidopsis thaliana
Sauer, Norbert
Charakterisierung des Vhr1p-regulierten Biotin-Sensing in Bäckerhefe
Sauer, Norbert
Charakterisierung von Plasmodesmata und Klonierung von Plasmodesmatagenen unter Verwendung GFP-exprimierender Pflanzen
Sauer, Norbert
Compartments and Mechanisms of Plant Endocytosis
Kost, Benedikt
Control of polar plant cell growth: functional characterization of regulators and effectors of the tobacco pollen tube Rac/Rop GTPase Nit-Rac5
Kost, Benedikt
Defence-triggering molecules of the parasitic plant Cuscuta and the recognition by cell surface receptors
Albert, Markus
Die Rolle des Adaptorproteins Grb2 für die Reifung und Aktivierung von B- und T-Lymphozyten
Nitschke, Lars
Die Rolle maternaler Gene bei Oogenese und Frühentwicklung von Tribolium
Schoppmeier, Michael
Die Rolle pflanzlicher Zuckertransporter bei der Interaktion mit Nematoden
Sauer, Norbert
Entwicklung von spezifischen Markern zum Nachweis von Trematodenlarven im Gewässer und im Zwischenwirt mit Hilfe der PCR.
Haberl, Bernhard
Etablierung und Funktionen maternaler Proteingradienten im Tribolium-Blastoderm
Schoppmeier, Michael
Evolution of mRNA localization and the role of localized determinants in posterior patterning and growth zone determination of two short germ insects
Schoppmeier, Michael
Examining the function of Piccolino at the photoreceptor ribbon synapse
Brandstätter, Johann Helmut
Functional analysis of genes controlling protein trafficking through plasmodesmata using Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA insertion mutants
Weingartner, Magdalena
Functional and physiological characterization of the Arabidopsis monosaccharide-transporter-like proteins At1g05030, At1g67300 and At1g79820 from endomembranes
Sauer, Norbert
Functional characterization of AtRUG8, a protein that modulates plasmodesmal movement of macromolecules, and of three 3 closely related proteins
Sauer, Norbert
Funktionelle Charakterisierung von Phloemproteinen aus Arabidopsis thaliana
Sauer, Norbert
Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von Vitamintransportern in Saccharomyces cerevisiae und Arabidopsis
Sauer, Norbert
Integrated computational and experimental study of embryonic patterning by sequential and oscillatory gene regulatory mechanisms
Klingler, Martin
Mechanisms of habitat selection of parasites in the host
Haas, Wilfried
Mechanisms regulating the maintenance of a mature skeletal musculature
Nguyen, Hanh T.
"Molecular characterization of a novel host cell binding and invasion factor by the major foodborne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni"
Böhm, Manja
Heimesaat, Markus M.
Molecular control of division site establishment in plants
Müller, Sabine
Molekulare Zusammensetzung, Entwicklung und Funktion der Photorezeptor-Bandsynapse der Säuger-Retina
Brandstätter, Johann Helmut
Musterbildung in der Wachstumszone des Kurzkeim-Embryos von Tribolium: "segmentation clock" oder Gapgen-Mechanismus?
Klingler, Martin
Musterbildungsprozesse im Follikelepithel von Tribolium castaneum
Schoppmeier, Michael
Parasitic molecular cues during plant-plant interaction - recognition and influence on host plants
Albert, Markus
Physiological and functional analysis of a family of tetracycline transporter-like proteins in Arabidopsis
Sauer, Norbert
Recruitment and phospho-regulation of key division site proteins in plants
Müller, Sabine
Regulation of differentiation in myeloid cells and B-cells by the adhesion recepters of the siglec family
Nitschke, Lars
Regulation of ROP signaling in cell division and cell expansion by a small ROPGAP family
Müller, Sabine
RUL1 to RUL3:Characterization of three novel genes from Arabidopsis thaliana
Sauer, Norbert
Semi-field studies on the importance of host-finding for the transmission of miracidia and cercariae
Haas, Wilfried
Transmission der Myxozoa durch Actinosporen: Wirtserkennung und Wirtsspezifität
Haas, Wilfried
Wirtsfindung der humanpathogenen Hakenwürmer
Haas, Wilfried
Wirtsfindung der humanpathogenen Hakenwürmer
Haas, Wilfried
Yeast mutants with drastically reduced fatty acid synthase activity: molecular background and consequences on cellular protein palmitoylation
Schweizer, Eckhart
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Chemismus der Wirtsspezifität bei der Wirtserkennung von Parasiten
Haas, Wilfried
Proximo-distale Musterbildung bei Tribolium castaneum
Klingler, Martin
SPP 1108: Dynamics and Regulation of Plant Membrane Transport during the Formation of Cell-Specific and Organ-Specific Features
Sauer, Norbert
Zell/Zell-Sortierung von Membranproteinen des Siebelement/Geleitzellen-Komplexes und Analyse einer vermuteten Regulationsdomäne von AtSUC3
Sauer, Norbert
Zentrale Aufgaben des SPP 1108: Nutzung von Microarrays zur Analyse gemeinsam regulierter Transporter-Gene und zur Charakterisierung entsprechender Mutanten
Sauer, Norbert
Research Units
Current projects
CD22 and its regulation of BCR signaling strength in germinal center B cell fate and metabolism
Nitschke, Lars
Deciphering the Function and Regulation of the B Cell Intrinsic a2,6-Sialylation Network
Nimmerjahn, Falk
Werner, Anja
FOR 2886: PANDORA - Pathways triggering AutoimmuNity and Defining Onset of early Rheumatoid Arthritis
Krönke, Gerhard
FOR 2953: Sialic Acid as Regulator in Development and Immunity
Mühlenhoff, Martina
FOR 5560: Crosstalk between B cell metabolism and signaling
Jellusova, Julia
The importance of sialoglycans for lymphocyte development and function
Nitschke, Lars
Completed projects
Carbon acquisition during pathogenic development of Ustilago maydis and Colletotrichum graminicola
Kämper, Jörg
Sauer, Norbert
Deciphering the stage specific impact of cellular and humoral components modulating the onset of RA
Lux, Anja
Nimmerjahn, Falk
FOR 1234: iBeetle: Functional Genomics of Insect Embryogenesis and Metamorphosis
Bucher, Gregor
Identification of short-germ-specific segmentation genes in Tribolium: We want to identify and functionally analyze novel genes that genes that are required for sequential segmentation in a cellularized environment, as well as genes involved in the setup of the Tribolium antrior-posterior axis
Klingler, Martin
Molecular and physiological characterization of vacuolar disaccharide and polyol transporters and of vacuolar monosaccharide transporter-like proteins
Sauer, Norbert
Procedure for a high throughput RNAi screen for the second phase of the iBeetle screen
Bucher, Gregor
Klingler, Martin
Redirection of photoassimilate partitioning by biotrophic, hemibiotrophic and mutualistic fungi through altered transporter gene expression
Sauer, Norbert
The follicle stem cell lineage in telotrophic Tribolium oogenesis
Schoppmeier, Michael
Untersuchungen zur Rolle von CD22 und Siglec-G in der Regulation von B-Zell-Aktivierung und systemischer Autoimmunität
Nitschke, Lars
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Patterning of cortical contractility during cytokinesis
Zanin, Esther
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Molecular encounters at the plant division site
Müller, Sabine
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Molecular encounters at the plant cell division site
Müller, Sabine
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Kinase cascades in neutrophils as therapeutic target in pemphigoid diseases
(Project Heads
Bieber, Katja
Lux, Anja
Mechanics of molecular machines involved in plant cytokinesis
(Project Heads
Müller, Sabine
Schäffer, Erik
Completed projects
Autoregulation der Fettsäuresynthase-Biosynthese in Hefe
(Project Head
Schweizer, Eckhart
Die transkriptionelle Steuerung des Autotrophie/Heterotrophie-Übergangs bei Chlorella kessleri
(Project Heads
Klebl, Franz
Sauer, Norbert
Modulation of cellular processes and Rac/Rop (Rho) activity in Arabidopsis by Pto TTSS effector proteins
(Project Head
Kost, Benedikt
Neu-entwickelte Sialinsäurederivate zur Verstärkung der B-Zellaktivierung über CD22 und deren möglicher therapeutischer Einsatz
(Project Head
Nitschke, Lars
Regulation der blütenspezifischen Expression von AtSUC1 durch bZIP
(Project Head
Sauer, Norbert
Regulation des Sink/Source-Überganges während der Blattentwicklung
(Project Head
Sauer, Norbert
Regulation des Sink/Source-Überganges während der Blattentwicklung von Arabidopsis thaliana
(Project Head
Sauer, Norbert
Regulation von Differenfzierungsentscheidungen in der myeloiden und B-Zell-Linie durch Adhäsionsrezeptoren der Siblec-Familie
(Project Head
Nitschke, Lars
Signaltransduktion und Genaktivierung Inositol/Cholin-regulierter Sturkturgene in der Hefe Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(Project Heads
Schweizer, Eckhart
Schüller, Hans-Joachim
Targeting of CD22 on B cell lymphoma cells and on B cells in autoimmune diseases
(Project Head
Nitschke, Lars
The role of Siglecs and sialic acids in the resolution of inflammation
(Project Heads
Nitschke, Lars
Steffen, Ulrike
Untersuchungen zur Rolle von CD22 und Siglecs in der B-Zell-Differenzierung und B-Zell-Signalleitung mit Hilfe genetisch-veränderter Mäuse
(Project Head
Nitschke, Lars
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Control of Rho family GTPases during cytokinesis
Zanin, Esther
Role of the E-proteins E2A and E2-2 in the control of B cell immunity
Wöhner, Miriam
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konfokal/Multiphoton/FCS Mikroskop
Plant growth chamber facility
Completed projects
Central Tasks
(Project Head
Nitschke, Lars
Deciphering the Regulation of the B Cell intrinsic Glycoslyation Network
(Project Heads
Lux, Anja
Nimmerjahn, Falk
The role of Siglec proteins in B cell activation and autoimmunity
(Project Head
Nitschke, Lars
Transgenic mouse unit
(Project Heads
Nitschke, Lars
Winkler, Thomas
TRR 130: B Cells: Immunity and Autoimmunity
Nitschke, Lars
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2504: Novel antiviral approaches: from small molecules to immune intervention
Überla, Klaus
GRK 2599: FAIR - Fine-Tuners of the Adaptive Immune Response
Jäck, Hans-Martin
Zaiss, Mario M.
Completed projects
GRK 592: Lymphocytes: Differentiation, Activation and Deviation
Jäck, Hans-Martin
GRK 805: Protein-Protein Interactions in Signal Transduction
Hillen, Wolfgang
GRK 1660: Key Signals of Adaptive Immune Response
Jäck, Hans-Martin
GRK 1962: Dynamic Interactions at Biological Membranes - From Single Molecules to Tissue
Böckmann, Rainer